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  1. jumpfrog

    Sand is bad?

    Essentially a plenum is a "gap'. The idea with a plenum is to create a shelf upon which most of your tank rides. Below the plenum is an area which can become anerobic (void of oxygen). In that void anerobic bacteria convert nitrates to nitrogen gas thereby completing the cycle. A dsb does...
  2. jumpfrog

    Fish Suggestions

    Any of the hawkfish would go nicely with that setup as well. The only problem could be the damsels and how well they take to a newcomer. Good Luck!
  3. jumpfrog

    Canister VS Wetdry

    While I like the efficiency of a wet/dry and it's obviously superior in the amount of load it can handle, there is the problem of getting water to the wet/dry. I say if you're predrilled or RR then wet/dry. Adding a hang on overflow to a 29 would take up a lot of room. In that case I'd go...
  4. jumpfrog

    return for a 125 aga RR

    I use a 12 on mine but I think an 18 would work. Just make sure you have a ball valve to tune in case the 18 over powers your drains. Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    OT- Anyone else on this Atkin's Diet??

    My wife and I have been on it for about a month. I'm down 10lbs and she's down 15. I'd probably do better but I haven't given up the beer. Supposidly "free" carbs, but, I'd probably lose more without the beer. Buy hey, I gave up potatoes!:mad: Good Luck with the pounds and even more well...
  6. jumpfrog

    Fish List for new tank

    Those will work. Just watch the order in which you place them. Tangs should go last with the hippo probably last. Of the triggers the niger would probably be better. Not as aggressive as the picasso. If it was me I'd go maroon, sfe, volitans, yellow, niger then hippo. Makes sure water...
  7. jumpfrog


    Same here. Eats anything it can get to. Only out of the water column though so make sure what ever you feed floats. Mine likes to wait in front of a ph and catch what ever comes by.
  8. jumpfrog

    Sandhopper Blenny?

    justlooking: If it is a pink spot watchman he grows to about 3-4" and likes meaty foods and any 'bug' it can find. My eats very well and is not lazy about waiting for food to get to it. I thought it would sift more than it does but maybe mine is still young. Great fish.
  9. jumpfrog

    Sandhopper Blenny?

    Is it like this one. A pink spot watchman gobie.
  10. jumpfrog

    LawnMower blennie wont eat

    Try taking a piece of nori and attach to a small rock with rubberband. Toss the rock in the tank. To the blenny it will seem like algea growing on a rock and he may graze on it. I use that technique for my tangs sometimes and they pick off every piece. Even "under" the rubberband:rolleyes...
  11. jumpfrog

    Cleaner shrimp.

    Acclimation probably the issue. Has copper ever been used in the tank?
  12. jumpfrog

    Poll.....Who uses Carbon?

    Full time user in all of my tanks. I think it adds to water clarity and helps remove toxins. I figure the water changes keep the trace elements up. Just my $.02
  13. jumpfrog

    what now?

    You're probably done with the 6 fish you have in there and only 35lbs of LR. What additional filtration do you have? If the damsels found their way back to your LFS (hint, hint) you could add another larger, active fish. Some of the fairy wrasses grow to about 5" and they stay on the move and...
  14. jumpfrog

    reef ready or not reef ready, that is the question

    RR for sure! That $150.00 now won't be remembered, but having a hang on overflow to look at will always be there. Good Luck!
  15. jumpfrog

    dwarf lion problem

    Another thought is that your lion is shedding his cuticle. They do this from time to time. It can appear like milky celophane. If that's the case it's just normal and will stop soon. The process helps them remove parasites and such. As for garlic. I like the extract you can get from health...
  16. jumpfrog

    Changing setup

    That stocking order isn't so much in regard to size as their willingness to accept new neighbors. Correct me if I'm wrong Bo. And no, SW fish will not stay small in a small space. That is true with some FW fish which secrete a hormone that governs their growth rate. Good luck with your new...
  17. jumpfrog

    Red Coris Wrasse ?

    Normal behavior. It will stay out all day once it's comfortable. Beautiful fish! Here's mine:
  18. jumpfrog

    Bring Out The Clowns!!!!!

    My tomato pair.
  19. jumpfrog

    tank pics

    How are those tangs doing in there? Any stress problems? Nice tank, can't wait for my triggers to grow to some size.
  20. jumpfrog

    puffer question

    First off, welcome to the board! That valentini should do fine. I bought one at 1.5" 8 months ago and he's only about 2" now. They like meat so make sure you feed it appropriately. Keep in mind that most all other inverts are no longer an option once you go down the puffer road. They'll...