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  1. jumpfrog

    New Pals

    My still unidentified eel has made a new friend. It appears he and the wolf eel are becoming buddies. Thought it made a good pic and I'd share. Still looking for an ID if anyone has any thoughts.:confused:
  2. jumpfrog

    Eel ?'s

    Just keep in mind that many of the eels available also dine on inverts. Your crabs could become meals.
  3. jumpfrog

    SFE diet

    You can also buy larger frozen shrimp and cut into chunks. My SFE loves it and it stays together so you can use your skewer to feed. Again, variety is best. Mine never gets the same thing twice in a row.
  4. jumpfrog

    Hi Need some questions answered about stocking my tank & compatible species

    You may want to keep a close eye out on the tang for a few days and continue to watch your levels for a few more. Glad they're at zero and hope they stay that way. If your tang is acting a little funky, give him time to get over it or show other signs. Tangs get sick easily and even a little...
  5. jumpfrog

    QT questions + dumb question

    Not a bad question at all and there are varying opinions on this subject and ardent fans of each philosophy. A QT tank can be a hospital tank or an observation tank or a refuge from other activities. The idea is to separate sick or weak fish from the main community to allow them to recover...
  6. jumpfrog

    Anyone Have a Bio Rocker?

    What is your overflow capacity and head height. You need to figure that in to determine proper pump size. As for internal or external it would depend on your sump and preference. If your sump is/can be drilled I'd recommend external. If not an internal will work just fine. The mag series...
  7. jumpfrog

    Red Slime Again/help

    Overanalyzer; from what I understand it's not about how much/little light as much as it is a shift in lighting spectrum. As the lights age the intensity at various wave lengths change. When it gets to a certain point, cyano bacteria seem to thrive. That's why it's always a good thing to check...
  8. jumpfrog

    royal/false gramma suggestions please!

    My royal gramma acts like Debs. Hovers around it's spot and tends to leave everyone alone. But, won't be intimidated. Great fish. No experience with the others, sorry.
  9. jumpfrog

    Water Quality Experts....

    No expert here either, but I'd check into your alkalinity. Looking for 3-4 range with 3.5 ideal. This will help buffer your water. If your alkalinity is fine then you need to raise you ph. Good water change the best way. Let us know your alk reading.
  10. jumpfrog

    please help sandsifting fish?

    Many of your gobies do a good job of sifting the sand. I've got a orange spot that maintains the area around his den spotless. Good Luck in your search!
  11. jumpfrog

    How do you feed Caulerpa and Tang Heaven?

    Another sure fire technique is wrapping some of your nori to a piece of LR rubble using a rubber band. Just drop the rubble in the tank and the tang will take care of the rest. Good Luck!
  12. jumpfrog

    My new sump room setup

    I'm green:D
  13. jumpfrog

    Setting up new reef tank

    Sounds like you're on your way to a great setup. I think the amount of rock you're getting is great. Agree with Kip on the return pump. You're always better off going up a bit. You can always throttle down a little with a ball valve and the price of a mag 7 compared to a 5 is next to...
  14. jumpfrog

    Red Slime Again/help

    If everything has been fine and the cyano started to appear I would take a close look at your lighting. If your water flow hasn't changed (ie, ph gone bad or moved) then that would be my first check. How long since you changed your bulbs? Like you I had good success with a chemical product...
  15. jumpfrog

    Jawfish feeding.

    Probably the same thing as you. My salt tanks are all-glass and I use their glass and vinyl covers. I guess the vinyl/plastic does block some light but I've never really worried about it. I like that the glass is easy to keep clean and relieves me of some of the worry of losing fish. Others...
  16. jumpfrog

    What to put in with my Huma-Huma Trigger

    I'm with Snakes on this. A 55 is not a good long term home but you'll be ok for awhile. I think a moray would be a nice addition to what you have. Only other thought would be a tomato or maroon clown. Get one that's fairly large already and add it before the tang and huma get too set in...
  17. jumpfrog

    Jawfish feeding.

    I have a yellow head pearly jawfish. Great fish with a lot of personality. Never ventures too far from his cave but will dart out to take most any food. Mine set his cave up close to the flow of a powerhead. When food hits the water stream from the ph it races in the direction of the fish...
  18. jumpfrog

    How do you guys maintain a clean sandbed?

    I watched my trigger literally "suck" hermits right out of their shell. It was a sad sight as I had just added the hermits. You're right about a DSB helping the nitrogen cycle by providing a place for anaerobic bacteria to grow and convert nitrates into nitrogen gas. The problem arises when...
  19. jumpfrog

    How do you guys maintain a clean sandbed?

    The puffer may be your only problem with hermits and crabs. Note that if you get an eel, it will probably move around some of your sand which could affect your filtration efficiency. Certainly if you get any big wrasse it will cause DSB problems. It may be best with predators to not rely on...
  20. jumpfrog

    green algae

    May want to check out the age of the lights as well. As they age they sometimes intesitify their output at spectrums algeas prefer. As broomer said look for sources of phosphate/nitrate as in food source, length of time between water changes.