Search results

  1. bsktmom

    Single Girl looking for Aiptasia eating animals to keep her company!

    Peppermint Shrimp worked for me!!! :joy:
  2. bsktmom

    Lawnmower Blenny not eatting.

    Lawn Mower Blennies eat algae. Provide him with algae sheets. Hope that helps.
  3. bsktmom

    yellow tang

    Do a search on Black Ich and see if it is that. I don't have a tang myself, but I have heard about that. Hopefully someone that knows something about it will help you.
  4. bsktmom

    When is a tank ready??

    Your cycle is finished when your ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and your nitrates should be below 20.
  5. bsktmom

    What hitchhiked with my candy cane?

    Kind of looks like a xenia to me.
  6. bsktmom

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Originally Posted by Tizzo I think I just figured out why those stinkin' pyramid snails are so hard to eradicate... :mad: Tizzo what kind of a snail is that? Thanks!
  7. bsktmom

    What am I doing wrong

    Did you add the 7 Chromis at one time?
  8. bsktmom

    refuge size

    I have a CPR Hang on Fuge that I got just because I wanted to be able to have a place for pods to grow for a Mandarin. I have had it and the Mandarin for over a 1 1/2 years and it has kept the display tank stocked with pods. I know a bigger one would have been better but it helped me with what...
  9. bsktmom

    Peppermint shrimp and aptasia

    Originally Posted by ScottS2002 Do Peppermint shrimp eat aptasia? I saw a post that stated they do. Thanks Mine did and I haven't seen anymore since I put them in the tank.
  10. bsktmom

    Collonista snails ?

    I was hoping they were a good snail because I sure do have a lot of them. I didn't think they looked like a sundial but I wanted to double check. Thanks!!!
  11. bsktmom

    Collonista snails ?

    Is this a picture of a Collonista snail?
  12. bsktmom

    Sand Sifting Cucumber ?

    Does anyone know anything about the sand sifting cucumber for sale on this site? All it says is that its diet is substrate. Do they eat the microfauna in your sand bed like the sand sifting stars? I have a mandarin and I don't want anything that competes for his food. Thanks!!!
  13. bsktmom

    post royal gramma pics

    Do Royal Grammas stay out in the open alot or do they tend to hide in caves? Thanks.
  14. bsktmom

    Diamond Watchman Goby

    Do these eat pods? Would they be competeing with a Mandarin? Thanks.
  15. bsktmom

    CoraLife MH Fixture Mounting Brackets!!!!!

    I would love to see a picture when you get them installed. Thanks.
  16. bsktmom

    Anyone who is dieting!!

    Originally Posted by keleighr I drink 4 24 oz bottles of water just at work. I drink water in the morning as soon as I wake up. I drink water when I am at home. I don't drink soda, fruit juice or Kool -Aid. I drink water. NOTHING!! NADA ZIP ZILCH. I am stuck in a rut right now of not losing...
  17. bsktmom

    cleaner wrasse

    I've heard they are hard to keep because the only thing they eat are the parasites on the other animals. I could be wrong though. Maybe someone with more experience will know more.
  18. bsktmom

    is it normal for them to lay on side?

    One of mine lays on his side when he hosting the Toadstool Coral. He looks like he is laying in a bed. It is really cute! :joy:
  19. bsktmom

    How old are your fish?

    I've had my 2 Ocellaris Clown Fish for about 2 years. :joy:
  20. bsktmom

    Dying Toadstool?

    This morning it is still slumped over but the polyps look like they are starting to come out. I hope so because it was really big and pretty when it was out. Thanks for all the help everyone. I will just wait and see. :joy: