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  1. jumpfrog

    how many tangs in a 125?

    Both in a 125. Get along great!
  2. jumpfrog

    Yellow Tang Hides (and a few more questions)

    I think you already know the answer, but the damsels probably need to go. It's rare for them to get along with anything in a tank, much less a smaller tank. While it's not that rare for a clown to hang out in a general area, tangs are swimmers and pretty much stay on the move. Yours is not...
  3. jumpfrog

    Switching tank from Reef question

    I think fish know what they can and can't eat if it's a naturally occuring organism. I wouldn't worry too much about them.
  4. jumpfrog

    Feeding my Green Wolf Eel and my Lion

    If you wolf is anything like mine it will eat ANYTHING! Large shrimp, octupus, squid, chunks of fish...fingers... Here's a pic of mine. He's about 2.5 feet long and probably 2.5" thick. A great fish.
  5. jumpfrog

    salfin tang

    I have one with a naso in a 125. They get along fine. Play tug of war with nori but that's about it. They should not be placed with other tangs of their shape as stated so no yellows, purples etc. They're a great fish and are quick to spread their fins to look larger than they really are...
  6. jumpfrog

    A message from my family to yours...

    Thanks NMreef and the same to you. Happy Thanksgiving to all board members. Anyone giving any turkey to their triggers? JK Cheers Michael
  7. jumpfrog

    Umbrella leather problem

    Umbrellas can seem moody. They'll look great for a while then without reason close down for a while. Sometimes they slough off some skin. Unless it's actually melting, I'd let it be. I have one that took almost a year to start actually popping polyps. It expanded each day, just stayed...
  8. jumpfrog

    valentini saddle

    I wouldn't worry yet. Give him time. Watch all the stuff you're putting in that he's not eating. Remove it in time so as to not foul your water. Hopefully he'll come around. I have yet to find anything that my valentini won't eat.
  9. jumpfrog

    yellow coris wrasse

    I wouldn't trust them in a reef environment. Maybe when they're very young they might be ok. Once they start to grow they're going to see your shrimp and crab as meals. Plus, coris wrasses tend to like sand beds to sleep in. Can make a mess as they make and unmake their beds each day. For a...
  10. jumpfrog

    starter aggressive setup question

    If your heart is set on it then proceed, but slowly. Some triggers get big, very big, but they tend to grow fairly slowly in my experience. My huma huma has grown maybe 1.5" in a year and a half. Got him at 1.5" and now at 3". A good choice for an aggressive system in a smaller (55) system...
  11. jumpfrog

    mushrooms with aggressive????

    I have a few that came in as hitchikers on my LR. Under simple NO lighting and they seem fine. None of the fish have bothered them.
  12. jumpfrog

    maxi-jet powerhead question?

    Both are fine. Just clean them from time to time, they get clogged.
  13. jumpfrog

    need advice on protein skimmers

    Do a search on turbofloaters. I assume you're talking about a hang-on skimmer. Many have spoken well of them. Others have had success with CPRs depending on bio-load. Check the various sites that sell skimmers and then post specific brand questions to the board for their personal...
  14. jumpfrog

    Discovery Channel builds my 250 FOWLR Monday night!

    Just added it to my "must see tv". Looking forward to seeing it come together. You must be psyched!
  15. jumpfrog

    A project for me this weekend.

    I agree with Lesleybird. I understand the urge to make some sort of change, but this one is just going to cause more trouble than any benefit you get. No matter how you add the sand it will cover over "everything" in your tank until it settles out and at the same time bury the bacteria on the...
  16. jumpfrog

    DOes anybody have an AGA /w corner overflow

    I've had the set up for about 10 months. I did have some bobbing issues once and found that an air pocket was in a return hose. Just wiggled the hose and it didn't return. I think they work best with a strong flow going through them. I'm push a mag 12 so the flow is pretty good. I know...
  17. jumpfrog

    DOes anybody have an AGA /w corner overflow

    Did you also install the aga overflow kits. They have a stand pipe with a float that keep water flow consistent. Also check for sharp bends in your plumbing which could cause air pockets. Some folks don't buy the aga kits due to cost. I personally think they're worth it, as they work. Good Luck!
  18. jumpfrog

    Coral ID Help Please?

    Graham/Jon, thanks both for the replies. I have placed him at the top of the tank probably only ~2-3" from the surface. Running PCs (260 watt). As for alternating current I need to address that better. Right now he's getting some swirl from a ph crossing from the other end of the tank and the...
  19. jumpfrog

    Corralline dieoff

    It's not unusual to see some die-off after adding to a new tank. The algae needs to adjust just like corals do. Keep you calc and alk levels as mentioned above and it should come back in time.
  20. jumpfrog

    Coral ID Help Please?

    My LFS tells me this coral is some sort of monitora (sp?) but I think it could be one of the scroll corals, turbina (sp?) perhaps. Could I get some ID help please so I make sure I place and treat it right. It's been in the tank for a couple of weeks and I have seen some increase in polyp...