Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Snowflake eel and Valentini Puffer?

    The animals will get along fine, but as stated, it's a tight squeeze as the sfe starts to grow.
  2. jumpfrog

    Hey Moderators

    I thought the "contact us" for people. Not board members! I could be wrong though.
  3. jumpfrog

    ok for flame angel?

    Flame angels belong to a group commonly referred to as "pygmy angels." Flames, Rock Beauty's, Potter's..........They stay small but still have many of the characteristics of the larger angels. 50lbs of LR in 26 is good. Is there still plenty of swimming room? How long has the tank been up...
  4. jumpfrog

    firefish hiding

    It's not unusual for firefish or other gobies to stay hidden until comfortable. Some seem to hide all the time unless eating. You never know until after you've purchased a particular one. I'd say if you don't see the other one in a couple of weeks, don't worry about it. I had a scissortail...
  5. jumpfrog

    ok for flame angel?

    As with most things. You can make it work, but is it necessarily the best thing for the fish. Pygmy angels tend to be somewhat difficult in the first place. They need plenty of LR for grazing, room to swim about as they're quite active and very good water conditions. If you can meet all...
  6. jumpfrog

    new sand bed

    Agree with the modified stocking recommendation. Cleaners need to eat too and when you have too many, some will starve. Do a search on the web for kits to add worms, pods to your sand bed. There is/are outfits out there that specialize in that sort of thing. Also, ask your LFS if you can have...
  7. jumpfrog

    ick i think?

    Could very well be ick on the tang. As stated, not the best tank for a tang. As for the hard white spots on your rock. Sounds like some coraline algea that has bleached. No worries and that happens some times. It will come back. Don't worry about the stuff on the rock, but do look into...
  8. jumpfrog

    Is this true?

    Mine get frozen variety (squid, shrimp, silversides, krill etc) on one day and flake the other. Fast one night a week. I would think feeding that often could lead to water quality problems depending of filtration and food not eatin.
  9. jumpfrog

    Missing Trigger,,,HELP!

    If he's small it's amazing how small a space they can squeeze themselves into. They'll "lock" in and even if you pick up the rock they'll stay in the crevace. If he didn't carpet surf he's probably in the rock somewhere.
  10. jumpfrog

    Tank Complete! All we need now is an upgrade...

    Nice group! Love the Tusk:D
  11. jumpfrog

    Flame Hawlk Fish

    That flame hawk may be a little small depending on shark and lion. Even though you have a leopard wrasse I think a larger red coris or harlequin tusk would give you nice movement and the color you're looking for. Here's my red coris for example:
  12. jumpfrog


    I'm sure those of you who are supplementing your fish's diet (Rye and your anthias for example) are feeding at least once if not twice a day. For those who are looking mainly at coral food, when do you feed (day or night) and how often?
  13. jumpfrog


    Thanks! I'll run a search and see what I find.
  14. jumpfrog


    This stuff has been around for a while now and I know some of you are using it. So what's the verdict? Good product? Notice any improvements in coral vitality? My LFS claims it's great, but then...........EVERYTHING he sells is Great:rolleyes: I'd just like some real world thoughts from a...
  15. jumpfrog


    Bo, sorry haven't been on a board in a while. Work. What a bother:rolleyes: Actually we had an ich outbreak in the tank. Don't know how that happened as Gordon had him so long and he was so healthy. Anyway, he's in hypo and doing good. He's completely clear and swimming around again. He...
  16. jumpfrog

    Does anyones Dogface do this?

    Mine sleeps in his cave but I've never seen him bury himself or even spend that much time around the sand bed. Great pic!
  17. jumpfrog

    To all with Durso standpipes

    I have pre-filter sponges on my AGA 125 RR. There is a float in the stand pipe that get's kinda grungy but I don't think it's a problem. I do wash out my pre-filter sponges when I do my monthly water changes. HTH
  18. jumpfrog

    Neon Gobi's

    Neon gobies and engineer gobies look very much alike when they are young. Here's a picture of an engineer goby (credit to the owning site). If you're goby is burrowing, it's most likely an engineer. It's not in a neon's nature to burrow. BTW, engineer gobies can get very large. They're...
  19. jumpfrog

    Clownfish hosting....

    Be careful of what you ask for, you may get it. By that I mean that a clown hosting in a coral isn't always the best thing. Some corals just don't like it and react negatively. Not necessarily by species either. Almost like individual personalities. And, the clowns too have their own...
  20. jumpfrog

    will my sand ever settle?

    You're witnessing the first rule of saltwater tank keeping. Patience! Give it time it will settle. Once bacteria settles on your grains of sand they'lll fall to the bed when stirred. Until then, it's a storm of dirt every time they're disturbed. Good Luck!