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  1. jumpfrog

    why is Aiptasia bad?

    They can multiply rapidly and take over. They can get pretty large, suprisingly so. They have strong stinging cells which can harm other corals. The worst part is that you have no control over how they spread. Best to eliminate them from the start.
  2. jumpfrog

    New mix water pH

    What's the source of your fresh water?
  3. jumpfrog

    When to add corals...

    Your corals will be attached to something. Sometimes lr and other times a plug that an aquaculterer will use. You should be able to place them amoung your lr when you purchase. Again, make sure all your levels are good and "stable' and start with the hardier ones. Don't forget to research...
  4. jumpfrog

    right size qt

    10 should be fine. Great that you're thinking and ahead.
  5. jumpfrog

    evaporation control ??

    That should work great. Do a search auto top off's that work with ro units. They're readily available and you'll eliminate your top issue for good. I wasn't as lucky to have my ro next to my tank. I actually have it in my rec room. Here's some pics on how I made the ro system fit into the...
  6. jumpfrog

    40g Setup

    Firefish are nice. In your tank, one is plenty. Some get along, others don't. You're not giving them much space. Not real positive on this one so a web search or perhaps other's experiences will help.
  7. jumpfrog

    evaporation control ??

    How close is your ro unit to your main tank? Is there room for another small tank/bucket/something you can have close to your main tank? I personally have a sump system. Next to my display I built a box that matched the tank which contains a 10 gallon aquarium. I keep it filled with ro water...
  8. jumpfrog

    right size qt

    What;s the biggist fish you may have to quarantine? Usually bigger is better as it's easier to maintain fluctuations.
  9. jumpfrog

    Quarantine tank

    Somepeople will keep a sponge in their sump or fit their quarantine tank with the same hob filter as their main tank. When you need qt just move the sponge (now filled with bacteria) or swap out a filter pad from the main tank and you have the bacteria needed. Other than that you shouldn't put...
  10. jumpfrog

    evaporation control ??

    How much water are you losing. Evaporation is expected and is just part of the game. If you have a sump then you can look at auto top off systems that reduce the amount of effort you put in to it day to day. Depending on how closly your ro is located to the tank you can do top off directly from...
  11. jumpfrog

    My Clean Up Crew is here. Pros & Cons

    If you're going to order again it never hurts to ask for credit. What's the worst that could happen?
  12. jumpfrog

    to quarantine or not...that is the question??

    I think the ich is more stressfull than the hypo on the fish. Under hypo they actually breath easier due to the low salinity. If it was me I'd hypd all 3 for the entire ich life cycle. Then you'll know that when the fish return they're going to a ich free system. Just my $.02
  13. jumpfrog

    hippo tang or foxface im torn!!!!!!!!

    In my humble opinion you're done. The lion will get much larger as will the tang. Both a hippo or a foxface will get big in time. If it was me I wouldn't add either. As a once famous board member once said though: "Your tank, your choice." Good Luck!
  14. jumpfrog

    Reef Pics

    ESV 2 part is a good product. Adding it will raise both alk and calcium. Just be carefull you don't over do it. Follow directions and test every few days until you reach the level you like. Then monitor and add as required to maintain the levels you want. Check ph during the day and then a few...
  15. jumpfrog

    40g Setup

    Tough to advise. Large fish need space and large fish add to bioload. Both not good for a relatively small tank. To create movement consider fish that prefere the different levels of the tank. Some stay on the bottom, some stay in the middle and others prefer the top. Once stable a nice fairy...
  16. jumpfrog

    used sand still clouding water

    Once your sand becomes covered in bacteria it will be less likely to float. Even the fine stuff. Just give it some time. If it was me I'd turn off the filter during the settling process. It's just slowing down the settling if it's constantly stirring the bed. Just my $.02
  17. jumpfrog

    40g Setup

    Sounds like it will be nice. I'd wait about six months though before adding the butterfly. They're quire sensitive and you'll want things to be very stable. Good luck and share the pics!
  18. jumpfrog

    calcium ?

    Increase alk and water changes. Also, it never hurts to double check your test kit results. Perhaps by your LFS. Anytime you have a number that's way off and you're not seeing very stressed animals it helps for a double check so you don't try to fix a problem that doesn't exist. But, you can...
  19. jumpfrog

    Lighting and Algae Issues

    The algea will only grow if it has 2 things (food and light). It could be that you already had a high nutrient level and the extra light was enough to get the algea going. Look for the food source. You show nitrates as 0. That's great but a another check, maybe from LFS would validate. Next...
  20. jumpfrog

    R/O System

    I thought I would share something I recently did that may give others some ideas. We recently converted our garage into a rec room. In my garage I had my ro/di and water storage cans. Well, those in a rec room would spoil the ambience we were looking for, but I wasn't going to give up the...