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  1. skrimpz

    where to get large heater

    I am in need of a heater for a 1500 gallon tank where do i go about finding one i need something wya more than 400 watts i dont want to have 15 heaters in there any suggestions?
  2. skrimpz

    Clown eggs.... will they live?

    I notcied while looking at my tank 2 days ago that my clowns have laid eggs on the glass in my tank. These are the first of the eggs i have ever seen, anyways i am wondering how long it takes the eggs to hatch and if i watched them very carefully would i be able to scoop them out when they hatch...
  3. skrimpz

    Picture Game

    facial hair kinda
  4. skrimpz

    How to stop a dog from barking?

    If you situation is that bad then why don’t you move instead of living in "fear" of you cars getting ruined. And yes many people are horrible pet owners but even saying that you would slip a poison filled meatball as a joke is a retched thing to say and you saying something like that means you...
  5. skrimpz

    Super skimmer or others

    Well i sold my seaclone whihc i only used for about 24 hours and am going to buy i super skimmer since that is what everyone seems to like , right? Is that the best skimmer i can get for around that price so is there something better i can get thanx ( fyi, this is for a 46 gal tank)
  6. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    well i qt the clown , does anyone know if all of this was caused by the ane , should i get rid of it and the white spots appeared to ghave dissapearded now i was looking at her really closly in the qt tank and it just looks like u can see the orange thorugh her white spots can anyone tell me...
  7. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    ill try and get another pic the fins are fine the pic just makes them look odd, she looks better today. BUt i knw she didnt have them beofre i got the ane cauase i was looking very closly at her tight before i release the an and she didnt have any makrs i just though it was odd that they...
  8. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    I though this was a pink tip isnt that a bubble tip im new to ane so sorry if i should like an dumbass im learning
  9. skrimpz

    Yellow Headed Jawfish - Very Cool!

    def will...yea i they are really cool it was sitting there watching him for like 20 mins striaght as he moved all the sand around to him liking i dont think they are are to keep at all and none of my other fish have bothered him at all
  10. skrimpz

    Yellow Headed Jawfish - Very Cool!

    we got him on thursaday and he hasnt really started coimg out until today, i guess he had to pick a perfect spot for him to make his cave, i read that they like krill so ill gonna drop so in tomorrow morning i just hope he gets some the hermits are fast at getting any food at the bottom
  11. skrimpz

    Changing the carbon bags

    carbon loses it effectivesness after a month is what i have been told
  12. skrimpz

    Yellow Headed Jawfish - Very Cool!

    I just got one from and hes awesome i rember seeing them at the shead aqu a few years ago and have whated on ever since hes gotten used to the tank and now has stalked out a little gap in the rock and has started making his cave. I like him alot i love watching him put the sand in his...
  13. skrimpz

    How does this aquascaping look?

    well what is the 4 wtts per gallon rule for then, i was told by 2 diff store that i didnt need mh for ane
  14. skrimpz

    How to stop a dog from barking?

    crate train and keep inside personally i dont think dogs should be outside like that, plus we had some new neighbors move in and they do that with there dogs and i find very annoying and rude, the the dog needs more room you can always use ans x-pen
  15. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    ok this pic didnt turn out well at all but ill post it anyways i took it yesterday she looks better today but it looks like a white pimple . Should i get a differnt type of anenome? and get rid of this one, will they ever host it and if they do will they get marks like this everytime? thanx...
  16. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    HI thomas i was reading some of the old psts you mad e about these an and u said they typically clowns wont host them and if the do they end up with skin/scale issues could that be why my femal looks like she has little white marks on her now?
  17. skrimpz

    How does this aquascaping look?

    Yea i took some water out will i was aquascaping and didnt want any to overflow and make a mess while i was doing it. right now i have a fluval 204, pengiun 150, and a seaclone but i am gonna get ride off alll those and get a emperor 80 and a superskimmer over the next few weeks because i live...
  18. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    My tank was a 30 hex and about 3 mnths ago i moved everything form that tak into this bowfront and just geadually added water so all together the tank has been up for about a year and 5 months. Ive got the doralife deluxe series not the ones with mh but it does have 4 watts per gallon i made...
  19. skrimpz

    Anybody Here Have a Chinchillas?

    Chins are great pets i have 3 and i want more defintly worth getting
  20. skrimpz

    Lets see your unusual pets

    Ive got a few pets too umm i believe 20 leopards gecko i havent counted latly, a kenyan sandboa, a mali uromastyx, a yellow ackie, 2 sulcata tortoises ummm i just got a baby creasted gecko, a little dwarf black hammy, 3 chins and a dog ( oh and i still live at home any my mom has 5 dogs and a...