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  1. jumpfrog

    Protein skimmer question

    What kind of skimmer? Where is it? Where is the overflow from the skimmer? Usually it's a combination of how the skimmer is tuned and where the return from the skimmer is going.
  2. jumpfrog

    Yellow Tang

    Ditto with all the above. Give him some time. Is there another fish that may be harrassing your tang? I would say as long as he doesn't have a hollowed out stomach he should be fine for awhile. Good Luck!
  3. jumpfrog

    new rock can i mix live and plain rock?

    If it's dead rock, ie live rock which had died off due to being out of a tank for a long period, then by all means, add it. The rock becomes live due to it's porosity and ability to establish and hold bacteria necessary for the nitrogen cycle. Other life will eventuall populate the 'dead' rock...
  4. jumpfrog

    Stocking 46-gallon

    I always like to thank about compability, adult size and water layers. Look for fish that tend to prefer a certain water leve. IE chromis towards the top, gobies toward the bottom wrasses for movement and all levels and stationary like firefish or some clowns. Theres a great web site out there...
  5. jumpfrog

    Help Please

    Nemo had a little fin and he did fine. In all seriousness though he should be fine. If you have a qt I would consider placing him there to let him heal stress free. If not, just hope for the best. Good Luck!
  6. jumpfrog

    Foxface Rabbit fish??

    I've had them together for years in both reef and fowlr. Never a problem. They play a tug of war with nori all the time. Foxface is a great fish imo.
  7. jumpfrog


    Kinda of a duplicate thread. Can anyone possitively ID this wonderful creature? TIA
  8. jumpfrog

    Hermits in a Reef Tank

    Here's is what I think is a lobo. If I'm off, someone please let me know. One with flash, one without.
  9. jumpfrog

    How long can RO/DI water last ?

    I run a pump in my fresh water container. I'm sure that as long as it used in a month it will be fine. If you're using it for top and water changes you're probably turning it over much more than that. I use ro/di for my discus tank but I do use a buffering agent to bring ph and alk up to the...
  10. jumpfrog

    I have a snail problem

    Certainly true with astreas. They can't right themselves. Also, make sure your snail population doesn't exceed food source. I'm sure you acclimated slowly. I usually take 2 to 3 hours on inverts (shrimp, crab, snails), never had a problem doing it that way. Good Luck!
  11. jumpfrog

    I have a snail problem

    Certainly true with astreas. They can't right themselves. Also, make sure your snail population doesn't exceed food source. I'm sure you acclimated slowly. I usually take 2 to 3 hours on inverts (shrimp, crab, snails), never had a problem doing it that way.
  12. jumpfrog

    how to upgrade tank

    Sounds good. Only thing Iwould recommend is moving your corals to a holding tank/buckets or something, then move the live rock and then add the rest of your water and then place corals. Much easier to place rock when you have less water to deal with. Good luck. I did that recently from a 72 to...
  13. jumpfrog

    Hermits in a Reef Tank

    dburr Thanks, that's what I thought. There is such variation in those sp. I picked one up yesterday. I'll post a pic in a bit after my grandaughter wakes up. She took over the computer room. Gotta love the grandkips :-)
  14. jumpfrog

    I'm Lost

    Yes, it's a discus. Any other discus keepers out there. Actually, they need very acid water, below 7 better around 6. Never had the nerve to keep them until I had my own ri/di. ' Actually converted a reef tank into a discus tank for my wife. Makes those expensive reef purchases easier, it you...
  15. jumpfrog

    Hermits in a Reef Tank

    dburr What is the coral in your avatar?
  16. jumpfrog

    I'm Lost

    Meant to be humor. Guess I failed :notsure:
  17. jumpfrog

    I'm Lost

    Can someone kindly direct me back to the river
  18. jumpfrog

    125 Pic

    Thanks for the kind words. Definitely still a work in progress. Jester there is about 150lbs of rock. Wide variety and some of it I've had for many years. Just plumbed in a refugium over the holidays, gravity fed, and I'm hoping to get my water levels up to where keeping a clam or two will be...
  19. jumpfrog

    Hermits in a Reef Tank

    Thanks all for your input. NM your advice has always been on target so I'm going to try a few. I think an excellent point was made about predation by starved hermits. Choosing the right number and type seem to be the key. Thanks again!
  20. jumpfrog

    tank looks like crap after water change

    I'm assuming you used the same salt mix as always. Did you give it a chance to aerate real good before the water change. 50% water change is pretty large with water that hasn't had a chance to reach equilibrium. Other than that I'd check for phosphates to see if perhaps they became elivated...