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  1. brian'sreef

    tank big enough?

    what kind of puffer is it?
  2. brian'sreef

    what color lights do most of yall prefer ?

    WEll i understand that.. i can't wait till i have to move my 125 from where i'm at when i get a place of my own..(sarcasm) Brian
  3. brian'sreef

    Which tang would YOU choose?...

    i buy caulerpa for my purple tang all the time.. he loves it.. a good hand full will normally only last him a couple of days.. (he's Fat)..he's a pretty hardy fish and very beautiful.. all the tangs that have been listed so far are all perfect choices..just thought i'd give you my insight. Brian
  4. brian'sreef

    new guy needs help

    sounds like you damsels got marine ich. there a lot of differnt ways to take care of it one is hyposalinity.. some marine fish can actually be dipped in freshwater for a minute or so and the ich just pops off of them.. you may not want to try that if you're just starting out.. quarantine him and...
  5. brian'sreef

    Whats ure fav fish?

    though i don't have one YET>. Zebrasoma Rostratem.. BLack Tang.. so cool.. Brian
  6. brian'sreef

    please try to tell me what this is

    i have a light neon green sponge that entered into my tank via live rock.. it's a really cool sponge and has gotten a lot bigger it grows really well and looks cool.. just to let ya know.. Brian
  7. brian'sreef

    do i still need a power head

    YOur set up is fine.. in a 7 gal. .. if you are to get any more fish make it a small one like a goby or a blenny just small.. since you already have two clowns.. i wouldn't go for a damsel.. they're a bit territorial..actually they are really territorial..and may bother teh clowns.. other than...
  8. brian'sreef

    what color lights do most of yall prefer ?

    One of the beauties of owning a reef tank is that you can buy very small inexpensive things like coral frags and small starts of soft corals and they will eventually grow.. one of the biggest problems that people have is that they want the awesome tank that they saw in their LFS and they want it...
  9. brian'sreef

    Need Anemone Identified

    for berghia.. brian :D
  10. brian'sreef

    Where can I buy calpura?

    INdeed caulerpa can be purchased at most local fish stores. there are dozens of different types of caulerpa out there so do a little shopping for them look around even get a book pick out one then see if you can find it anywhere.. one place to go to find caulerpa is <a...
  11. brian'sreef

    is there such thing as too much circulation

    not as far as i'm concerned.. Brian
  12. brian'sreef


    one can be just as easily kept as three or four ..the fish is normally happier when it has others like itself to school with but one or two will live fine in a tank. Brian
  13. brian'sreef

    I want 2 Cardinal fish....will they fight??

    yes it's ok to have a male and a female bangai..if you're lucky they may breed in you tank.
  14. brian'sreef

    Need Anemone Identified

    With the picture you me it still looks like aptasia..they grow in many different sizea and even colorations. if they are spreading so fast it'd be my bet that that's what it is.. if so there are a lot of ways to eliminate the problem..the most well known are peppermint shrimp and...
  15. brian'sreef

    Best medication for ICH?

    a cleaner wrasse or cleaner shrimp are also a good source of help these guys will eat the ich right off the fish ..adds new livestock to your aquarium as well so can't be too bad of a choice. Brian
  16. brian'sreef

    I posted this in the reef setup..what do you guys think

    He probably has or did have ich. my hippo tang occasionally does the same thing when something is bothering him.. hippo tangs are very suseptable to ich and can normally aquire it in even verely well established tanks..a very good way to take caare of the problem is get yourself a cleaner wrasse...
  17. brian'sreef

    flat worms

    Another well known way to get rid of them is a green mandarin while they won't completely eliminate the problem they'll keep it under control,they eat many small living creatures,so they won't completely devote their diet toward the flat worms. i have a pair of mandarins and they do a great job...
  18. brian'sreef

    How to introduce the mantis SHRIMP????

    not to mention they'll destroy and eat coral <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  19. brian'sreef

    Aptasia Question

    just be careful not to overdose calcium
  20. brian'sreef

    cucumber question?

    cucumbers sift sand and eat mainly detritus.. it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait a little while longer..just to be safe.. brian