Search results

  1. tima

    How aggressive is your mated pair clownfish (with Anemone)

    I have gone throught the same thing recently. I have to take the smaller clown out of the tank when I work in it because he won't leave me alone. After looking closley next to my anemone, though, I have noticed what appears to be eggs. Is there anything I can do to try to raise the babies in...
  2. tima

    Suicide.....or poison?

    by the way it is a 90 gallon with about 100 lbs. of live rock and the little chromis was only an inch or so. I have plenty of hermits, snails and other guys to pick at him.
  3. tima

    Suicide.....or poison?

    Hello -- Last night immediately after feeding my fish I noticed one of my blue chromis start to bug out in between my live rock and start to do back flips. Then just lay on the ground and started to convulse then stopped moving. Anyone ever seen anything like this before? The way I see it...
  4. tima

    Question on shrooms

    Hi everyone I have several rocks that have green mushrooms and wanted to try to spread them throughout the tank. Are these corals usually nice to others? Also, I noticed a shroom opened up pretty large on a rock at the bottom of my rockwork against the crushed coral -- Is there any way I can...
  5. tima

    Selling coral and inverts from my tank

    Hi I am interested in one of the clams, the long tenticle, and maybe the carpet. Can I get all three for $75? Will you ship? Thanks, Tim
  6. tima

    Two random questions

    Thanks for the response -- I was wondering why I was seeing an unusual amt of algea so I got that answered too. Another question I forgot though --- I had two large hermits (about the size of half a fist) and the other day one ended up in pieces on my tank floor. -- I mean this guy didnt go too...
  7. tima

    Two random questions

    Hi everyone -- I just have two quick questions 1) How do I know when to change my PC bulbs. I just got the set up and have no idea how old the bulbs are and want to make sure I'm running them efficiently 2) The other day I forgot I turned my lights off the timer and didn't turn them on until...
  8. tima

    Anyone interested in Nassarius Snails

    I could also use about 20-40 -- just shoot me an email Thanks
  9. tima

    I Need Pods For My Manderin

    So back to the big question --- Anyone want to sell me some pods??
  10. tima

    I Need Pods For My Manderin

    I just got the set up and dont have a fuge yet. I just wanted to make sure the little guy has enough as he looked a little skinng when I got him. Ive seen people sell some from their fuges but you say the live ones that come in the bottles are good?
  11. tima

    I Need Pods For My Manderin

    Anyone Have Any Cope/amphi Pods To Sell From Their Fuges To Keep My Manderin Fed??? Thanks
  12. tima

    Help?? Strange threadlike thing coming from rock

    What is the deal with one of those?
  13. tima

    Help?? Strange threadlike thing coming from rock

    Wew -- Great to hear that they aren't harmful. Thanks for the reply. What do they eat? Are they beneficial to the balance of the system? Thanks -- Tim
  14. tima

    Help?? Strange threadlike thing coming from rock

    Hey -- I just bought an established tank and noticed a small creature living in the rock who pokes his little worm hands out and releases a thread to form a long web that flows in the water. Is this bad??? I know there are harmful anenomes and although he doesn't look like the ones I've seen I...
  15. tima

    Questions on starting a refugium

    Thanks for all of the replies and the picutures guys. I am going to try to get a plan of attack and materials and I'll be back with probably more questions.
  16. tima

    Questions on starting a refugium

    I just set upa 90 gallon tank w/ about 90-100 lbs of LR and Im thinking I should build a refug. to keep my mandarin happy and maintain some quality water for corals. I have a eheim pro II and hang on berlin skimmer. Can I start a refug. w/ these or do I need other filtration options? also how...
  17. tima

    Any Aquariums/set-ups around BOSTON??

    That sounds good -- I understand where you 're coming from there. I'll wait for the pictures tonight. Where in NY are you?
  18. tima

    Any Aquariums/set-ups around BOSTON??

    Sounds good but I can't paypal you the money in advance. Is it possible to give you the cash or check upon delivery? For something like this I feel like I need to see it first. Do you have pictures you could email me? Thanks, Tim
  19. tima

    Any Aquariums/set-ups around BOSTON??

    Hi -- Im looking for an aquarium >70 and <125 gallons in or around Boston. A package including filtration and lighting would be great so just let me know! Please email any pics to Thanks
  20. tima

    FS:90 Gallon Reef Setup Rhode Island

    Pics of the whole set up would be great; Aquarium, stand, filter, lights etc. How much?? Thanks