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  1. jumpfrog

    feeding food while still frozen?

    Could you describe the fishlick maneuver?
  2. jumpfrog

    formasa wrasse ????

    I think your wrasse would eventually eat all of your ornamental shrimps and it may feel cramped in a 55. Wrasses are active swimmers and won't be comfortable in cramped quarters.
  3. jumpfrog

    Identify this fish

    Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus) Quick Stats Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Care Level: Expert Only Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4 Temperament: Peaceful Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 5" Reef Compatible: With Caution Diet: Carnivore Compatibility: View Chart...
  4. jumpfrog

    Saddle Valentini Puffer

    If that's the only fish and no inverts then I think you would enjoy the valentini. May need a bigger tank down the road though. But 'way' down the road. I got mine at 1.5" in April 2001. He's probably 2" - 2.5" now. Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    They ship out of south Florida. Miami area. I don't think they have a brick and mortar store. Only online. I recieved a shipment from them last week and it was first rate. No deaths and excellent quality:)
  6. jumpfrog

    Perculas to Cycle a new Tank?

    Another vote for the frozen shrimp. Works and you don't have to worry about killing any fish in the process. Don't put yourself through the stress of worrying as well.
  7. jumpfrog

    Mag Pump Hazard

    I was working in my sump yesterday and noticed a tingling sensation. Come to find out it was coming from my mag 12. Best guess is that it's some stray electricity. Not enought current to pop anything, just enough to notice. Funny thing is I could feel it in the sump but nothing in the main...
  8. jumpfrog

    Snowflake Eel - Tell me about them...

    Not an expert but can share my experience. Bought a 10" SFE about 4 months ago. Put him in my 46 knowing I would be upgrading. Seemed very content. Usually saw his head poking out most of the day. Come feeding time he would venture out and swim around the tank. Took food from a stick very...
  9. jumpfrog

    Saddle Valentini Puffer

    Valentini's are great fish. Very personable and hardy. Most are kept in aggressive tanks as they tend to relish inverts. Espcially hermits and snails. They will also pick off any tube worms that try to grow. Some literature has them to 5", others to 3". If it were me I'd keep them in a...
  10. jumpfrog

    Show us your fish pics

    niger trigger, fast becoming my favorite!
  11. jumpfrog

    I need some advise!!

    Agree, great book. Also check out Fenner's stuff is on there as well along with a host of faqs which are helpful for your specific questions. If you don't want to limit yourself on corals then the high intensity MH's are probably the way to go. Great filtration will be...
  12. jumpfrog

    Royal Grammar Behaviour

    They do that. Don't be surprised to see him upside down on the rocks or just hanging looking like he's about to croak. They just do funny things. Great fish though!
  13. jumpfrog

    my 135 reef

    Looking good Jon. I bet you hate it when you have to leave home to go back to school. I know I would!
  14. jumpfrog

    I need some advise!!

    Great to ask questions at this point. I drilled tank allows you get water from your main tank to your sump without the use of a hang on overflow. It is definitely the way to go. Makes for a cleaner install and less problems down the road. Your filtration question depends on whay you're...
  15. jumpfrog

    this sucks!!!!

    I guess a lion is king of the jungle but a queen trigger is "king" of the tank??? Sorry for your loss.
  16. jumpfrog

    two wrasses together?

    I know what you mean. I've stocked similarly to you. Volitans, valentini, picasso, niger and a red coris wrasse (or yellowtail) along with a couple of eels in a 125. They're all small and it's kind of hard to imagine what they'll be like when they grow out. Although they are gorgeous, I'd be...
  17. jumpfrog

    two wrasses together?

    I think this is another of those "depends" situations. You would need to decide what the other wrasse is going to be. Selecting one with a similar body type and coloration would probably lead to problems. Again, depending on tank size, how long the current resident was in place and adequate...
  18. jumpfrog

    DIY Prizm Mod

    ? on your mods. I understand making the mod so you can adjust the air flow more precisely. Do you then run the pump wide open? You know the black plastic knob which ostensibly you use to adjust flow.:confused:
  19. jumpfrog

    A Couple Of New Pics

    Kev; had the SFE about 4 months and the niger about 2 weeks. Cool fish! BTW, we share the same last name:eek:
  20. jumpfrog

    A Couple Of New Pics

    Gotta love the SFEs:)