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  1. jumpfrog

    Hey Bud!

    Thanks snake, it's starting to look that way isn't it? When these guys grow up I may find that an all ell tank would be pretty cool. Have to keep that in mind. Cheers
  2. jumpfrog


    Between my red coris wrasse and tomato clown, they keep the sand stirred. Inverts are tough in an aggressive tank.
  3. jumpfrog

    Hey Bud!

    These two have started hanging out together from time to time. Thought it made a good pic.
  4. jumpfrog

    Shed a little light.... no pun intended

    T-5 refers to the lamp size in diameter. T-8 = 1", T-12 = 1.5" T-5 is smaller so you can place more lamps in the same space. I think their availability is primarily in Europe right now with just some coming into the states. Those that have them claim they are very bright. Haven't seen them...
  5. jumpfrog

    My new Chevron tang

    Beautiful. I've never seen one at a LFS. Sounds like you got a great deal.
  6. jumpfrog

    Anyone using a SCWD waver maker thingy??

    Here's a link to their site. Sounds interesting.
  7. jumpfrog

    need a algae eater

    Your algae description sounds more like cyano bacteria than algea. I'm not aware of any critters which like to eat cyano. Do a search on cyano and you'll get plenty of advice on how to remove it. As for your fish load................Might want to remove some fish, adding would not be...
  8. jumpfrog

    (!@#$!!) Clowns

    I have 3 tanks with clowns. My perc in the reef tank never messes with the sand. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him at the bottom of the tank. My mated pair of australians have never messed with the sand in my community tank. But, my tomato in my aggressive tank does the sand dance a...
  9. jumpfrog

    Is it ok to add these to my tank??

    I think those would make great additions and your system is stable enough to allow that much increase in bioload. You could help by lightly feeding for a few days to make sure you don't spike your system too much. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    Lion still wont eat

    Sorry for loss. I can relate. Lost mine this week too. <see my post>
  11. jumpfrog

    I ran out of room and this is what I have!!!!!

    I just wish I could stay up late enough to see the critters with a red light.:rolleyes: logan keep asking and learning and "sharing." We can always learn something new.
  12. jumpfrog

    powerhead selection

    Something else to keep in mind is the heat that phs give off. In fact the heat put out by maxijet 1200 far exceeds that of the 900's. I only make this point that if you're going for mucho current there are other ways beside using ph's. Some here have used returns with manifolds that make...
  13. jumpfrog

    Electric Scallop Question

    pyro, thanks what is cycopleeze and when you say dose heavy, what do you mean? TIA
  14. jumpfrog

    Velvet Wrasse Took A Leap of Faith and Lost

    Sorry for your loss. They're beautiful fish.
  15. jumpfrog

    Dwarf Angel

    I'll chime in on the coral beauty as well. Mine is in a FOWLR community tank so no corals to disturb. Only other experience with a dwarf was a flame angel my wife bought when the tank was relatively new. Predictable consequences occurred.
  16. jumpfrog

    My new A$$hole tang

    Too funny. If it was me I'd let them work it out on their own. I'm sure the niger can make his point if he needs to. Let us know how it goes. Mine trade places all the time, except for sleeping spots. Those seem to be out of bounds for stealing.
  17. jumpfrog

    Anyone have a picture of....

    I have mine almost a year and he's never puffed up. Supposedly the get real stressed when they puff so I'll take that as a positive sign. As for eating. EVERYTHING! This little guy is a pig and will eat anything in the tank. Is assertive enough to get his meal with the big guys but is never...
  18. jumpfrog

    new fisht making him self at home and is a ham for the camera.

    Cool. Must be a laid back clown. I thought they were'nt big on sharing their digs with others. Neat pic.
  19. jumpfrog

    Electric Scallop Question

    Have any of you successfully kept scallops? My successful I mean more than a couple of months. I thought I read that they need alot of phyto in the water and that in the home aquarium you just can't get enough in there for long term health. Any experiences would be appreciated.
  20. jumpfrog

    i just had to show off loey

    I "offer" to mine a little each day but he decides when he wants to eat. Usually every other day he'll take something and then about every third day the really chows down. I figure he knows best when to eat so I leave it up to him. Great looking SFE.