Search results

  1. fishnerd

    Lion and Domino

    I have found that lions can distinguish between tank mates and food sources. If they coexist for more than a few months, they will probably be fine indefinately.
  2. fishnerd

    Dad fought the beast...

    Uh, no. I have to agree with Ponygirl. You yourself stated that your dad was big, and Chewy manhandled him. I agree most animals recognize a juvenile of a different species, but an obnoxious 12 year old neighbor tormenting your dog is going to be attacked. Chewy already proved this by showing...
  3. fishnerd

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Originally Posted by fishman122 I can personally say not all "for profit aquariums are that way. I worked at The Living Seas, Walt Disney World, EPCOT last year for 7 months for my marine bio internship and personally watched vets give $300-400 shots to $20-30 fish :happyfish I am glad to see...
  4. fishnerd

    ACRYLIC51//REQUIEM so i think i just scored on a 6000gallon

    Originally Posted by supermanvx i thought about that...but i rather buy a $2000 chiller, than having $3000 worth of fish die...then rebuyin them with a chiller...not sure man...i would have to talk to a public aquarium, which most likely has a chiller...but this tank is also going to be in my...
  5. fishnerd

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 Dont think, for a second, that public aquariums keep fish for years, or their entire life span. Something dies, or gets eaten...they purchase or catch another specimen. When I was at Shedd, we replaced hundreds of fish on a monthly's just the way it works...
  6. fishnerd

    What is a good heater for a 75g reef?

    Brand wise, I swear by Ebo Jager
  7. fishnerd

    ACRYLIC51//REQUIEM so i think i just scored on a 6000gallon

    If you need help on specs for this let me know. I design and build life support systems for zoos and aquariums for a living. Acrylic51- I gotta go with Hayward Super Pump2 in 220v as the best pumps. PS- I was raised in Harrisburg. Learned saltwater from Mark Scott (Scott's Tru Reef) in the mid 80's
  8. fishnerd

    Help ASAP Help

    I believe we are making this more complicated than it actually is. You need to fill the pipe(s) between the sump and the pump with water before plugging in. Try several different methods, just remember the above statement. The pump cannot pump air, it needs to be prefilled with water in order to...
  9. fishnerd

    Help ASAP Help

    Try taking a powerhead and shooting water into the effluent (discharge side) of the pump. Make sure the powerhead discharge is forced to enter the pipe with your hand. Air bubbles should appear in your sump. When water starts shooting into your sump stop the powerhead and plug in the external pump.
  10. fishnerd

    Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???

    Now I need to jump in, not to bash anyone, but a specific RK2 product. I feel they are highly overrated. My workplace has (3) RK2 model RK1000PE skimmers that cost app $20,000 each. The plumbing consists of ABS Plastic and Schedule 40 PVC. When selling a unit for that much money, one would...
  11. fishnerd

    Niger Trigger Eyes

    Many species of Triggers and Puffers can have a blue/green sheen over their eyes, much like the tint on some sunglasses. What is bad is when it is a milky white cloudiness.
  12. fishnerd

    Rock Hind

    Originally Posted by rara12 they are seen commonly in the keys. I never see any big ones (dam over fishing) but they are pretty and they just kinda sit on the rocks. I have found a dealer from the keys but i cant post it on here sorry They actually don't get very large. I think the max size...
  13. fishnerd

    Rock Hind

    I would do at least a 150 with plenty of cover, as they are ambush predators and like to sit under overhangs. Your LFS should be able to get them from a dealer in The Keys, Miami or Tampa
  14. fishnerd

    Rock Hind

    It is type of grouper from the Caribbean & Florida. They are also called Strawberry Groupers
  15. fishnerd

    92 Gal Bow front tank leaking!!!!

    I don't know if this was thought of, but when I worked in a LFS most of the "leaking" reef ready tanks were actually improperly installed bulkheads. It might sound stupid, but it is quite possible that is the problem.
  16. fishnerd

    Everyone!!!what State And Town Are You In?

    Bodymore, Murderland aka Baltimore Maryland
  17. fishnerd

    blue face angels

    I hope I don't need to post my resume, but here goes my experiences... Blue Face Angels (P. xanthemetopon, formerlly Euphipiops xanthametopon) are shipped from the Indo Pacific, and have a rather high loss during shipping and acclimation. Queen Angels (H. cilaris) are from the Caribbean, and...
  18. fishnerd

    Best deal you ever got at LFS?

    Originally Posted by popnfrresh well i disagree. If you breed your own fish then they are clean AND cheap AND your not taking a fish off the reef to be eaten. Regardless if fish are eaten on the reef its worse to take them off to feed your fish. AlMOST every fish can be trained to take non-live...
  19. fishnerd

    Any NJ residents????

    The "old" space is now "In Living Color Aquariums". It is going to be downright impressive. They "imported' me from Maryland to design and build their systems, and gave me carte blanche in doing so. 96 swf breeders 72 invert breeders 400+ fw These guys are not screwing around in building that...
  20. fishnerd

    Riddle Me This!

    Facetiously was the one I was thinking of, as "Y" is sometimes used as a vowel.