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  1. jumpfrog

    125 Pic

    Different part of tank, maybe better quality. Relearning here gang! :notsure:
  2. jumpfrog

    125 Pic

    Thought I'd share an update of the tank since I was last a frequent member of the board. It's coming along. I'm really having trouble getting the pics small enough and still clear within board standards. Any assistance would be appreciated. The FAQ just didn't give me a clear answer :notsure:
  3. jumpfrog

    Hermits in a Reef Tank

    I've read so many differing opinions on adding hermits to a reef tank. I need to improve my clean up crew on my 125. Any experiences or recommendations for those who have both succeeded and failed with hermits. BTW, it's nice to be back on the board. Been out of it for about a year but hope to...
  4. jumpfrog

    new pics

    Nice Pics
  5. jumpfrog

    Urgent! Need Reply Asap!

    The tang is just telling the new fish who's boss. It should stop in a day or so. If it's just chasing it's no big deal. If it's backing up and swinging it's tail you need to be vigilant. You don't want your butterfly getting sliced up.
  6. jumpfrog

    Wolf Eel

    I feed my wolf a variety: Frozen silversides (the big ones or sand eels), frozen krill, whole shrimp and a mix of seafood from Walmart. Ours here has a gumbo mix that includes octopus, oyster, scallop, crab, fish. All of my predators love the stuff. I soak everything in a home blend which...
  7. jumpfrog

    72 g new set up questions

    Additives like biospora inject active bacteria in your system to jumpstart the cycle. The 1st part of the cycle. The first part of the cycle will create a population of bacteria to convert ammonia into nitrites. They will occur naturally but jumpstarting helps to 'quicken' the cycle. Once...
  8. jumpfrog

    72 g new set up questions

    Sounds like a great set-up and you're waaaay smarter than I was when I started. Anything that dies or rots in your tank will create ammonia. If your live rock is fully cured (smell it! if it's fresh as the ocean it's probably fine) then you'll need to provide food to continue the cycle. No...
  9. jumpfrog


    I've kept a zebra with an SFE for two years now. They keep their own corner of the tank and seem fine with each other. I love me both as they have their own personalities. BTW they're in a 125 and for now have plenty of space. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    Wolf Eel

    I think the wolf eels are great but they are big eaters and are extremely quick. If you have morays make sure you spot feed them with a stick so they get food. They won't compete well against a carpet blenny. Mixing relatively docil clowns with those predators will result in casualties in the...
  11. jumpfrog

    72 g new set up questions

    I set up a 72 bf for my first sw tank. I wish I knew then what I know now. If you haven't bought it yet, please consider getting a drilled tank so you can have a sump. The 72 gives you a feeling you have a big tank and you can really make it look nice. But, maintaining the thing without a...
  12. jumpfrog

    Which to add first

    I'd add both about the same time if possible. Make sure your wrasse (not a fairy) is about the same size or bigger than the lion. In fact, make sure ALL your fish are bigger than your lion. Good Luck!
  13. jumpfrog

    puffer wont eat

    Most puffers are little sea pigs once they settle down. Give him some time. He won't starve himself. Good Luck!
  14. jumpfrog

    It's Been Awhile

    Hey to all you great board members. I've been out of action, as far as the board goes, for some time now. Getting my fish mania back in line. Glad to see the board is active and nice to see some of the 'old' faces still around:)
  15. jumpfrog

    135 gal stocking issue

    A dogface would be nice. Have one my 125. Also have a sailfin tang which makes a beautiful specimen. Good luck stocking. It's the best part!
  16. jumpfrog

    Do my fish...GOT ICH?

    As stated, ph swings are very stressfull. You ph may very well change during the day. Check it first thing in the morning and again before lights out. Sometimes when you're adding alkalinity and calcium products you can easily throw your ph out of balance as CO2 and O2 levels change...
  17. jumpfrog


    Wow! Hard to tell from the picture that it's not cyano. If it's the small seedy kind of red calurpa then I have no clue if the foxface will eat it. They are omnivores with a strong liking to plant life. But as always, these fish are individuals and what some will eat, others won't. Good Luck...
  18. jumpfrog


    They can get up to about 9" but they're pretty gentle as swf go. Just try to grab one. Should do well in a reef tank but keep an eye on them. Most will eat calurpa and other algea. Rarely will eat filamentous algea though. I've had one for about a year in with an aggressive tank. He's...
  19. jumpfrog

    Feeding my Green Wolf Eel and my Lion

    Uncooked shrimp. Depending on the size of your fish on how large. I usually get the 25-30 count per pound from the seafood section. Just freeze in some tupperware and thaw out a couple pieces for about an hour before feeding. Good Luck!
  20. jumpfrog

    How often should I feed my Green Wolf Eel?

    If there is one constant in this hobby it's that there is more than one way to skin a cat (no pun there kitty kitty). If your wolf has only eaten live food and that's all it knows then you should retrain it to eating non live or provide it live saltwater fish. Freshwater fish have a completely...