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  1. puff(er) daddy

    What about this?

    If the rock is really cured you can add as much as you want and have no spikes at all. Minimal at best. Six to ten pounds a week is recommened.
  2. puff(er) daddy

    What Is So Bad About CC?

    Crushed coral is not bad. That's not what "most" people are posting. The benifits are just much greater with a dsb than with cc.
  3. puff(er) daddy

    Live Rock Cycling??

    Why do you all tell people to "STAY AWAY FROM CRUSHED CORAL", as if it can't be done? I know plenty of people who use cc and have wonderful display tanks. Wouldn't it be fair to teach each beginner the benifits of a dsb versus cc? This intittles them to make there own choice by knowing the...
  4. puff(er) daddy

    Tank Crisis

    I forgot to mention that if you try the hypo. method you should also remove the l/r in addition to all inverts.
  5. puff(er) daddy

    Tank Crisis

    First, I think you should post this in the disease/treatment section. Since nobody has responded yet I'm going to give you my .02 . The daily fresh water dips and the hypo that you mentioned are used for ick treatments I'm not sure if it applies to any other disease. You said that there are...
  6. puff(er) daddy

    Did anyone receive a replacement impeller from Rea Sea?

    I received mine today and I wanted to know if I needed to remove the black caps on each end of the impeller? Another question is: I have 1" tubes connected to my outlets on my skimmer because it's hooked up outside of my wet/dry and I need the water to reach the filter. Should I sit the end...
  7. puff(er) daddy

    Did anyone receive a replacement impeller from Rea Sea?

    I have a Berlin Turbo Classic skimmer and Rea Sea mailed me a new impeller. The question is do I remove the black caps on each end of the impeller? I also wanted to know about the water outlets. I attached two 1" tubes on my outlets to reach my wet/dry. When the water return out of the...
  8. puff(er) daddy

    Cure Live Rock??

    Cured rock is rock that has been established an have lots of live critters inhabiting it. On the other hand rock that is not cured has a foul odor to it as the cured smells like the ocean.
  9. puff(er) daddy

    Adding my eel

    Yes eels are compatible with puffers they keep to themselves most of the time and can defend themselves if need be.
  10. puff(er) daddy

    Southdown sand

    If you are talking about your 75 gal tank I think you should buy l/s on line(if you can afford it). I know everyone on the bb praise SD, but the reason I say that is I have SD sand and no matter how much you rinse or "raise" it :D It's going to cloud like hell. And anytime after that you mix...
  11. puff(er) daddy

    What eats brown algae?

    What's the difference between a Mexican Turbo and a Trouchus?
  12. puff(er) daddy

    newbe...HELP, fish seem stressed!!!

    Welcome! You have to give your fish a chance to get use to its surroundings. It's normal for a fish to go into hiding for a couple of days even weeks so don't worry about that. As for the breathing hard, you have to give us more info. How did you introduce your fish to the tank? What are...
  13. puff(er) daddy

    quarantine a fish????

    If you set up a hospital tank you don't buy top of the line equipment just the essentials(sp). It shouldn't cost as much and it would be well worth it considering the other alternitive, Putting a sick or diseased fish in your display tank and he distroys everything. If you develop a close...
  14. puff(er) daddy

    RO/DI equipment a worthwhile investment?

    It's also good for the family. That's just a tip to get your spouse to chip in :D Anyway, it's worth it if you have the money for it. I don't so I buy it from my lfs at $.50 a gallon. Since I've been making constent water changes to reduce my nitrates I've purchased roughly 50 gallons a...
  15. puff(er) daddy

    about cycling the tank

    I'm not sure how to explain it but at first when you have a high ammonia reading it then reduces over time which gives you a high nitrite reading then once it's reduce gives you a high nitrate reading and once your nitrates reduce your water should be done cycling. That's a rough discription of...
  16. puff(er) daddy

    if you about puffers HELPPPPPPPP!!

    You might want to get a bigger tank. Puffers are very active and need room to swim around. I think there are some fw puffers that don't grow as fast but you would have to do some research. Maybe another member has more info, but get a bigger tank before you attempt to house any aggressive fish.
  17. puff(er) daddy

    skimmer "funk"

    Thanks jimi. Mr. Salty do you agree?
  18. puff(er) daddy

    skimmer, whats best?

    I forgot to add that your powerheads should be on at all times. It's often said on the bb that "the ocean never stays still". Use timers to have them come on at different times and all together.
  19. puff(er) daddy

    skimmer, whats best?

    Do some research on skimmers to see what type best fits your set-up. You might want a hang-on model or a sump model. See what best fits YOUR tank. I have a Berlin Turbo Classic which I just setup. I have a in sump skimmer. The hang on model would have best fit my tank. That's why I said to...
  20. puff(er) daddy


    jost is right run one of your powerheads on the top of the water(which will remove it from sight) and get a skimmer(which will remove it from the water). On the snail thing, did you adapt the snails to the water as you do fish(add water from your display tank to the new snails in the lfs bag)...