Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    What kind of sand?

    Another source for good quality sand is an online source which specializes in pure aragonite sand. I just received some delivered for about $20 per 40 lbs bag. Excellent quality, small grained and looks awesome in the tank. Do a search with those key words on line and you'll find the site...
  2. jumpfrog

    My ammonia is at about .8 and I am ready to puke from the smell of the rotting shrimp

    Wymike: You don't have to really stink up the place to get a cycle started and completed. Some uncured LR, small amount, or some chopped up shrimp or flakes will get it started. The idea here is to get the cycle started and get healthy bacteria growing before adding live animals. Once you've...
  3. jumpfrog

    Larger fish in smaller tank

    Ah, therein lies the rub. Larger fish in smaller spaces. I see where you're going but unfortunately it's problematic. While it's not perfect, the general rule for SW fish is 1" of adult fish per 5 gallons of water. Your 35 at this rate would allow for 7" of fish safely. See where I'm going...
  4. jumpfrog

    Larger fish in smaller tank

    A couple of thoughts: Butterflys are some of the more delicate fish out there. While the racoon is reported to do better than most, they're still butterflys. If you attempt it you may want to wait for more than 3-4 months. Let your tank fully mature and become very stable. Ensure you have...
  5. jumpfrog

    Stress coat in reef community, SAFE?

    All true statements above. Please consider going the ro/di route early on. You'll have less problems and be happier in the long run. That obviates any need for chlorine/chloramine removers. Good Luck!
  6. jumpfrog

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    Ah Wes, you stole mine:D Actually, try to get off my a%$ more and get some exercise. Good Luck to all!
  7. jumpfrog

    ? for broomer and/or sump refuge experts

    I tried the only refugium thing with my 72 bowfront. I regreted it. It was impossible to have good flow to ensure the u-tube stays well primed without creating a bubble problem and too much flow through the fuge. All in all it was more trouble than it was worth and I wound up dismantling the...
  8. jumpfrog

    Anyone have pics of their tanks?

    Here's my new 125 still cycling. I've decided to go with rock on just one side and leave the other side open for swimming room.
  9. jumpfrog

    Kole Tang

    Thanks all for your comments. So experience says that a sailfin will be less stressed in this environment than a kole? Any thoughts on the foxface for help with algea control over a tang?
  10. jumpfrog

    Kole Tang

    I'm considering using a kole tang in my aggressive tank for algea control. Has anyone tried this with success? He'd be going in a 125 as the first fish after cycling. I have plenty of live macro algea for feeding until new stuff grows in the tank. Figured I go with a 3"+ fish. Joining him...
  11. jumpfrog


    Retired Air Force personnel officer now working as a human resource manager at a manufacturing facility.
  12. jumpfrog

    One hell of a DIY project..........

    Everyone's dream tank, the built in. Great job! Looking forward to more pics.
  13. jumpfrog

    flow for 72 gal

    I have a 72 bow. 1 small maxi-jet (can't remember the size) pumping water just above the dsb line. 1 maxi jet 900 half way up pumping across middle. 1 maxi jet 1200 2/3 way up pumping across middle from opposite side of 900. 1 1200 pumping at the surface for gas exchange and 1 whisper 4 hang...
  14. jumpfrog

    Going on Vacation...leaving my tank

    Rory, I think you'd be fine doing nothing. Limit any lighting you have and that will reduce evaporation and feed good the day before you leave. They'll be fine when you get back. I think more animals die from overfeeding than underfeeding all the time. Good Luck and enjoy your vacation...
  15. jumpfrog

    Six Line Wrasse question

    I've had my 6 line for about 6 months and I've never seen him approach shrimp. It is the policeman of the tank though. Makes sure everyone (except the yellow tang) stay in their designated areas. I think if you have plenty of lr for him to go in and out of and eat off of things will be...
  16. jumpfrog

    Curing live rock

    I'm curing some as we speak. I run lights 3 hours a day, just in case there is any light needing animal on the rock. I figure that's enough to keep it alive and not so much as to encourage algea growth. By no means am I an expert though. Just going with what I think makes sense. Good Luck!
  17. jumpfrog

    Richard Rendos ?

  18. jumpfrog

    New 125

    Nope on the LR. Plan to create a reef head with all the rock to one side sloping down to sand. Then have a large open area for fish to swim. At least that's the plan. If it winds up not looking right I'll add a piece of rock at a time.:rolleyes:
  19. jumpfrog

    Strength in Numbers!

    Now we're talking! Is this a bad idea?
  20. jumpfrog

    Richard Rendos ?

    Richard; you've commented often on skimmers and if memory serves you also fabricate yourself. I've just set up a new 125 that will be for an aggressive system. I have an oversized sump and want to go oversized with the skimmer as well. I'm leaning towards a Nautilus TE or Turboflotor 1000. Any...