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  1. puff(er) daddy

    Possible Algae problem?

    I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but it's normal on new tanks. A good clean up crew (snails, shrimp, stars any algae eaters would do).
  2. puff(er) daddy

    Starting all over again!!!!

    My Fish, that just makes us more experienced now ;)
  3. puff(er) daddy

    skimming / additives

    I read that adding calcium to the tank initiates coraline algae growth. So I went out and brought a test kit for calcium and Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium. I haven't used the Reef Advantage yet, but the reading was 490ppm (I hope I tested it right). Does adding calcium initiates coraline...
  4. puff(er) daddy

    Light bulb question

    Thanks. I have the brighter side down now. It looks cool.
  5. puff(er) daddy

    skimming / additives

    I run my skimmer 24/7. I'm starting to add additives to my water, so I can have better water quality. Would me running the skimmer have any effect on the additives I add or should I shut the skimmer down once in a while?
  6. puff(er) daddy

    Light bulb question

    I just brought two 36inch actinic white 50/50 bulbs. I want to know how shoul I place them in the light fixture. It's two sides to the bulb. One side looks regular and the other looks like a more solid (heavy) white. Right now I have the regular side facing down towards the water which...
  7. puff(er) daddy

    Starting all over again!!!!

    I going to get an extra heater and powerhead tomorrow. I knew this all along, I guess it takes a day like this to make me stop being so cheap!
  8. puff(er) daddy

    Starting all over again!!!!

    I have 125 gallon fowlr. I just traded my 8 inch mappa puffer in three days ago. All was left was is 10 turbo's and a sand sifting star. I tried to do a 50 gallon water change. I premixed the water two days prior. On sunday since I only have one heater I stared to heat the water water 11...
  9. puff(er) daddy

    What's this?

    I'm pretty sure it's a snail, because he's was stuck to the glass just like the other snails. But, there's no shell!
  10. puff(er) daddy

    New fish

    I traded my 8 inch mappa puffer in today. I guess I have to change my name. I'm going to do a community tank with many inverts. I traded him because he was too big. I have a 125 gal. tank. I'm going with smaller fish this go around. I'm thinking of adding tangs and maybe an angel. I don't...
  11. puff(er) daddy

    What's this?

    I'm sorry I can't put a picture up because I don't know how. Anyway, it looks like a snail but it doesn't have a shell. I have ten mexican turbo's in the tank and they are all acounted for. It was eleven, one died a week ago. I saw it when I got home tonight it was crawling on the glass...
  12. puff(er) daddy

    Lighting for dumbmies??????????

    I have a fish only tank with l/r, l/s and inverts. I know that fowlr tanks don't need specific lighting but, I might in time convert to a reef tank. I have a 125 gal. tank with two 36 inch, single bulb fixtures. I just brought two actinic white 50/50 30w bulbs to replace the standard bulbs...
  13. puff(er) daddy

    nitrite problems

    IMO- Your going through a cycle and soon the nitrite should turn to nitrate. You should test the ammonia soon as possible to make sure it's not high. It shouldn't be since your nitrite is so high.
  14. puff(er) daddy

    Red Algae Taking Over

    I'm going to test my water for the phosphate(sp) reading. Your cc my be the problem. You know it traps uneaten food. Most people perfer dsb. I have a dsb, but I like the cc look much better and you should vacum it constently. I guess you do since your water perameters are perfect. My...
  15. puff(er) daddy

    Red Algae Taking Over

    I'm going through this as we type. It's from a number of things: lighting, overfeeding, lack of water movement, even poor water conditions. Give more info on your set-up and let us know how your tank is doing in the areas just mentioned and we will get you through this.
  16. puff(er) daddy

    Skimmer On Constanly???

    Most people run their skimmers 24/7. I've never heard that it was harmful to shut it off, maybe. I can give you a trick to stop the bubbles. Put a sponge under the return outlets so that the water coming out of the skimmer could fall directly on the sponge instead of the straight into the...
  17. puff(er) daddy

    802 Powerhead

    Thanks for the quick replies. I'm going to try that upside down trick. My powerhead gave me strong currents at first now it seems to be not as powerful. Any comments? Maybe it's just me!
  18. puff(er) daddy

    802 Powerhead

    Just set it up three days ago and it's blowing out micro bubbles. What's the problem and cure?
  19. puff(er) daddy

    When can I remove my bio-balls?

    I don't have the recommended amount of l/r or l/s. I have 50lbs of l/r and about 3 inches of l/s. So I just answered my own question? Once I get the recommened amounts it would be concievable. Right?
  20. puff(er) daddy

    Algae turning into.....

    Tacks how can I find out what type of ballast I have? Also what kind of electric ballast should I be looking at? I'm going to get the 50/50's tomorrow. Thanks