Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    any pics of big aggressive tanks

    That's going to be awesome! Please keep us posted on the progress. What is your stocking plan?
  2. jumpfrog


    Keeping a picasso and a niger together can work. I think they have the best chance when they both start out small together, with perhaps the niger a bit bigger. How they act when the get older is a toss-up. But, I think a 55 would be a bit tight for both of them. Two 8-10" aggressive fish in...
  3. jumpfrog

    coloration on my niger trigger

    Light Blue sometimes:)
  4. jumpfrog

    Dragon Wras pic

    Killa, I don't know how they would do with the wrasse you already have. Most readings say more than one large wrasse in a tank is asking for trouble. 6 foot of space might be tough for two aggressive wrasses. I know I'd love one too but I don't think it would work with my red coris wrasse.
  5. jumpfrog

    starfish questions

    Be careful of green serpents. For that matter I wouldn't trust serpents period. They look cool but they "will" prey on your other animals if they get hungry.
  6. jumpfrog


    Another consideration is the length of bulbs. If 48" or larger there is usually a hefty shipping charge. For small quantities your LFS may be the better option.
  7. jumpfrog


    Firefish, small wrasses (ie, fairy), gobies, cardinals, clowns......Lot's of choices for small fish that are reef safe. Good Luck!
  8. jumpfrog

    Yellow Watchman Goby??

    I have a pink spot watchman and a lawnmower. They ignore each other. Of course, added them at the same time. Good Luck!
  9. jumpfrog

    lion on food strike?

    My volitans is doing the same thing for the last week. I'm hoping it's just going through a faze. I noticed it was shedding it's cudicle a few days ago. I don't think a week is going to hurt them in the long run. My SFE just got over a week long strike and is now back to normal. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    I need help

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. The cloudiness will settle shortley. I didn't see you mention any fish so even a small mini cycle shouldn't do much harm. The bags of live sand have some bacteria already in place to help the cycle along. If your tank already cycled then you probably have...
  11. jumpfrog

    Macna 2003

    Some of the experts in the field are guest speakers; vendors there with the latest and greatest; an opportunity to talk fish and reefs with other addicted souls, and above all......a reason to drink beer:D Cost doesn't look too bad.
  12. jumpfrog

    Macna 2003

    You mean all you guys who live in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois aren't interested? Or are these things a waste of time? I've never been:confused:
  13. jumpfrog

    Macna 2003

    Fishtails: How is the Tennessee Aquarium. Is it worth the visit?
  14. jumpfrog

    Macna 2003

    Scheduled 5-7 September 2003. Here's a link with all the info:
  15. jumpfrog

    Lost rocks

    I hope they won't wait for the FedEx claim to settle first before reshipping. That could be months:(
  16. jumpfrog

    Macna 2003

    Anyone planning to go to MACNA in Louisville this year? I know I'm planning to go. Besides the opportunity to learn and see new products, could be a nice get-away weekend. I thought if there was enough board members going we could have members hospitality room or something. Any excuse...
  17. jumpfrog

    custom acrylic tank?

    An internet search for acrylic tanks will result in many options. Also, all of the fish magazines carry ads. Good Luck!
  18. jumpfrog

    Am I ready to start adding things to my 120gal?

    Good question. Answer to pushing it? Yep! Close to zero is not good enough. You really need to see all zeros from ammonia and nitirite at least 2 days in a row. A couple days now won't seem like anything a month from now. Rushing and killing animals will stay with you. Give it time to...
  19. jumpfrog

    cloudy water??

    Could just be a bacterial bloom. Not unusual and will clear itself in a few days. Now that initial cycle is over you'll be seeing algea blooms and other things until the tank uses up excess nutrients and settles. No worries, mate!
  20. jumpfrog

    GH, Reefer?

    Bo, I noticed in the fish forum that you started a reef a few weeks ago. Way to go man. I thought you were strickly an "aggressive" man?:D How's it coming along?