Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    b-ionic melting xenia?

    We had a string of xenia meltdowns in my area last year. All different tanks with no connection between them. Xenias just started melting until nothing was left. Never did find the reason but others stated they'd seen the same thing. Just happens from time to time with xenias. Hope yours...
  2. jumpfrog

    AGA 125 overflow questions

    Just set up the exact system in December. The instructions that come with the overflow kits are very good. Tells you everything you need to know. You won't need a check valve as the returns are predrilled to stop a back syphon. Excellent system. Quiet, reliable. You'll like it! Good Luck!
  3. jumpfrog

    Am I cycled? Where are my nitrates?

    If you haven't added to the bioload and your ammonia and nitrites are reading zero for several days you cycle is complete. Nitrates may show up or not. It may take a very long time if your bioload is very small. In any case, a presence of nitrates is not necessary. In fact, most everyone...
  4. jumpfrog

    Pics of My 125 FOWLR

    Looks great! That 'wall' project should be quite the event. Please share pics when done.
  5. jumpfrog

    Star ID Help?

    Graham and Susan, thank you both for your replies. I agree with the general concept of not buying an animal until you know how to care for it. My LFS is very knowledgeable and is very selective on what he will sell and to whom. I also know that even with good intentions, stars are hard to ID...
  6. jumpfrog


    In my 125 I went with a little bit of rock work to provide hiding places and sleeping caves. Then left a large portion open for swimming and foraging. Not the best pic but gives kind of an idea.
  7. jumpfrog

    niger trigger Question

    Current inhabitants: Volitan's lion 5" SFE 15" Wolf Eel 12" Valentini Puffer 2.5" Picasso Trigger 3" Niger Trigger 4" Red Coris Wrasse 5" Foxface 5" Don't plan on adding anything else. Everyone gets along and It's by far our favorite tank.
  8. jumpfrog


    Seems to me that this is a easy issue. We're all thankful for for sponsoring the board so why not follow their few simple rules? If you need help find something why not post: "I'm looking for a purple eyed trigger, please email me if you have a good source." Everyone wins!:D
  9. jumpfrog

    Star ID Help?

    Ophiura and other star experts: Picked up a star today for our 46 bow. The tank has been running for over a year with plenty of light algea growth and other detritus. My LFS said this was a red linkia. I know how difficult it is to ID stars and I'm not dissing the LFS. But, I'd love to know...
  10. jumpfrog

    Starfish for a 29g

    lol, think of the business you could generate. My lion won't eat, why?
  11. jumpfrog

    Pepperment Shrimp

    I can't recall reading anyplace that peppermints will clean. I guess any shrimp may munch on a parasite it comes across but maybe just not a natural inclination. I personally like have a cleaner shrimp in a tank, just in case.
  12. jumpfrog

    Strange Yellow Tang Behaviour! Please help!

    I've seen mine do a little wagging and throw little temper tantrums, as I call them. Don't know why, just does it from time to time. Never has been associated with any illness though. I'd keep an eye on em just to make sure. Agree with all on the color thing. Mine does it every day. Good Luck!
  13. jumpfrog

    algae sheets

    I feed my reef tank every other day and in that feeding I have meats mixed with seaweed. On the off day I give my yellow tang a 4"x4" square of nori. Which she promptly destroys. She's about 3.5" - 4" inches long. The rest of the time she grazes the rock and keeps the tank spotless.
  14. jumpfrog

    Wrasse preferences ?

    Had a 6 line in my reef and he was very active. A little bit of a bully though. Chased my firefish all the time. The 6 line disappeared and replaced him with a blue sided fairy wrasse. Very pretty, but, very shy. Seldom see him but it's only been a week. Hopefully in time it will spend...
  15. jumpfrog

    Jawfish and Shrimp ok together?

    I have a yellow headed jawfish in a 46 with peppermint shrimp. Never pays them anymind. Great fish!
  16. jumpfrog

    Starfish for a 29g

    Jon, I think Susan was saying the "tank" should not be younger that six months. Great question though, I wonder how you tell the age of a starfish:confused:
  17. jumpfrog

    niger trigger Question

    It's a wolf eel. Aka carpet blenny. It's really a dottyback and not a moray. Love em' just the same though. Lots of personality and a good eater.:)
  18. jumpfrog

    New tank, Flow question

    I too have a 125 from AGA with twin overflows. I'm using a mag 12 and it does fine. They estimate 600-700 gph from the overflows depending on the rest of the plumbing. Figure out your head height (rise from pump to return point in the tank) and then choose a pump in that range. Good Luck...
  19. jumpfrog

    niger trigger Question

    My niger hid for a while but when more fish were added he became more comfortable. He never hides now.
  20. jumpfrog

    Ordering Zebra Moray???

    I don't know about them in particular, but, I've ordered from several sites including this one and the animals arrived alive and did just fine. I think the online stores that have been around for a while know what they're doing when it comes to shipping. Just be sure to follow their...