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  1. mbowker

    This is going to kill me but here goes>>>>

    as of now , i am interested in selling all of the corals, ill try to get a few pics.
  2. mbowker

    This is going to kill me but here goes>>>>

    I am forced to sell my possesion, i have a 92 gal corner reef, full loaded with rock and about 75 pieces of coral. complete setup only , i cannot piece this out yet. Has halide lighting 3 250 bulb for lighting, i use a refugium in my basement 125 gallon tank divided into three sections. Asm...
  3. mbowker

    Got a fever of 86 degrees.

    The ball is in your court.........
  4. mbowker

    Got a fever of 86 degrees.

    Heknows he has a problem ( No A/C and no window open), he asked about a chiller. Quit with the advice and give a suggestion of where to get a inexpensive (if there is such a thing) chiller. You can go to the big [hr] site and get one. every once in a while they have them reasonably priced
  5. mbowker

    what else would i post?! MORE ZOOS!!!

    The other side loks like the christmas tree rock, which is porites(sp)
  6. mbowker

    Nori from grocery

    its the same stuff, been using it for two years.
  7. mbowker

    My father clean my tank with dishwasher soap

    Originally Posted by Anubisxero i'm sorry i can't imagine anyone of adult stature would be dumb enough to clean anything living in water with dish soap. dont hold it in, tell us how you really feel, thats way to funny.
  8. mbowker

    My father clean my tank with dishwasher soap

    oofa, DONT SOUND GOOD, Tell him thanks for the help, But.........
  9. mbowker

    Filter problems

    im assuming so. raise your water level
  10. mbowker

    Need help with Aiptasia

    They do the trick
  11. mbowker

    My wife rocks!

    awsome story, and I say thank you for serving our country.
  12. mbowker

    JMmode help

    im confused
  13. mbowker

    Frag Party

    where was it mentioned about selling corals
  14. mbowker

    36" T5 8x39W w/individual reflectors FS
  15. mbowker

    Hammer Coral Acclimation

    some drip acclimate but I dont think its necessary. If you have the time to drip it certainly wont hurt, but Temp is ok too. never lost a coral due to acclimation
  16. mbowker

    reef crystals or tropic marin pro reef?

    but I have been using reef crystals for about 5 years, never any problems, levels are always the same.
  17. mbowker

    Is this site loading slow tonight

    or am i having computer issues. Just need to know before i start looking for problems
  18. mbowker

    2 part question....

    These are the cleanest foods in my opinion, also I make my own mixture of foods, many recipes on this board.
  19. mbowker

    leather coral help

    your bulbs may be newer than the others and the leather tips could be burnt. Still leave it alone and it will be fine
  20. mbowker

    leather coral help

    leathers go through this grumpyness after they have been movved, give it a week or two, you'll be surprised. it will open up bigger than before. Just be patient