Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Niger Trigger

    I have a niger with a picasso. The picasso was in there first, also about 2" at the time. Added the niger who was about 3". I haven't had any problems but then again it's a 6' tank. I think the 75 would get crowded before too long. If you plan to upgrade soon you should be alright. Here's a...
  2. jumpfrog

    Foxface Rabbitfish Quesiton

    Here's another feeding technique I use with my foxface. Take a piece of nori and use a rubber band to attach it to a small piece of lr. Drop in the tank and watch. If your foxface is picking at the rocks for bits of algea he may do the same thing to the rock with nori. More natural than an...
  3. jumpfrog

    post your eel pics

    wolf eel
  4. jumpfrog

    post your eel pics

    Not terribly unusual but here's my SFE and Wolf Eel. By the way, the wolf is really a carpet blenny but acts like an eel and is very active. Can hold his own eating with anything in the tank.
  5. jumpfrog

    NM Reef, Coris Wrasse?

    Bo, thanks for the ID!
  6. jumpfrog

    NM Reef, Coris Wrasse?

    Great fish! But, it looks nothing like my red coris wrasse. Of course, I could be mistaken about mine too. The reason I was most curious is that mine is probably 5", 6" tops and has already changed to its adult coloring. Well mostly. You can still some of the juvi markings on the top of its...
  7. jumpfrog

    How come my cleaner shrimp has been hiding for 2 weeks now?

    It may just be checking out all your new fish. Some will stay hidden most of the time and only come out at feedings. Doesn't mean anything is wrong. Just the personality of that particular shrimp. In time it may come out more, or not. Good Luck!
  8. jumpfrog

    flamehawk, ?? and picture

    Lisa: A favorite program of mine is irfanview. A free program which makes for a great viewer and well as changing the image itself. You can find it at Just resize to smaller image and save. Then you can post that smaller image. Good Luck and great so see you back on the board.
  9. jumpfrog

    OT: Peer review articles

    Kinda what I thought. I read one like that today. March 2003 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist. Article is written by Rob Toonen, Ph.D. as a rebutal to James Fatheherree's article on Keeping Anemone's in the Home Aquarium. Pretty good article with plenty of other annotated references. If you...
  10. jumpfrog

    flamehawk, ?? and picture

    Lisa, the picture isn't coming up for me. I've found that the attach file method works better than the linking method. Only problem is sizing the file down 100k or less.
  11. jumpfrog

    OT: Peer review articles

    Jillian, define peer-rview? I think I understand the concept but with a better definition maybe I can help.
  12. jumpfrog


    Congrats and thanks for your willingness to share time. Especially with the upcoming nuptiuals:D
  13. jumpfrog

    green algae?

    At 2 months it would be normal to see some algea growth. Do you have any kind of clean up crew? What size tank? If you're starting to see algea then it's time to add a few snails and/or hermits. Good Luck!
  14. jumpfrog

    Going On Vacation

    I always prepackage the delivery of food and water for those tank sitting. In your case you should be fine for a week unless you have significant evaporation. That would be more of a concern than food. If you have someone you trust have them some water and food they can add mid week and you...
  15. jumpfrog

    rare fish findings

    email me and I'll point you in a direction.
  16. jumpfrog

    NM Reef, Coris Wrasse?

    NM Reef, noticed in another thread that you had a red coris wrasse that is now 7-8". How long did it take to get that size and do you have a picture? I have one in my aggressive and love him. Just curious as to how fast they grow. TIA
  17. jumpfrog

    Picture problems

    overanalyzer; Give Irfanview a chance. A free program with tons of options and power. Just do a search and you'll find his site. Good Luck!
  18. jumpfrog

    Sat night pics

    Debi, looking good! Your photography gets better all the time. Love that fox coral too!
  19. jumpfrog

    190 tank

    Approaching a ton before adding sand and rock. Figure on 8lbs a gallon for water and go from there. All Glass Aquarium has good info on their site for weights and such. I've never heard of a 190 but I was going to do a 180 a while back.
  20. jumpfrog

    unexpected gift

    Not positive but I believe a tongue coral is an lps. If so, your 65 watts is a bit low for lighting a 55. Look for more feedback from the board but my initial response is return to lfs or get more light asap. If nothing else, have that puppy up high in the tank. As for placing powerheads...