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  1. ak_reefer

    vho lighting?

    I just received and installed my VHO's yesterday to my system and boy do I love them. I am running 4 95w VHO and 2 96 w PC. I got a really good deal on my VHO thru <a href="" target="_blank"></a> they have great prices and customer service. They have...
  2. ak_reefer

    New Upgrades coming Couple of Questions

    Hey Q, Thanks for the advice. Any idea about the Refugium is 2X13w good enough lighting. m1, I have had my flower pot for about 7 months. It is doing great has grown since I have purchased it. I feed it live brine shrimp and dose with Phytoplex seems to be working for me.
  3. ak_reefer

    New Upgrades coming Couple of Questions

    Well I am upgrading my system a little here and I have a couple of questions. I will be upgrading my lights. I am taking out my pair of 55w PC and adding a 4X95w of VHO to go along with my 2X96w PC. My question is I dont want a huge algea bloom so how should I go about keeping it down to a min...
  4. ak_reefer

    New Start Up? Will it work.?

    Well lets see where to start. As far as fish go I would go with the 2 percs and the scooter only. Since you are going with some corals as well. With a 20 gallon you are a limited. You do not want to overcrowd or have a very heavy bio-load. As far as what kind of snails Turbos, Magarita, Nass and...
  5. ak_reefer

    Have many questions!!

    Sharon, First welcome aboard this is a great bb. Secondly what kind of hermits do you have scarlet reef, blue legged..etc. Hermits are benifical to the aquarium they eat unwanted algea and waste. Secondly clowns are great beginner fish hardy and have great personalities. HTH..
  6. ak_reefer

    Green Brittle star in 7 Gallon bow front?

    I have a green brittle star and he has tripled in size. He is growing at a fast rate. So keep that in mind since you will have yours in a 7 gallon. Green Brittle Stars have been known to capture small slow moving fish so keep that in mind. They use an ambush type method. My caught and ate my...
  7. ak_reefer

    what additives should i add for an anemone?

    Phytoplex is phtoplankton. I feed my anenomes about once every two weeks. Yes both of them deflate and inflate it is totally normal. I leave my lights on about 10 hours a day. There is a book called Anenomes as a Hobby Conservation and Care or close to that title.
  8. ak_reefer

    what additives should i add for an anemone?

    I really dont know. I add supplements to my tank but it is for all my inhabitants in general Iodine, Stronium, Calcium,..etc. Besides feeding my two Bubble Tips (use to be one until it split) fresh shrimp, clams, scallops, I also use Kent Phytoplex. I really dont add anything else with it in mind.
  9. ak_reefer

    what additives should i add for an anemone?

    Just a couple of questions? What kind of lighting do you have? What are your water parameters? There are no supplements that I know of for an aneenome. Besides food items like DT's. Anenomes require very good lighting to survive and they also like excellent water conditions.
  10. ak_reefer

    Pic of my Tongan Yellow Leather

    Hey Predator thats pretty funny. Galina thanks for the tip, now if I can just figure out how to size it. Noodle to answer your questions. Leathers are a rather hardy and great beginner coral. They like moderate light and water flow. The leather right now is about the size of large orange I...
  11. ak_reefer

    I.D. Please?

    Hey Ren, I would say it is about the size of a quarter. When I spotted it it was a smaller than a dime. It has been growing at a pretty good rate I would say.
  12. ak_reefer

    damsels and clowns... together?

    Clowns will get along with Damsels just fine they are in the same family. Clowns do not need a host to do well. They are perfectly fine without one. I have never heard of clowns taking to algea as a host thats a first for me. HTH
  13. ak_reefer

    Pic of my Tongan Yellow Leather

    I bought him on my last trip to Seattle. From, what I consider my LFS, Saltwater City.
  14. ak_reefer

    Pic of my Tongan Yellow Leather

    I know its not the best pic but it will work. Hope you like.
  15. ak_reefer

    I.D. Please?

    Can anyone tell me what this is?
  16. ak_reefer

    Anenomes and Light

    Sorry there is no such anenome. All anenomes require good lighting. With your regular flo lights there is no anenome you could keep.
  17. ak_reefer

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    So your saying this sponge grew 25 inches in 5 months? Anyway as far as cutting the sponge I am not sure how to do it. I know some tree sponges should never be exposed to air, is there any discoloration on the 6 inches that are sticking out of your tank. Sponges are filter feeders they feed off...
  18. ak_reefer

    Is 2 watts per gallon enough?

    With those lights I would not even think about getting an anenome. Those are just regular flo lights. Would would need to upgrade your lighting. Also clowns do not need an anenome to survive they will do perfectly fine without them. HTH
  19. ak_reefer

    What did you do for advise before this board?

    I read about 6 books before I even set up a tank. So I would have to say books. :)
  20. ak_reefer

    good place tp buys lights on line?????

    Try <a href="" target="_blank"></a> they have great prices and good customer service. :)