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  1. jumpfrog

    Dried Seeweed Sheets??

    Another option is to attach the nori to a small piece of LR with a rubber band. Drop to the bottom and watch them eat. To the fish it is just like grazing from the rocks in nature. Should work for you. Good Luck!
  2. jumpfrog

    is this a wolf eel?

    Here's a wolf eel (aka carpet blenny) for comparison. Nice zebra though.
  3. jumpfrog

    Help finding food

    I feel your pain. Can't get any here as well. My trusted LFS in Birmingham tells me they are seasonal and at this time of year you can't get them anywhere. I tried explaining that to my triggers and they just don't buy it.:rolleyes: If anyone out there has a source, please share!
  4. jumpfrog

    Help with Moray ID

    This may be one for the ahhh s*&% category. I'd love to see that juvi pic. I guess if it is I got a good price, now to figure out my next step.
  5. jumpfrog

    your lionfish do this???

    Such is the average day in a lion fishs' life. Pretty normal behavior. You'll see him perched sidesways, upside down, nose up. No worries mate:D
  6. jumpfrog

    Any suggestions???

    I too have a 46 and my largest fish in a 2.5" coral beauty. I have a yellow tang in a 72 and a sailfin in a 125. If there is a problem with tangs in a 46 it would not only be that they grow fairly large, but they really like to swim. If you ever saw an animal at the zoo pacing back and forth...
  7. jumpfrog

    Help with Moray ID

    Thanks for everyone's replies. I have a lot of confidence in the LFS that sold this guy. In fact, it is the first time I ever heard the owner say "I don't know." I find a certain amount of confidence in a shop keeper who doesn't just BS when he doesn't know. At any rate. I gave $35.00 for...
  8. jumpfrog

    Bug of the Week - Peppermint Shrimp

    I have four in my community tank and they're growing like weeds. One is currently carrying eggs. I have a hawk tank that was being overfun with aptasia. Couldn't put a shrimp in with the hawk as it would be an instant meal. So...I took rock with aptasia one at a time and placed them in the...
  9. jumpfrog

    Help with Moray ID

    Picked up this moray this weekend. The pictures don't really do it justice, a beautiful fish. Can anyone help ID? The LFS didn't know and usually I don't buy without knowing more. But I was out of town and couldn't resist. Have back up plans if it won't work out in my aggressive tank...
  10. jumpfrog

    Blackedge Moray...

    Bo, I saw that black edge at Gordon's Saturday. Beautiful eel but his size scared me off. But I feel in love with something at Aquarium Design in Bham. But that's another post.
  11. jumpfrog

    What to feed a Coral Beauty?

    Mine eats a DIY mix of food. Ground up shrimp, fish, krill, and nori. Seems to eat everything in the mix both off the rocks and in mid air. Hope yours starts to eat soon. They're a beautiful fish. Good Luck!
  12. jumpfrog

    post 100 gallon aquarium pics here

    My aggressive: I really need an updated pic though.
  13. jumpfrog

    Niger Trigger

    Our red coris wrasse is a great fish. Stays out all day unless something scares it (me putting my arm in the tank for instance:rolleyes: ) Even then dives into the sand and comes out after a while. Not aggressive but certainly assertive. Holds it own in the tank. Like snakesnfish said...
  14. jumpfrog

    Silt in the bottom of Sump

    Great question. Does anyone have a sure fired technique for getting this stuff out short of removing everything (ie bio balls, return pump, skimmer)?
  15. jumpfrog

    What would YOU do

    I took a similar approach with my 46 bow. Went community with a mated pair of australian clowns, royal gramma, lawnmower, jawfish, pyjama and toped it off with a showy coral beauty angel. Mixed in some shrimp, crabs, snails and a healthy star. No corals, 60 watts of light. It is my prettiest...
  16. jumpfrog

    My next fish?

    A large tang would be a good addition. Help with keeping the algea down in the tank. At some point your cleanup crew will start to become lunch for the triggers anyway. I have a sailfin with my aggressive group. Also a vote to one of the coris wrasses. Good Luck in your choice!
  17. jumpfrog

    what kind of sand bed?

    Send me an email and I'll let you know about a place where you can get it (aragonite sand) delivered for about a $.50 @ lb.
  18. jumpfrog

    Niger trigger

    Krunk, I think what you're seeing is the effect of flash photography. My niger has a very dark blue look in the tank. But with a flash he has the same gorgeos colors as NMReef's. Here's mine.
  19. jumpfrog

    what goses good with a dwarf pygmy angel?

    I think a royal gramma or a firefish would look nice.
  20. jumpfrog

    Niger trigger

    Great pics. Mine is one of my favorites. I think their beauty is highly underated. How big is he?