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  1. lochi

    New fish

    He's still getting used to his new home but he's checking out the tank and eating so I'm pretty happy
  2. lochi

    New fish

    Well I've been working a deal selling Propagated mushroom, and GSP back to my lfs. Today I brought home My favorite fish. Not a great pic but here it is
  3. lochi


    is it possible for a Hammer Coral to have its tenticles over inflated?
  4. lochi

    Added New Fish!

    I've had a scribbled Rabbit for about 6 months. Real cool fish. It eats like a pig. When I have caulerpa in my tank he sleeps in it and his colors completely change. It seems to be growing real quik. There seems to be just a little agression between The rabbit and my Naso but nothing I'm...
  5. lochi

    WTB: Tank IN MAINE

    I think 125 might be a bit much. $75 is more like it. My wife will be happy I got rid of it. I think I'll be going through Biddeford next Thursday(4/8/04) evening. If you're interested still I can swing though then.
  6. lochi

    WTB: Tank IN MAINE

    I live in Hermon, Just west of Bangor. If your looking for something bigger my lfs has a used 75 with hood and stand for $500. I think the hood has 4X55w PCs. Vance's tropical fish in Bucksport. He ussually has some other tanks and equipment around as well. If you live anywhere near there he...
  7. lochi

    WTB: Tank IN MAINE

    I have a 29 with a hood and some other small Items. If its the right size let me know.
  8. lochi

    Are there any other guitarists on this board besides me?

    I just traded my Martin to the LFS for stuff and credit. I play when I get time it can be a great stress release after being on the road all week
  9. lochi

    How long has your tank been setup?

    My 75 has been 6 months but some of the livestock and came from my 29 before I upgraded tanks. Still have the first fish and corals I bought.
  10. lochi

    New additions

    I used a 1L poland spring bottle. I peeled off the labels and used a rubberband and a small piece of rubble to weight the bottle so it would stay at the bottom. I placed the bottle off to the side of the tank so it would be out of the general travel areas. Maybe I just got lucky. Hope this helps
  11. lochi

    New additions

    I had bought a Formosa based on lfs info. Found out they grow to between 12" and 18". They eat hermit and flip rocks and corals over looking for food. I used a soda bottle trap with some mysis shrimp in it as bait. It took about an hour but it worked like a charm.
  12. lochi

    New Neon Dottyback ??

    I just took my neon dottyback out of my 75. He was kind of a jerk. Killed a couple small fish(mandarin and royal gramma)Every one is different but keep an eye on it and any fish of similiar shape.
  13. lochi

    75 gallon tanks

    Thanks. I finished the transition from my 29g to the 75 in October. It has taken a few months for things to start settling in. I had some real issues in the beginning but things finally seem to have recovered. Why are you planning to do FOWLR? It looks like you already have some pretty...
  14. lochi

    Brown Spots on anchor coral

    I've had it for 8 months. Its under 260w PC. 0 NH3, 0 -NO2, and ~20 -NO3, pH is slightly low at 8.0 Ca runs about 420
  15. lochi

    Brown Spots on anchor coral

    They look more like discolorations than growthsor foriegn objects. It seems to be all over, not just on the tentacles
  16. lochi

    75 gallon tanks

    Here's a 75 Reef.
  17. lochi

    Brown Spots on anchor coral

    I noticed some small brown spots on my anchor coral. Not sure what they are or how to treat it. Any help would be great. Thanks Kyle
  18. lochi

    Anyone Have an adult formosa wrasse

    Just wondering if anyone has one and if so has it reached adult coloration yet. If so how big is it?
  19. lochi

    OT: Your -OTHER- friends:

    Meet Riley
  20. lochi

    Favites sp. on sand bed?

    They have seperate walls so I guess they're favia. Thanks for the info. What is adequate light? I have 4X65 PC over a 75 gal. Is that enough for me to move the coral to the sandbed.