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  1. trailer

    Please help, missing fish

    hey guys, just got home from work today and turned my tank lights on. to my suprise i only saw one fish in there when i have two (false percs). i looked and looked and looked and he is no where to be found. i thought he might have died and looked all over the sand and in the rockwork but no...
  2. trailer

    cheato WTB

    would love some cheato for my modified refuse if anyone can part with some. please let me know. thanks. sean
  3. trailer


    the "mustache" on your fish makes it pretty certain that it is a titan. that is one of the defining marks of the titan. those things are bad SOB's
  4. trailer

    critique my seahorse setup

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr Everything sounds good. I would go with the largest (tallest) you can find. I have a 37 gallon, and I love it, but a larger one would have been better. one thing I would suggest, is that you research protien skimmer debates when used in a seahorse tank, which I...
  5. trailer

    critique my seahorse setup

  6. trailer

    critique my seahorse setup

    hey guys, currently have a 55 gal FOWLR that has 2 ocellaris clowns in it with a cleanup crew. i immediately fell in love with Seahorses at the LFS and decided that i had to have a couple of my own. after many weeks of research here is what i am going with: tank: 47 gallon column tank (20 wide...
  7. trailer

    22 gal Hex fish tank!
  8. trailer

    seahorses in a 15 tall?

    hey guys, just got a 15 tall for free from a friend who didnt want it anymore. would it be possible to use this for a pair of seahorses? reidi, erectus or barbouri? dimentions are 15 wide x 21 tall. thanks
  9. trailer

    22 gal Hex fish tank!

    i am in harrisburg and i am interested. i am down to "that fish place" about once a month too so i am in the nieghborhood. if you can get us us pics and dimention that would be awesome.
  10. trailer

    15-18 gal hex, what fish?

    how about an angler? i think they need more room though but i thought it might work seeing how they dont move much.
  11. trailer

    FREE PICASSO TRIGGER Reading, PA local please.

    sorry i dont have a bigger tank or i would be right over . i am in harrisburg.
  12. trailer

    15-18 gal hex, what fish?

    hey guys, i just got a free 15-18 gal hax tank (a little more than three full 5 gal buckets) from a lady who didnt want it anymore. what could i do with it? what fish could fit? i was thinking maybe seahorses as they might be the only fthing that could use the tank. it is 22 inches high so...
  13. trailer

    time to add fish?

    Originally Posted by laust levels look good, but... have you seen a spike yet? in any of the levels? how long total has it been set up? if you've seen them all spike and come back down... then i'd say yes, its safe to add fish. but i would only add one at first... give it a few weeks, then add...
  14. trailer

    time to add fish?

    hey guys, i am back again with the all important question: is it ok to add fish? here are the specs: 55 gal 60 lbs LR Levels: PH: 8.0 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: <20 i have had 2 hermits in the tank for alomost 3 weeks now and a small cleanup crew (4 turbo, 6 nassarius, 8 margarita, 3 red...
  15. trailer

    tank wont cycle

    how big is the tank?
  16. trailer

    I am sure this has been asked before...but....

    55 seems to be the norm. thats what i started with and i am a newb 5 weeks in!!
  17. trailer

    ready for cleanup crew?

    anyone have conchs for their crew? i am thinking about getting a crew with 2 conchs. also, if anyone has had success with a certain package let me know. thanks.
  18. trailer

    left RODI on when i went to work. came home and OVERFLOWING

    i had this happen. use fans and keep them running, it dryed up the carpet for me. i think the salt water makes it so no mold can grow.
  19. trailer

    ready for cleanup crew?

    thanks. anyone else? is PH too low? 2 weeks after cleanup crew for fish?
  20. trailer

    ready for cleanup crew?

    OK guys, next question on the docket. i bought 2 blue leg hermits last monday to see if they would make it after my cycle completed and i did a 20% water change. as of today they are still alive and kicking and have been motoring all over my tank to feed on algae and shrimp pellets. my...