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  1. sevenley

    Question About Sea Sickness

    Oh yeah, I remember. The first time I went on a cruise the staff warned us that a storm had gone through the area a few days before. It was a large ship but halfway through dinner the first night I had to excuse myself. Every night I was sick and during the day we'd get off the ship and go...
  2. sevenley

    so great just had to share

    Thanks for sharing your puppy pictures. I just love them! They are so cute! I need to get myself a dog.
  3. sevenley

    Wanted to share

    Ahhhh. He is so cute. Congratulations!!! My daughter is 28 and married going on 2 years. I can't wait for grandbabies!!
  4. sevenley


    Last summer somebody slashed my tires. I was going through some major medical problems and any sleep that I could get was heaven. The kids down below my house had a party and the noise woke me up around 2 in the morning. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I finally called the police...
  5. sevenley

    Random Quote Time!!!

    I can be jello! You, can never be jello! Cameron Diaz/Julia Roberts in My Best Friends Wedding
  6. sevenley

    This Or That???

    Aerosmith. snuggler or stay on your own side of the bed?
  7. sevenley

    operation ivy is sick

    You need to get a grip on life. If I wanted to I could pick a fight with people on my drive to work, at work, on my drive home....the opportunities are endless. Not having a role model is not a valid excuse; neither is being a kid.
  8. sevenley

    questions on 5 hex

    What kind of lights do you have? I have a 10 gal. hex and I am having a hard time finding lights I can use.
  9. sevenley

    No fish -- but I like these message boards

    I probably need a life. Sorry no offense intended. It's just that I've got a 42 gal tank (completely empty) sitting in my computer room. I moved it there from the LR to get it out of the way. After offering the job to two electricians to put in a separate electrical outlet for the tank and...
  10. sevenley

    Anyone from Pittsburgh on here ?

    I would absolutely love to get a job in a place like that. I would learn SO much and I would be able to care for fish that I would probably never be able to own. It's so much fun to go there to even see the size of fish they have. I fell in love with a puffer that they have. Lee
  11. sevenley

    Anyone from Pittsburgh on here ?

    They also had some kind of a leaf fish and it really did look like a leaf. Hey! I want to go back. Lee
  12. sevenley

    Don't you just hate breakups!

    Alison, I think you are very wise to break up now if you feel in your heart that this is not right for you. I am in a situation very similar to yours only I've been dating this guy for almost 5 years. He has two children living at home and has custody. It's not that i didn't want to create a...
  13. sevenley

    Fire at home - tank put out fire!

    Wow! We're all glad to hear that you and your family are alright!! You're lucky too, that the fire was contained to the one room. I'm sorry about the mess and loss of your fish.
  14. sevenley

    My Reef at Five months!!!

    Wow! That sure is a beautiful tank!!! What kind of lights do you have on it? Which tank is it? What size? I am SO envious!
  15. sevenley


    I saw those very same lights at a LFS this weekend. They were actually using them in their tank setups. 150 watts MH. They run approx. $380 for the 24". They can either be suspended or put on legs. I'm going to get them for my 42 gal. hex. when I save up enough pennies. :) I'd also...
  16. sevenley

    Anyone from Pittsburgh on here ?

    NW2SLTFSH: I took a trip to WetPet in Cannonsburg! Wow, you were right! It's a beautiful store. And the people were VERY helpful. They even showed me their light setups. They have a 250 gal sump in the basement. I wonder if they would show me their behind-the-scene plumbing next time I go...
  17. sevenley

    Coffee Makers...

    I have a Mr. Coffee at home but I'd like to get a small pot for the office. I saw a small 4 cup pot for $20 that I'm considering getting. Perhaps I should get the bigger pot. I want to make sure that there's coffee left for me.
  18. sevenley

    My dog hates my new fascination!!!

    Is she a chocolate lab? My daughter has one. I love that breed! My cat watches my 10 gal. hex and tries to paw at the fish. Yeah, now that spring is coming on, that gas can will have to do double duty again. Lee
  19. sevenley

    meat of the gods...

    Bacon sandwiches are good! Just bacon and wrap a slice of bread around it. I don't like to do dishes and I'm usually on the go so anything that you can eat and run. Therefore: bacon sandwiches, chili sandwiches, spagetti sandwiches......
  20. sevenley

    does anyone here....

    I had someone approach me in front of my house last month and asked if he could shovel my sidewalk for $10. I said no but he didn't want to take no for an answer. I finally agreed to pay him $5 just to get rid of him. He said he needed gas money. He asked me questions like, "why was I...