Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Coral Care??

    I think all but sun coral would great as starter corals. Don't need much light and won't suck out your calcium. Until you start looking at sps and clams I wouldn't worry too much about the fancy calcium gadgets out there. Regular water changes should do most if not all of what you need. Just...
  2. jumpfrog

    Cycling Question

    In theory you can't have nitrates until you finish the cycle, but, this seems pretty fast to me. Only 10lbs of rock in a 55 and you're seeing/seen substantial die off. Is it possible to get your LFS to double check your ammonia and nitrite just to make sure your test kit is ok? I can see why...
  3. jumpfrog

    Power heads and heaters

    Since you said you were going FOWLR you have lots of options, but, you may want to make a choice between aggressive fish or community fish. Once you make that decision then your choice of fish becomes more limited. Scott W. Michael's Marine Fish book is great for learning more about the...
  4. jumpfrog

    fish in qurantine

    I wouldn't worry about it yet. Some can be very shy and take a while to get comfortable. 3 days isn't very long to not eat and besides, you can't watch him 24/7 and he may be getting something when you're not watching. I always ask the LFS to feed the fish before I buy just to make sure they...
  5. jumpfrog

    switching tanks over

    All good points. I think it's easier to place your rock before you add your water. The LR will be fine while you're aquascaping. Good Luck!
  6. jumpfrog

    New lights equal hair algae?

    I think your algea found it's 'sweet spot' of nutrition plus light. Algea needs a food source and light. My guess is it had the food and your new lighting brought the two requirements together. I'd look for a source of your 'food' and add some clean up crew. Good Luck!
  7. jumpfrog

    Power heads and heaters

    For a FOWLR there really isn't any need for powerheads. Powerheads are normally used in reef tanks to ensure enough water movement for corals and other inverts that feed out of the water column. I ran a 125 aggressive tank for several years without a single powerhead. I'm assuming since...
  8. jumpfrog

    switching tanks

    What other biological filtration do you have for the aggressive fish beyond the 100lbs of LR? If nothing, then the LR and biologicals have reached an equalibrium. If too much of the rock is removed and the same number of fish remain then it will overload the system. The remaining rock will...
  9. jumpfrog

    Where do I start?

    The things you want to test for are: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, salinity and Ph. A good rule of thumb is never dose anything until you know what is needed. Test first, then adjust. If you don't have those test kits, then you should consider getting them. When...
  10. jumpfrog

    hippo tang or foxface im torn!!!!!!!!

    rob.. Thanks for the kind words.
  11. jumpfrog

    Seen Your Dogs, Now Your Birds

    I understand the space thing. It must be tough to give em' up. I guess being into a bird is like anything else. You gotta be in it to it understand it. The closest thing to a human in the animal world imo.
  12. jumpfrog

    Seen Your Dogs, Now Your Birds

    Why, is he eating your fish?
  13. jumpfrog

    Clown Fish Question

    Give it some time. He's the new guy. They don't need to eat every day so it won't starve.
  14. jumpfrog

    coral ?

    Not unusual. Give it some time. They're very hardy. Unless you see it disolving things are probably ok. Sometimes they close up and slough off a layer and come back bigger and stronger. I wouldn't start worrying yet.
  15. jumpfrog

    yellow tang

    I wouldn't worry yet. Give him some time to get comfortable.
  16. jumpfrog

    Thinking about starting corals. need advice

    Can't comment on the tank. Too many variables. The corals you mentioned are all low light corals. In fact the sun coral doesn't even like light.
  17. jumpfrog

    little white bugs in my tank?

    Move over to the reef tank forum. There's a great article on pods that is a sticky.
  18. jumpfrog

    Seen Your Dogs, Now Your Birds

    Let's see pics from the bird lovers out there. The feathered kind only. Here's Cosmo our blue front amazon
  19. jumpfrog

    little white bugs in my tank?

    Sounds like pods. A good thing!
  20. jumpfrog

    40g Setup

    All I can add is that if you like the way they look then go for it. As previously stated, it won't matter to your fish. URI makes good stuff so it's hard to go wrong with them. Good Luck!