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  1. bennyhill

    Are my Parameters Good?

    The Nitrates are getting up there, to lower them Change water and clean the filter. If your filter is dirty, there is more waste material present to break down into nitrate. Start feeding less and changing water more often. but everything seems ok .Im still learning and i have my tank up about...
  2. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    Last Pic Is The First Time Its Ever Done This Hunny Feeling
  3. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    First pic is a 75gal QT tank ET PHONE HOME just makes me sick lol
  4. bennyhill

    ReefRiyon 75 Gallon Reef Build Diary

    14gal will do for the clowns for a little while better if it were bigger ,but that needs to cycle too
  5. bennyhill

    ReefRiyon 75 Gallon Reef Build Diary

    I dont mean to sound like im being a d*** but you said your friend an expert and works at a fish store he should have told you to slow down take your time and not to spend your money yet ...Sorry i just hate it when stores like that just want a sale 1 store tryed it with me ....Man I REALLY HOPE...
  6. bennyhill

    cloudy water HELP

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 UV sterilizers really don't do much. Cloudy water is caused by a bacterial infection. I wouldn't recommend doing anything harsh at first. Make sure that you have enough internal flow through the system and that you have adequate protein skimming to remove said...
  7. bennyhill

    Clowns layed eggs???

    no everyone was right i realy need to read up on this more , I took everything out of the 10gal ( LR and the clowns ) and put them back into the 75gal . dang clowns are at it again lol same place in the 75gal doing there little dance .. funny when i did i want to came back as my clown fish...
  8. bennyhill

    Curious $$ amount

    yes i knew the diff lol but thanks ..i ment to say y spend the money only to get 5 more gals when you could find some people with 150 -165 + 4 a little more save the money ... just my thought.
  9. bennyhill

    Curious $$ amount

    You have a 120 gal would it make you happy going only 5gals bigger for the price
  10. bennyhill

    how to get Coraline?

    Purpleup will help 16oz bottle is about $7- $8
  11. bennyhill

    cloudy water HELP

    Is the powerhead pushing to much around. I know good flow in a tank is keen but its with the placement of the powerhead too.. just a ?? And like nycbob said carbon helps with Cloudy water
  12. bennyhill

    Sand question

    First thing first :you need to think about what fish your looking at. Some fish like Gold Head Sleeper Goby sift sand (take big mouth fulls and blow it out there gills) need fine grade sands not coarse grades . Something to think about .Theres tons of brands out there .think about if you want...
  13. bennyhill

    Looking for a little help....

    Look up and try to find out what kind of green algea it might be ,some if they bust will spread like wildfire. Cut back on the Actinic lamps run from about 12am to 10pm Actinic1hr befor and 1hr after 10k Do you have any pics. There is reef safe green algea remover out there . And was the extra...
  14. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    Bluespotted Red Mushrooms
  15. bennyhill

    My new Favia coral

    Im falling inlove with Favia coral i got a tiny frag from a buddy from this one
  16. bennyhill

    Iodine additive question

    IF you do reg.. water changes and check levels once a week or two they'll do fine Xenia are nice corals .By the way reef iodide is not expensive around $7. for 16 oz. Some good filter feeding food will help (Marine Snow 16.oz around $8 or $9) a little goes a long way. I WOULDENT PUT HOUSEHOLD...
  17. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    Going to start getting some frag from him soon i hope so ill post some for everyone to see , i dont know about everyone but i like to get a nice tank of zoos and shrooms going
  18. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    Well he started this tank in 2006 buthead came into some money ( dont you hate that ha ha ) i have a good bit of pic so ill keep posting trying to get him to get on here no luck YET i will
  19. bennyhill

    Something to look at

    I went over my friends ge got some new lights the other day 4 his tank had 942 watts and after 2 96 watts pfo pc total of 1134 not 150gal tank love this tank. Look at the diff... If you want to see more pics let me know...
  20. bennyhill

    you know your addicted when
