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  1. nasotang00

    proper alk levels in a reef tank

    I have go a pretty good variance of the above as well and like strive to keep the alk around 3.0- 3.5 with calc at 450 ish.
  2. nasotang00

    sand sifters

    I agree with the above posts, no no no..
  3. nasotang00

    is this crab tank safe?

    I believe that is a "box" crab. That will completely destroy your tank.
  4. nasotang00

    Which Tangs?

    Def the naso, you can't go wrong. These fish have the best personality.
  5. nasotang00

    Raising Alk with Baking Soda, How much . . . .

    Well, to tell you the truth, I have been using the Kent Super Dkh with no success. I have also tried some other buffers with little success as well. I have heard that baking soda does a good job and it is about a 10th of the cost. . . . don't need to go broke going through tons of kent products.
  6. nasotang00

    Raising Alk with Baking Soda, How much . . . .

    For those who use this remidy to raise your alkilinity, can you fill me in on the mixing. I cannot seem to find this anywhere. Currently tryuing to raise the alk in my 55 gallon, right now it is at 2.0 and need to get it up. Any help would be great. Thanks
  7. nasotang00

    Flame Hawk

    Broomer, I just got one the other day. Man what personality these guys have.IMO, get one!! The day I put him in the tank he started eating right away. Went for brine, mysis, plankton and even flake. i don't think they are picky. Most def. the best addition so far.
  8. nasotang00

    Looking for acrylic to build sump??

    Anyone know of a chain type stor (eg. michaels, HD, etc.) that might sell sheets of thick acrylic?? Also, about what strength or width of acrylic would i need to build at least a 36 x 17 x 18 inch sump ?? thanks all.
  9. nasotang00

    Are 'trates ever really zero?

    I have never had 0. I have some fish in my reef so I will have traces of them no matter what. You have to feed fish so fish produce waste. It is inevitable. For those who don't have any fish, I am not sure.
  10. nasotang00

    Another bubble tip anemone question

    Anymore takers??? This guy has just got to live .... :(
  11. nasotang00

    Another bubble tip anemone question

    <.......bump Sorry
  12. nasotang00

    Another bubble tip anemone question

    Forgot to mention.... Lighting: 2 175W MH 2 96W PC Smartlight 1 65W PC Blue Actinic Current: 1 Hagen 802 ( in tank ) 1 Hagen 402 ( in tank ) 1 Rio 600 ( in tank ) 1 Rio 1700 Return from sump In my opinion, lighting and current are optim.. Thanks <bump>
  13. nasotang00

    Another bubble tip anemone question

    I recently purchased an orange tip green boubble tip anemone two weeks ago. For the first week it was looking wonderfull and ate twice. For the past week, it has been real deflated, won't accept food and has been turning brownish. I know that anemones deflated from time to time to rid themselves...
  14. nasotang00


    what is it exactly and where can you get it????
  15. nasotang00

    Yellow Pagoda Cup placement?

    YES, one of these species is commonly dyed yellow. Reniformis : this coral is shaped like a scroll and is commonly called the scroll coral. this coral is naturally dark mustard to bright yellow. Patula : this coral is shaped more like a flat disk and known as pagota and is naturally dark tan...
  16. nasotang00

    Boo on pets warehouse!

    All, I find this to be rather disturbing. It seems as if you have been cheated or scammed that you have no right to voice your opinion on the company that is doing something wrong. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  17. nasotang00

    Booo on pets warehouse !!!

    All, I find this to be rather disturbing. It seems as if you have been cheated or scammed that you have no right to voice your opinion on the company that is doing something wrong. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  18. nasotang00

    new lighting question.

    Well, I am not worried about the heat. I built an open back canopy the is about 12.5 inches. The MH bulbls are 8 inches away and the PCs about 10 inches away along with two very nice fans. In fact, the temp inside the canopy has not broke 80 degrees. Pretty sweet! I have a thermo in the canopy...
  19. nasotang00

    new lighting question.

    Ok then, here is what I did last night. To the existing set up I added my other 96w smartlight to the mix so I now have: 2 175w MH 2 96w 50/50 smartlights 1 65w blue actinic = 607 Watts = 11 watts per gallon on a standard 55 gallon. Would this be considered "intense" or still "moderate" lighting?
  20. nasotang00

    new lighting question.

    I just recently upgraded the lighting on my 55g reef. HAD: 2 96w smartlights 1 65w blue actinic NOW HAVE 2 175w MH @ 55k 1 96w smartlight 1 65 blue actinic The wierd thing is that the tank looks like it has less light now than it did with half the lighting. Is this ok? I want to get some...