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  1. tlk

    anyone know about a moonlight?

    I love my moonlites. I am not sure how good a pciture will come out, but i will try to take one tonight with the "night vision" thingy (technical term) on.
  2. tlk

    Ready to Begin...again (LR question)

    good luck! please post your copper test results after your tank cycles again.
  3. tlk

    Ready to Begin...again (LR question)

    do you have a glass or acrylic tank? I read somewhere here that copper may not be entirely eliminated in an acrlyic tank (I think). You may not be able to keep inverts even with small traces of copper. Just read about it a little more. What are you plans for the fish that you currently have...
  4. tlk

    Look at this Clown

    Originally posted by broomer5 Clarkii's are great fish. Mine is aggressive :D lol Broomer
  5. tlk

    critters in the filter

    Originally posted by Daniel411 I've never heard of anyone complain about having to many pods. Hmm.. good question, can you have too many pods? I am not complaining. I am wondering if they should be dumped back into the main tank.
  6. tlk


    [sheepish grin] Good Lord am I an idiot The proceeding was a lightbulb going off in my head. I think I should have just left it in the sand this morning.
  7. tlk

    critters in the filter

    I use an emperor 400 ho filter. I was changing the filter today and noticed a bunch of little critters (pods?) swimming around. Should they be dumped back into the main tank?
  8. tlk

    VHO - Light Spectrum?

    IMO 16 hours of light is too much. I think you should reduce it to 12 max.
  9. tlk


    I guess I should clarify. I agree, that when buying fish/inverts, you can easily rack up $75. But what about when you are happy with all of your inhabitants and all you need at the time is a Ph test kit (or pick your dry goods item). What about the newbie that asks "where do I start" and...
  10. tlk


    I ordered something yesterday from a competitor, $35 worth of product, $5.95 for shipping. I am not sure where the $29-39 comes from, but I have never seen it. i truly think that should look into lowering their policies. Of course, maybe I should just get a friend. How much do they...
  11. tlk


    Unfortunately, there is that $75 minimum. I wouldn't have a problem paying the shipping to help support this site. It is usually cheaper to buy online (including shipping) than going to lfs. I would suggest that the owners of this site do a simple case study to determine if they are, in fact...
  12. tlk

    what's this ?

    good article aarone!
  13. tlk

    water changes

    I agree with Broomer, if you are experiencing a 5-10 gal water loss each week due to evaporation, your salt level must be going up.
  14. tlk

    Have you seen Nemo

    Ive got three boys under the age of 8 and we still have NOT seen it. Maybe when it gets to the $1.50 theatre....
  15. tlk

    live sand

    wont that create a lot of clouding? It will help you direct the sand to a particular location, but how is it much different than just "dropping" it in from the top ( as opposed to placing it on the bottom as I had suggested)?
  16. tlk

    live sand

    yes its possible. Turn off your ph's and filtration. Take a cup and scoop up the sand and gently lower it in the tank (so it fills up with water). With the cup upright, take it all the way down to the bottom of the tank in the general area of where you want the sand. Slowly "dump" the sand...
  17. tlk

    some concern

    I would turn off the skimmer until after you have added your livestock. IMO, SG is slightly high (you will get different opinions on SG depending on if you are fish only or full reef). I keep mine around 1.023 - 1.024. I don't think you said what type of tank you will be keeping. You can...
  18. tlk

    What kind of algae is this?

    I had a simliar problem a few month ago. I reduced the photperiod from 12 hours to 6 hours. I am gradually increasing the time. I also reduced feeding to every third day. Cyano has not come back yet.
  19. tlk

    I've got the blues

    I made a mistake when I ordered some replacement bulbs. I have 4x65 pc, 2 65w 10000k premium daylight and 2 65w ultra-actinics. For my 110pc, I ordered 2 55w actinics as well. is this too much blue light?
  20. tlk

    Out of Context

    Here are some actual quotes from these message boards that when taken out of context make me laugh. Thought I would share....... I have plenty of pantyhose that my wife won't let me wear anymore all that work for something that will die very quickly would suck would you like to come over here...