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  1. gatorsfan


    did any one see the survivor episode tonite. the clam they caught was HUGE ive never seen anythin like it. wish i had a tank for one of those. but then they had to kill it and eat it. anyone one no wat kind of clam it was. then like rite after they caught a shark and ate that to. anyone no wat...
  2. gatorsfan

    valentine puffer with crabs?

    never mind just saw a post that answred my question. maybe i should read all the posts before postin a new one
  3. gatorsfan

    valentine puffer with crabs?

    I was wondering if i could put in a few crabs with my valentine. he doesnt seem to bother my 1 hermit i have left and he doesnt bother my 1 snail i have left. so is it possible id be able to put a emerald crab in there or one of those boxing crabs(im pretty sure thats the name) or anyother kind...
  4. gatorsfan

    Who remembers these old guys

    rockos modern life and doug r the two shows i miss the most. but all those shows play on nick gas exept for doug
  5. gatorsfan


    i was goin to play goalie this year but then 2 big defenders decided to try it out and they dont even flinch when the get hit. its purty funny actually to watch them get hit. and i think the warrior stuff is proaly the best rite now. stx has only good heads like the bionic but warrior has great...
  6. gatorsfan


    well today was the last day of the highschool tryouts and i made jv starting middie and im a freshman so hopefully next year i can make varsity. i have a brine answer with the brine ignite supra shaft. lightest thing ive ever held but not the best in scoopin but if my team passes good ill be...
  7. gatorsfan


    Moray- r u involved with the team. could use some i wish michigan had a team.
  8. gatorsfan

    College Basketbal anyone???

    Oakland Golden Grizzlies! hell yea there goin to kick ass. lol. but realy i do want them to do good even though they have there worst chance. even the coach said it after they beat Alabama ANU. he said that to beat NC they would need sum luck. but hey it could happen
  9. gatorsfan


    I was just wonderin if there were any other lacrosse players out there
  10. gatorsfan


    Hold on before u get an ipod. i heard in the news that ppl r throwin away there ipods cuz their battery died and cant get a new one. so they have to go out and get a new one. if i were u id get the dell dj. it holds as much songs as the ipod 20ghz and is cheaper.just my 2 cents
  11. gatorsfan

    hows this for a bad mix..or...FISH FIGHT

    It seems like everyones had trouble catchin there damsels except me. What i did was put a fish breeder container thing in the tank and then put live bine shrimp in it. the fish would swim up to the bottom of it and try to catch some through the little slots. So then they would rely on the...
  12. gatorsfan

    !!hands down coolest clowns i have seen!!

    Can u send me an email
  13. gatorsfan

    Detroit Area LFS???

    Just FYI i live in the white lake area and the petshop on m-59 is all freshwater. i was there a week ago and not one thing for was for saltwater. But if ur interested in a parrot they have some nice ones:D
  14. gatorsfan

    Disneys "Song of the South" being released

    wow now i finally no wat movie there from. ive always looked for it
  15. gatorsfan


    I got a virus from the time when i downloaded it. That was the last time ill ever download music software.
  16. gatorsfan

    Attn all xbox owners

    Go to the site. i wish i could get a new one for mine so i could put one cord in one room and the other in the family room so i can play on my 60" tv. but i cant cuz its new.
  17. gatorsfan


    Ive been reffing for 4 years and yea it is easy money. $15-$20 an hour isnt bad. But is xtremely boring. This year i missed the recertification for my license so im not doin it this year. But the LPS said once i turn 15 theyll give me a job there. So only 4 more months until i start makin...
  18. gatorsfan

    Back with a Nano!

    oops never mind
  19. gatorsfan

    Back with a Nano!

    where did u get the light? im lookin for the exact one but cant find it:notsure:
  20. gatorsfan

    Please help me find lights!

    ok well i was ready to order Power Compact Fluorescent lights from foster and smith when to my suprise they didnt have carry the lights anymore even though it was in there catalog. Im looking for the Power Compact Fluorescent Double 20" fixture. It puts off 36 watts a bulb so about 72 watts...