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  1. jumpfrog

    got my golden puffer today

    pics, pics? Congrats:D
  2. jumpfrog

    silversides... am I missing something?

    Pretty much the same except I use some tank water, break of a chunk and let it thaw. You're right in that they're too small to really handle. Just dump them in. I wish there was something a little bigger.
  3. jumpfrog

    Missing Six Line Wrasse..

    Just went through the same thing with my six line. Like yours, very active. Then............gone. He didn't jump and certainly wasn't eaten by another fish in the tank. I've since replaced with a blue sided fairy wrasse. Took "it" over a week to start coming out but now ventures out a little...
  4. jumpfrog

    Live Sand

    Man, I wish I would of thought of that tubing idea. I just added a cup at a time. Took a while but the cloudiness settled in about an hour.:rolleyes:
  5. jumpfrog

    AGA Plumbing Kit – worth $45?

    I bought the 125 AGA too with overflows. Only paid ~$30.00 each for mine so you might want to shop it some. Is it worth that in materials. Probably not. But, the convenience of having all the correct size parts that designed to work together that actually works (made it a good price for me)...
  6. jumpfrog


    $50.00. I considered it a fair price. I know they're cheaper on line, but............ Are you going to get one?
  7. jumpfrog

    any pics of big aggressive tanks

    Wow! 340 would be awesome for sure. What are dimensions of something like that? I've done a 125 predrilled with overflows and an oversized sump and skimmer. Here's a pick of aquascaping. Wanted to keep it open to allow plenty of swimming while still providing shelter and sense of security...
  8. jumpfrog

    AGA 125 overflow questions

    yellow tang. I've email AGA before and they were quick to reply with specific answers to their production methods. Might want to ask them yourself at:
  9. jumpfrog


    The jury is still out whether they are a hardy fish. I noticed on one online site that they did not qualify for their guarantee as they tend to be sensative to shipping. I got mine from a very good LFS who had him for a while. Very healthy and very active. My advice would be to purchase one...
  10. jumpfrog

    I Need Pictures!!!!

    You didn't say what kind of tank you plan on having. For reef I would think you would want a lot of rock work to allow caves, places for corals etc. If you're looking at bigger fish who need lots of swimming room, here's another example:
  11. jumpfrog

    Star ID Help?

    Susan, thanks!
  12. jumpfrog

    green hair algea

    Do lawnmower blennies eat hair algea once it's grown out? Or do they just munch when it has barely grown?
  13. jumpfrog

    Emerald Crab Question

    I have an astrea and a trochus snail in my hawk tank. The hawk never bothers them and they work on the agea. Especially the trochus; a eating machine:D
  14. jumpfrog

    niger trigger Question

    All fish from LFS just from 3 different stores. I've bought online from here and was happy with my results. Just didn't happen to be aggressive fish.
  15. jumpfrog

    Feeding a lion fish

    Best bet is to buy one that is already weaned off of live food. Have the LFS feed him frozen or freeze dried to prove it. If not already weaned you'll have to do it yourself. Just offer frozen krill, shrimp, squid, etc and move it around with a feeding stick. Lions hunt in the wind so they...
  16. jumpfrog

    More RO Questions...SepctraPURE, MAXXIMA...Help!

    Beth, I was doing some research on this and went to Kent's website and looked at their ro/di systems. They do a great job of explaining how the whole process works. From what I read you must have have carbon before your ro membrane as the ammonia/chloromine would damage the membrance. You...
  17. jumpfrog

    niger trigger Question

    Nope, my puffer is the most laid back of the bunch. Has never caused any problems with any fish. Don't get me wrong, won't be the last one there when the dinner bell rings, but definitely doesn't bug the others. It's a trait I'm hoping it carries into adulthood:D
  18. jumpfrog

    Star ID Help?

    I got a little better pic of the star. You asked if it had 6 legs, yes? Any thoughts on ID?
  19. jumpfrog

    algae sheets

    Great idea! I'm going to try that. Mine does rip off pieces and then chases them all over the tank as the ph's move them around.
  20. jumpfrog


    Many organisms. Different pods, worms, some stars. Some just break down to bacteria eaten by other inverts. A diverse and healthy tank should have all the necessary animals to eat all food sources. If you have plenty of live rock you should do ok. If you see a build up of detritus on your...