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  1. jumpfrog

    overflow box

    Ball valve is a way to reduce the amount of water coming out of your return pump. Available at all home improvement stores and most better LFS. The reason to add one is to allow you to reduce your return flow in case your pump out produces your overflow. If your overflow can only drain...
  2. jumpfrog

    RO/DI water, now what?

    I might be out to lunch on this as I'm still learning the water chemistry. But I was thinking that if the RO/DI removed most of the minerals and impurties from the water it would make it very soft as in dkh = 0. That might be fine for discus or something needing soft water; but, try having a...
  3. jumpfrog

    So excited I almost WET myself !!!!!!!!!

    Lookin' good Mike. New tanks are a blast aren't they?
  4. jumpfrog

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    Congrats on a nice tank! One thing about this hobby, there is no "one" way to do it:D
  5. jumpfrog

    overflow box

    The amount flowing through you over flow will be mostly dependent on the return flow from your sump. Which is control by the power of pump. Provided the pump is stronger than the overflows capacity you should be fine. Best thing to do is put a ball valve on the output of you return pump...
  6. jumpfrog

    RO/DI water, now what?

    Salt mix should be all you need for saltwater. As for freshwater, I don't know if I would use Ro/DI water. You wouldn't have anything left to buffer the PH and could find yourself with wide swings.
  7. jumpfrog

    tidepool system by Marineland

    I have barely used Lifereef overflow I may part with. If interested email me.
  8. jumpfrog

    return pump

    I have an AGA 125 RR. They are 1" drains with 3/4" returns. Using a mag 12 and wide open it balances out well. If I had the space in the sump I would run two mag 7's just to have the backup.
  9. jumpfrog

    What's your filtration?

    Wet/dry, LR, LS and skimmer.
  10. jumpfrog

    Can eel's get Ick

    Lisa! Hey, can't remember the last time I saw you on this board. Hope all is well and glad to see ya back! Great question on the ich. Haven't seen anything on aggressive fish and parasites and would love to learn more.
  11. jumpfrog

    Does anyone else have problems with their snails falling?

    Yep happens all the time....Well sorta. I may weeks and not see one on it's back and then see a different one 3 days in a row. I just have a tool that I use to turn em over. Just accepted it as part of the maintenance effort. If someone has a secret to this, please share.
  12. jumpfrog

    Mag Pump Hazard

    Good thought on the grounding probe. I don't have one, primarily because of the consensus of this board. If I recall right there have been many threads and the general thought was........waste of money. I hope I didn't remember wrong. The way I trouble shot this was unplugging items until...
  13. jumpfrog

    Flow rate question?????

    Why not go with the bigger? If you decide you want to do a sump down the road you're all set. Like it was stated, the amount through the drain will depend on return pump.
  14. jumpfrog

    in-sump skimmers

    Nautulis TE
  15. jumpfrog

    Mag Pump Hazard

    I can't hear the pump at all. Using a mag 7 for my skimmer. Can't hear it either. I'm not bashing the mags. Great pumps. Just sharing a bad experience to let you know it can happen. Probably a bad seal. S*&$ happens you know.
  16. jumpfrog

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    Here's kinda a different view. From the end. Just took this one tonight.
  17. jumpfrog

    My Last Addition

    The last member of our aggressive tank has come home. Isn't he a cutie?
  18. jumpfrog

    Mag Pump Hazard

    The people I bought the pump from are replacing it as well. Just can't get it done until Wednesday. Makes me nervous but I don't have a plan B. Local stores don't even stock a 12. They stop at 5's. Just plan to stay out of the sump until Wednesday. If the lights go out in central Alabama...
  19. jumpfrog

    PICS OF HAMMAR CORAL (Euphyllia Ancora)

    Here's mine. My favorite coral by far.
  20. jumpfrog

    Upgrading, NEED HELP!!

    Welcome to the board! Sounds as though your "upgrades" are primarily in the equipment arena. All good stuff but can never overcome other things which might keep you from thriving. What are keeping in the way of inverts? Are you currently using a skimmer? Between the amount of LR you have and...