Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Marinerock Skimmer ?

    Rock, you're on top of it man. Thanks Yes, my return pump is in the sump next to the skimmer. A tight fit to be sure. Running a mag 7 on the skimmer and a mag 12 for the return. I actually added another sponge to the output tube hoping to control some bubbles. The original sponge is about a...
  2. jumpfrog

    Wolf Eel

    Great information! Thanks a bunch! His tankmates include a picasso, niger, volitans, snowflake (bigger than he is), valentini puffer. Plan on adding a medium size lunare wrasse and foxface in the next few weeks. I think as long as everyone is bigger he'll be ok and hopefully the triggers will...
  3. jumpfrog

    Too Much Pump

    This is similar to Beefcakes question and I'm still confused on this plumbing stuff. Can someone help, please?!? Here's the deal. I have a AGA 125 with twin overflows. I thought that each overflow 1" would give me about 600 gph. So I bought a mag 12 for my sump. It's pushing about your...
  4. jumpfrog

    Ligthing in a 72 Gallon Bow front

    M.Rogers; sorry it took so long to reply. Yes, I have the light sitting directly on the glass covers. Never had a head problem. The fans do a good job I think of keeping the heat down. Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    Wolf Eel

    My LFS had a wolf eel available. It wasn't in my original stocking plan but my reseach indicates it will be a good addition. I know they're really dottyback's and not morays but I thought it was awfully cool. Has anyone had any long term experience with these? Anything I need to be aware of...
  6. jumpfrog

    Marinerock Skimmer ?

    MARINEROCK: Hey, hadn't forgot about you. New Years kinda buzy. Here's a pic. I don't seem to have any "new" bubbles in the tank. Still seeing some in the tank though. From looking at the pic does it look like it adjusted about right?
  7. jumpfrog

    Marinerock Skimmer ?

    Will give it a try and let you know. Thanks
  8. jumpfrog

    New FO tank

    You may have cycled and missed some of the high numbers if you didn't test often. No biggie. When ammonia and nitrite hit 0 for a couple days you're good to go. Try a search under the equipment forum on PC lighting and I'm sure you'll see lots of options. We tend not to post links to other...
  9. jumpfrog

    Ligthing in a 72 Gallon Bow front

    Those bow fronts do cause lighting issues don't they? I went with a JBJ formosa system. 4x65w, 2 actinic 2 daylight. Comes with separate switches and fans built in. Fits nicely on top of tank and looks very good. I'm happy with the lighting but then again I'm not interested in serious light...
  10. jumpfrog

    Marinerock Skimmer ?

    Marinerock, thanks for the invite on solving a skimmer problem. Installed by new nautilus te yesterday. Having serious bubble problems. As in returning to the sump and therefore, into the tank. Any thoughts? If prefered my email address is below. TIA
  11. jumpfrog

    Completely new hobbyist needs HELP!!

    Welcome to the board and Kudos on the questions. I'm a big fan of Robert Fenner and his book "The Concientious Aquarist." It really does a good job of explaining the basic and help you understand salt water based on what you already know from fresh. You have everything you need to get started...
  12. jumpfrog

    Water Temperature help.

    What's the temperature in your house and where are you? If you have these temps in December, I'd worry about July:eek: It seems that in a 130 a pump shouldn't raise the temp that much. Do you have any heaters? Have you checked to make sure one of them isn't stuck. I'm only saying that as I...
  13. jumpfrog

    Woo Hoo Skimmer Arrived

    Thanks to those of you that helped me make a skimmer selection. Ordered the Nautilus TE and it arrived today. Running it off of a mag 7 and it rocks.:D Just had to share with someone!
  14. jumpfrog

    New FO tank

    First off, Welcome to the board! I'm curious, you're set up 3 weeks and have an ammonia reading, but no nitrite reading. What did you do to kick start your cycle? I'm assuming you used the LR you got and expected the die-off to get you started? That's a great plan; but, have you ever had any...
  15. jumpfrog

    Why doesn't my skimmer work?

    How much of a bio load do you have? I have 2 Prizm's and both of them do ok. They will not skim all the time though just as yours. Only when they want/or have something to skim I suppose. You probably just have a clean tank and don't have that much junk to get out. Keep an eye on it and see if...
  16. jumpfrog

    What does it take to keep a lion?

    Lion's are great. I put a volitans in my 46 and he quickly started to outgrow it. He's going in our 125 next weekend. He's completely on frozen (shrimp, krill, squid, octupus, clam strips) Feed him every other day. I think you would be find with one of the dwarf lions and your tank sounds plenty...
  17. jumpfrog

    Another beginner question

    Frags is used to mean fragmenting as in "taking a piece". Many corals can be propogated by fragmentation. Take a healthy mushrooom coral, slice it up like a pizza. Attach each "frag" to a piece of rock and in no time you have new mushrooms. Thats the general idea.
  18. jumpfrog

    Valentini Puffer

    Maybe, maybe not on coral polyps. They do enjoy crustraceans and any cool shrimp would be out. As would feather dusters/worms. The forage around and pick at anything moving. I wouldn't put one in reef. Good Luck!
  19. jumpfrog

    Stress coat in reef community, SAFE?

    Unless you add chlorinated water continously to your tank you don't have to worry about testing for chlorine. In fact, chlorine will burn itself off any water in about 24 hours if there is movement. Just don't add chlorinated water and you'll never have to worry about it. Good Luck!
  20. jumpfrog

    new tank

    Great question. Ultimate answer: It Depends:) Add something to get the bacteria growing. Uncured LR, fish food, deli shrimp, etc. Let it perculate and rot. In a couple days start testing for ammonia and nitrites. If you don't have these test kits they're a must for the hobby. You'll see...