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  1. jumpfrog

    A Couple Of New Pics

    Captured a couple of cool shots tonight I thought I'd share. Man I love this hobby! My Niger, isn't she gorgeous?
  2. jumpfrog

    6 Line Fatality

    RSD, thanks for the thought. Unfortunately though I don't have an overflow. I did check for carpet surfing though and that wasn't the case either. I think he just went into one of the caves and checked out. Sammy, thanks for your input too. I'm curious to see how the tang does. It was the...
  3. jumpfrog

    6 Line Fatality

    Man, I haven't lost a fish in a long time. My six line has disappeared and I fear he's dead. Not exactly a shy fish so not having seen him in a while portends a tragedy. I've read that wrasses aren't long lived so it could be a natural death. Having said all that. I want to replace him. Any...
  4. jumpfrog

    Florida Marine Society, Guest speaker,Julian Sprung

    Plum: I have a thought on this. One of the areas that's getting a lot of press lately is the efficacy of garlic and it's affect on parasites. Yet, no one is conducting a scientific study to determine if there is any relationship to garlic therapy and parasite reduction. As he has a lot of...
  5. jumpfrog

    penguin bio-wheels?

    What do you plan to keep? Bio-wheel filters do what they're designed to do. Problem is when you expect more out of them than they can deliver. I'd replace the wheels with new ones if you're transferring to SW. They will certainly provide biological filtration to a SW setup complementing your...
  6. jumpfrog

    New Tank Set up

    155? Is it reef ready? Are you getting a custom hood? What inverts do you want to keep? Softies? LPS? SPS? May work out better to target questions to specific items. ie lights, filtration, LR, LS. Just too much stuff for one post. Welcome to the board!
  7. jumpfrog

    The Back of Your Tank?

    I used an acrylic semi gloss. Took about 5 coats to get the effect I wanted. Did it before I started doing anything else to the tank. Don't freak out that the first coats look all streaky and stuff. After you get several coats on it looks completely opaque from the front.
  8. jumpfrog

    nautilous protein skimmer

    I'll add my $.02. Have one on my 125 as does ROCK. It works great. A LFS up in Birmingham has one on a 300 reef tank. Quite the testament if you ask me. Good Luck!
  9. jumpfrog

    i have a pink spotted broomtail wrasse, what to do?

    If it's just a feeding problem I wouldn't get rid of the wrasse for that reason only. In my tank the triggers, wrasse and puffer go for the food much faster than my volitans or eels. So, we feed small bite size stuff for the fish on one end and slowly feed the lion and eels more directly on...
  10. jumpfrog

    The Back of Your Tank?

    Painted black as well and I intend to just let the stuff grow on the back too. More natural I think.
  11. jumpfrog

    I need a New background for my PC

    Ditto on the webshots. Go to galleries and ocean life. Very nice pictures. Limited to 5 per day unless you pay but will make for a nice background and screen saver.
  12. jumpfrog

    maxi-jet questions""

    Check in the box it came in and look for a piece of plastic tube that has two points sticking out from the side. Your deflector should snap onto those two points. Then just make sure the adapter is pressed tight on the ph itself. Should hold together nicely. If you don't have the extention...
  13. jumpfrog

    Snail ID Help

  14. jumpfrog

    clown trigger pics

    azeritis: Where are you in Greece? I was stationed on Crete almost 30 years ago. My daughter was born in Iraklion. Man I still crave suflakis:D
  15. jumpfrog

    post your eel pics

    and SFE
  16. jumpfrog

    post your eel pics

    My wolf eel
  17. jumpfrog

    Snail ID Help

    I've been watching this guy grown from the size of a pin head for about 6 months. Finally got in a place where a picture would turn out. Any ideas what it is? Harmfull in anyway?
  18. jumpfrog


    Hey ROCK: I painted the background black. I used blue on my reef tank and I like the look. But, since this tank has the built in overflows which are black, I thought the blue wouldn't look right. I'm glad I went with black. The overflows blend in and the back of the tank just seems to...
  19. jumpfrog


    A little closer up: thanks again for all your help!
  20. jumpfrog


    with flash: