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  1. chruckguy

    Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.

    I think they'll be ok together, maybe someone else might have a different opinion. I had the trouble before of going to the LFS every week to see new shipments and possibly buying one or two fish every week (I had two tanks, so lots of room) but I struggled with water quality. I think the best...
  2. chruckguy

    Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.

    How long has your tank been set up now? And how long has that damsel been in there? You don't want to add too many new fish at one time. This will cause a spike in the ammonia cycle. Might not be a big deal if you keep an eye on it, but better safe than sorry. Maybe just one or two for now, wait...
  3. chruckguy

    Premade LED hoods vs DIY

    My only problem about a DIY light hood is that I don't have any of the supplies to make any of it, nor do I really have anywhere to put it together. I'm in an apartment, not the best place for sodering and whatever else is needed. I might just go with T5 lights for now while I still look into...
  4. chruckguy

    Premade LED hoods vs DIY

    I know a lot of people here are building their own LED lights for their aquarium, but I'm trying to figure what the gain is. There are "Double Bright" hoods, which seem like the equivalent of a plain fluorescent hood, and "Reef Ready" hoods, which are equivalent to T5 lights. Lights are the...
  5. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    An FX5 would be total overkill on a 30 gallon tank, although I was looking at other Fluvals and was maybe thinking about the Fluval 205. One benefit that I like about the canister filters is that it's out of site, the only thing you'll see is the piping going to and from the tank. Then if I...
  6. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    Nice. I wouldn't need one that big, although the bigger it is, the more stuff I can have in it, thus making it potentially more beneficial. is that a protein simmer feeding your fuge?
  7. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    That looks really nice. Did you come up with that all on your own?
  8. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    I don't even have a tank right now. Looking at getting a 30gal tank. I've had tanks before, just never had a refugium. Having one for pods would be nice. I've had a mandarin fish before, real nice to have in the tank, but have never been able to keep them alive. I had bought pods for him...
  9. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    Thanks for your iffy answer, lol. I've read that the pump that comes with these suck and needs to be upgraded. I've seen a link to a store with the CPR HOB Refugium but I can't find it anymore. I'm assuming it was to a trusted site. If anyone can post it, that'd be great :)
  10. chruckguy

    lights and tanks

    These are the lights I previously had:
  11. chruckguy

    hangon refugium

    What do you guys think about hangon refugiums? I would like to have a refugium but don't want to deal with drilling, piping, getting flows right, etc.
  12. chruckguy

    lights and tanks

    I think this is the right section to post under... I had planned on starting up a new 30 gallon FOWLR tank. My friend suggested going with an acrylic tank, but they're a bit more expensive than glass. Can someone tell me the benefits of going with acrylic vs glass? Also, which lights should I...
  13. chruckguy

    Moving to WI, looking for new pet store

    I am about to move from Virginia to Marinette, Wisconsin. I think it's too long of a trip to take fish, plus I don't think I'll be taking my tanks with me. It's a LONG trip to take glass like that. I'm going to let my friend buy what he wants from me and I'll just start over when I get up to...
  14. chruckguy

    new rock, bad looking hitchers

    I had these guys in my tank. I think they've pretty much died off now, but I have had a big one lurkin in my 30 gallon and never have been able to get him. I got home the other day and he was actually out crawling on the sand, so I scooped him up with my net. He had to be about 4" long!!! I...
  15. chruckguy

    Another ID Please w/ pic, lol

    Yes, I think it's a vermetid snail. I think I actually have a couple in the tank. I'll have to do some more research on these guys... Thanks for your help :)
  16. chruckguy

    benefits of RO/DI filter?

    I also just thought of getting my own unit. My LFS finally got their RO unit up and running and I have bought two of their 5 gallon jugs to refill with water for my tanks. I still have tons of salt, so I can get fresh water and mix it myself. I'm curious what "bidding site" you guys are...
  17. chruckguy

    Another ID Please w/ pic, lol

    Ok, another ID while I'm here on the boards, lol. There is this thing on the bottom of a piece of live rock. It looks alive, it moves in and out. I've even noticed it secrete something that I say looks like a spider web, I assume to catch food flying around through the tank during feeding...
  18. chruckguy

    ID White Stuff on rock

    I've noticed on a piece of dead branch coral that I got a long time ago, some white spots started to appear on it. I have recently added a couple of pieces of LR to the tank next to it and it seems to be spreading. Is this some kind of sickness? Should I take the rocks out? Here is the best...
  19. chruckguy

    id please

    I also have one of these bubbles on one of my rocks, but it also has polyps on it that I'd like to keep. Are they usually hard enough to not pop if I try to suck it up during a water change?
  20. chruckguy

    Flame Hawk okay with Mandarin?

    I have a spotted hawfish when I got my cleaner shrimp. I found my hawkfish one day with a leg sticking out of his mouth. I haven't tried to get a shrimp since. I've been afraid he'll just eat them. Been thinking of moving him to my other tank (from my 55 to the 30) so I can have a cleaner...