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  1. badboy822

    Aggresive versus Community Tank

    Will mean fish attack my hand while I am cleaning the tank etc.?
  2. badboy822

    Aggresive versus Community Tank

    Well my 125 gallon tank has finished it's cycle and now we are deciding which way to go. We had a community tank in the past so we are looking at it as been there done that. We like the looks of the aggressive fish like the eels and triggers, lions etc. Lets hear opinions on the pros and cons of...
  3. badboy822

    Info on Red Hawk

    I placed a red hawk in my tank yesterday and have seen him only by searching for him. He has done nothing but hide in the rock. Is this normal behavior for this fish? At the store he was active and he ate well. Craig
  4. badboy822

    Banggai Cardinals

    I had a cardinal with no problems. It got along great with all of my other fish. I did not however have 2 of them. Take it for what it is worth. Craig
  5. badboy822


    Someone must have some kind of insight/opinion on eels. Please ??????????????
  6. badboy822


    Well I am looking at getting an eel. I have been reading up on them and I lik the snow flake eel, however I read that they will eat small fish and inverts. Is this true. If so are there any eels that are better to have then others. I had a ghost eel which was find, but want something with more...
  7. badboy822

    moderaters for my site!

    Hey moon, No Mandarin goby on your site? I really like those fish.
  8. badboy822


    How much did you pay for it
  9. badboy822

    8800K and 10K PC bulbs??

    Would 2 actinics 1 10k and 1 20k hit the full spectrum or would you have a better suggestion?
  10. badboy822


    Well that puts my mind at ease a little. I currently have a 10k and and actinic (NO). I plan to add a 20k and another actinic (NO). My tank stays at the same temp even through out the night with no lights on. Going by everyones helpful information I will not begin to worry again unless I get...
  11. badboy822


    Thanks Steve. I had read that you should keep the tank between 74 and78 degrees. Would that just be opinion? Will 80 degrees on a regular basis be o.k. for less hardy/more delicate fish? By the way The info you handout is very helpful. Ihave learned quitea bit from just reading this board alone...
  12. badboy822


    Well does anyone have a problem with the temp of thier tank? I have to fight with mine to keep it at 80 degrees. I float bottles of frozen water in my sump and tank to keep it down. It has hit a high of 83.9 and the lowest I have reached is 78.3. I know this is high. Any suggestions why? I have...
  13. badboy822

    Cleaning Crew?

    But WHAT do you suggest that I get? Snails? Shrimp? Crabs? (what kind of all of these? I am not familiar with what kind I should get. Craig
  14. badboy822

    Cleaning Crew?

    O.k. Lets hear what you guys recommend would be an adequate cleaning crew for a 125 gallon tank with live sand and live rock in it. Let me know and I am waiting to hear your opinions.
  15. badboy822

    Tomato Clown Moving Sand With Tail

    My large tomato clown did this too. Cleared the sand down to the acrylic and would not let another fish in the area. He was funnyto watch.
  16. badboy822

    What do you think???

    At the present time no live rock, but as soon as my lfs gets some I will be adding it in increments of 10-20# at a time tillI get the amount that I want. will check my water again today and let you know where it stands. Craig
  17. badboy822

    What do you think???

    Well my 125 gallon tank is now 9 days old. It has 110 # of live sand from an established tank.Here are my water conditions: temp 80 (having a hard time keeping it below 80) rite is less then .1 ammo is .5 rate is 5.0 and ph is 8.4. I currently have 2 damsels and 2 chromis which are doing great...
  18. badboy822

    Too much Rock??

    Mitch ... When you buy live rock they will put it in a bag with water just like a fish. It is worth having as it not only helps your tank but gives it color and beauty. As for lighting requirements ... I am not 100% sure but tothe best of my knowledge you will need to run your lights more to...
  19. badboy822


    You can get a highoutput ballast @ home depot for about $25.00. That will run 2 bulbs. Then getthe vho lights @ lfs which are 110 watts. If you set up 2 of these that would give you 440 watts. That would at least get you closer. Craig
  20. badboy822

    Water Levels

    Well I put it in my tank straight from another tank. I kept it moist and it was about 3-4 hours until itwas in my tank. My ph was8.2 and ammo was 0 did not check the trates or trites. Willdo that today. I have a damsel in there and it is fine. Eating and swimming. Will keep you all posted on the...