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  1. jumpfrog

    Last Eye Exam

    dvs, you caught me man. I'll have to go the archives to make it harder. Didn't even realize I was doing it.:rolleyes:
  2. jumpfrog

    Last Eye Exam

    Who am eye?
  3. jumpfrog

    Do You Nose Me?

    I'm going to have to make these harder. Way to go Buzz. Here's the rest of her.
  4. jumpfrog

    Do You Nose Me?

    Maybe a little harder?
  5. jumpfrog

    Who Am Eye?

    Yep, a naso but he's a brunett! Quick work. But then with all the experts we wonder!
  6. jumpfrog

    Who Am Eye?

    Sammy, you have a great eye-deer there with the guessing thing. If you don't mind my adding one. Who am eye?
  7. jumpfrog

    best shrimp

    Sounds like a great plan. Go slow and steady and I'm sure you'll have a great tank. If it was me at this stage, I'd add a small group 4-6 peppermints. They'll help keep things clean and attack any stray aptasia that make their way in. You can always add a pair of cleaners down the road after...
  8. jumpfrog

    Is this good or bad algae?

    If it's hard, it's good! Cyano is slimey and is easily sucked up or disturbed. Looks to me like some very nice colored coraline. Congrats!
  9. jumpfrog

    How much rock is enough?

    No hard and fast rule here. One thing you have that will limit the amount of LR is the addition of the ray. They need a soft substrate to settle in and too much LR will take away space. I'm hoping you have a really big sump with 10 fish, a ray and an eel in a 75:confused:
  10. jumpfrog

    Hairy Mushroom ??

    Propogating is easy. Just snip and secure to another piece of rock using bridal veil or similar material. If you're getting more than you want/need. Get some lr rubble, prop some on the rubble and sell or trade with your LFS. You can make it a win/win and get the satisfaction of saving the reef.
  11. jumpfrog

    best shrimp

    1st, welcome to the board! What are your plans with this tank? It's large enough to give you plenty of options. Although, if you plan on shrimp, you're going to limit some possibilities. With the exception of the coral banded shrimps CBS, you can't really go wrong with any of them.
  12. jumpfrog

    It's been 1 year...what do I do?

    Never too late to fix it and I'm glad to see you're going forward instead of just giving up on it. Frequent "small" water changes to get your water back up to specs. As for raising your salinity...the best way is to use salt water as your top off instead of fresh. Top off frequently and watch...
  13. jumpfrog

    Info on Cardinals

    I'll just add because of the last post. I've had a flame cardinal for over a year now. A good looking fish that tends to be more active first thing in the morning and in the evening. Mine loves shrimp.:( I found out the hard way when I added some small peppermints. Just sucked them right...
  14. jumpfrog

    new tank

    To go with an eel in that size grouperhead said, a toby and a hawkfish would be great or a dwarf lion. Frogfish or angler or even a tassled filefish would work in that size tank. None of them are really active swimmers which is what the other aggressives need.
  15. jumpfrog

    Measuring Salinity

    Used the swing arm here until I needed to do hypo and then bought a refractometer. My swing arm was only off by .001 so not too bad. I'll still use it for water changes and occasionally monitor with refrac. Prices have definitely come down on them by the way.
  16. jumpfrog

    salt water and its colors!

    Tropical Fish Hobbiest (TFH) has had a series of articles over the last 2 months on fish coloration. Some of it way to technical to keep me awake. It appears that at the end of it all scientist "don't really have a clue" as to why they're so colorful.
  17. jumpfrog

    Suggestion for next fish?

    My vote would be for one of the fairy wrasses once all is stable. I think they're overlooked for both their personality and beauty. Here's mine:
  18. jumpfrog

    Info on foxface

    Same as others as far as acclimation. Don't count on him to eat much hair algea. It seems few if any of the herbevours actually "like" hair algea.
  19. jumpfrog

    New Pics

    Thanks for the update. When it come to sharks, You the Man!
  20. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    NMreef; yep, they finally done good. For an Auburn fan this year it's been like loving your kids. Some days you wonder what the He** happened but their still your kids! Too much hype I guess. Come to think of it, it's kinda chilly in Alabam tonight:rolleyes: