Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    10 gallon salt... is this hard

    I say if you're thinking reef, then by all means. The bigger tank is the better way to go. But...........I have a 10 gallon with a hawk and a damsel. LR, LS blade calurpa and a whisper 4 hanging off the back. With lighting maybe a $100-$150 tops. It's a fun tank, the hawk is a great fish and...
  2. jumpfrog

    My New Website - Please Take A Look

    Frank. Now you're cookin'! Looks great and loads quickly. Can't wait to see corals page. I know it's a lot of work getting these things going. My site is in terrible disrepair. BTW, a T-1 line is about as fast as it gets. That's why I made the suggestion. The folks out there using 53k...
  3. jumpfrog

    clean up crew question

    elan; somehow I missed your tank specs. How big, what filtration, how long setup and what do you plan to keep?
  4. jumpfrog

    clean up crew question

    Don't forget, your cleanup crew needs food too. If it's very clean with no algea and you dump a bunch of snails and hermits in, what are they going to eat? I think it's better to add a few at a time and note their progress. If they're not keeping up with the algea growth then continue to add...
  5. jumpfrog

    My Tank

    Very Nice!
  6. jumpfrog

    My New Website - Please Take A Look

    Frank, beautiful tank and great pictures. The site looks good. If there is a criticizm (constructive) your pictures take a long time to load. I'm on a T-1 line. May make the initial pictures a bit smaller and link them to larger pics on a separate page to allow folks to move about faster...
  7. jumpfrog

    Good filter for agressive tank

    What size tank? Is it drilled?
  8. jumpfrog

    southdown sand blues

    Just wait it out. It'll be fine in a few days. Once the sand has a bacteria coating it will settle much faster when stirred. What are you using for mechanical filtration?
  9. jumpfrog

    Tank bowed...

    That looks great! Keep us up to date with your progress.
  10. jumpfrog

    new tank owner here. please help

    Elan, looks like it will be a great tank. You posted your nitrite is 3? If so you're still in your cycle stage. From your reading a research I'm sure you've seen that both ammonia and nitrite must be zero befor cycling is complete. Having said that you shouldn't add any more animals until...
  11. jumpfrog

    serpent star ate 2 fish

    Keep an eye out for any shrimp you may have as well. I had a green serpent that dined on 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 fish until I found out it was the culprit. I'd never keep a serpent in a tank with other animals again. Sorry for your loss!
  12. jumpfrog


    I use the same camera and love it. Best 2 megapixel around IMHO. Great picture!
  13. jumpfrog

    lawnmower blenny like fish

    Are you wanting a similar fish for its diet, personality or size? You mean you don't find lawnmowers attractive:eek:
  14. jumpfrog

    Hiding Sailfin Tang

    First welcome to the board! 2nd, he should be better in time. Something that helps is paying frequent visits to the tank. If you go close to the tank often he'll get used to you being there and not become afraid. Even if you don't see him, he'll know you're approaching. They're gorgious...
  15. jumpfrog

    Cardinals .. can they be mixed ?

    I had a pyjama in with my flame. Noticed after a while that the pyjama's tail was half gone. Had a bangaii in with the flame and he lost his tail and died before I caught the damage. Don't know if it was the flame or not. Never caught him but he "looked" suspicious. He wouldn't look me in...
  16. jumpfrog

    Gonna try again

    Way to go Lisa. Great shots!
  17. jumpfrog

    testing photo---info please help!

    Lisa: As Rye said, what program are you using? But, in most photo programs you can go to File>Save As and choose .jpg as your format. The program will do all the work. Once in a .jpg format just go to attach file and Browse to the files location. Should work. Don't forget to keep the size...
  18. jumpfrog

    DIY Canopy to match AGA stand

    Turned out very nice! Wish I had thought of that front door cabinet concept. Easier to use to feed feed fish than raising the whole thing. I made my canopy as well to match my AGA. Didn't turn out as nice as yours though.
  19. jumpfrog

    Power compact bulb question

    Another vote for the 10K. Below will be too yellow and above will be too blue with the acticnic you have. Good Luck!
  20. jumpfrog

    post your eel pics

    Conogre, your wolf looks great. At 18" and 1.5lbs, how big around is that guy? Must be beefy:eek: