Search results

  1. salty rob

    Strange behavior

    My dwarf yellow angel is behaving strangly. It's nose is pointed upward from 45 degrees to straight up. It's tail is fanning the sand. It seems to be struggling with staying up and fighting to not sink to the bottom. Breathing is a little rapid.
  2. salty rob

    Molting Coral Banded Shrimp

    It's body is about 2.5" long. The antenae are impressive at 4-5" long.
  3. salty rob

    Molting Coral Banded Shrimp

    My Coral Banded Shrimp is shed skin twice in 5-6 weeks. Am I overfeeding or what?????
  4. salty rob

    Is this sand OK??

    I bought some of the Home Depot tropical playsand that was too fine to use. It was almost like powdered sugar. Be cautious.
  5. salty rob

    New Pictures!

    Very nice. Try a pseudochromis.
  6. salty rob

    Coral banded shrimp problem

    I was not sure what to do, so I netted most of it out.:thinking:
  7. salty rob

    100g acrylic tank for sale in Dallas

  8. salty rob

    How many inch of fish per gallon

    LOL:hilarious LOL:hilarious LOL:hilarious
  9. salty rob

    Coral banded shrimp problem

    I added a CBS last week. He has been mellow so far. Have you seen your's shed the shell yet? It is really cool. They shed everything, including antennae in one piece. I thought I had two CBS for a few minutes.
  10. salty rob

    Question for the Dwarf Angel Police

    All damsels are evil. I have a yellow dwarf angel. Very friendly, although shy at first. I would not put it in with a damsel.
  11. salty rob

    Still 4 Sale in CT.....Update & Changes

    How much wampum?
  12. salty rob

    0.25 PPM NH3 won't drop

    I have 2 different test kits from different manufacturers already.
  13. salty rob

    0.25 PPM NH3 won't drop

    Kill me now and get it over with. I have been having NH3 issues for about 8 months. I began with no patience and loaded the tank too quickly. I have, for about 5 months, dropped down to one tiny clown and a small dwarf yellow angel, plus a crab & some snails. The good news is that nothing...
  14. salty rob

    911 MAG 350 Wont pull water???

    1.-All 4 valves open? 2.-Intake tube/outlet tube correct? 3.-Filter clean? 4.-Grit in motor impeller/bearing area?
  15. salty rob

    specfic gravity...

    One way to limit the territorial behavior of the YT is to rearrange the LR. This may fool him into thinking he is in a new home.
  16. salty rob

    Is collection cup supposed to be full of water always?

    You might need to adjust the waterflow down with a small ball valve. This would put the water level lower where the foam starts to form, thus allowing only dry foam up the tube.
  17. salty rob

    Ammonia dont go down?

    I know your frustration. I have been fighting mine at .25PPM for about 4 months. Ive done everything, but recently decided to make no further changes for 8 weeks and see what hapens. Down to 2 small fish, 10 snails and Mr. Crab.
  18. salty rob

    Search for the Number one reason.....

    My skimmer (old skimmer) was making funny noises one night. I got out of bed to investigate in the dark. I wiggled the pressure side tube and it just fell apart. I was standing [hr] , reaching around the tank trying to keep the tube semi-plugged and yelling at my sleeping wife to shut off...
  19. salty rob

    cycled...ready for fish?

    If you are certain that the NH3 is at zero go very slowly with introduction of your bio load. It is still basically a new tank. Try starting with something hardy. Check chemistry for the first 6 months. Then when you have made the decision as to what to do ---go slower. It saves on the...
  20. salty rob

    Items for sale in Massachusetts

    Would not go thru. Contact me at