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  1. 57chev

    Naso Tang won't eat

    bull1055, I wish there were more long term success stories on naso tangs cuz they are my favorite. Survival is even lower if their under 3 or 4 inches long when you get them. Most fish outlets will label them as easy to keep as other tangs and its so untrue. Their real weird at times about...
  2. 57chev

    Star polyp

    I did direct a little more water flow in the direction of the star polyp like jjlittle suggested, but who knows. With good water parameters like SBV has its hard to say what the prob could be. The folks I know that do well with star polyp in a lot of light or very little. Thats what makes me...
  3. 57chev

    Star polyp

    Has anyone had any trouble with star polyp in their reef with tangs or any other fish? In my reef the new peice of star coral will not come out any more. It did great for a week then retracted. All water parameters are normal as well as all other corals showing no signs of stress. I run four six...
  4. 57chev

    Blue Ribbon EEL advise needed

    Muskyhunte, I would really think twice about buying that eel. Ive kept various morays for years and have never heard of anyone being able to keep a blue ribbon eel alive for any real length of time whether the eel was eating or not. Some things just dont do well in any type of captivity and the...
  5. 57chev

    Urchin info & algea

    Stuckinfla, You'd be doing the right thing by adding long spinny urchins to your tank for the algea prob. They will tip a rock over from time to time, but its well worth it for the benifit, and they rarely die no matter what the conditions of the water. They will chew a little of your purple...
  6. 57chev

    Are urchins reef safe?

    Kpatrick, Maurice is right in my opinion to a point, some times urchins are like a porkypine in a baloon factory. I have twelve long spiny urchins in a 150 reef, their hardy as heck! And there is nothing better for hair algea control. It seems to go in spurts in my tank as far as when they tip...
  7. 57chev

    Purple Tangs in group

    Rgmason, The only thing that could be cooler than having three yellow tangs and five purples in your budys tank would be if they were in mine
  8. 57chev

    Purple Tangs in group

    I've seen it done a few times, its no different than having several yellow tangs
  9. 57chev

    3 most important things in reefkeeping

    1) Stupidity...... thinking your an expert at mother nature, and re-creating it in a glass box. 2)Hiding the cost from your wife or girlfriend. 3)Tax deduction.
  10. 57chev

    Mixing shrimp with lobster

    Oceangrl11, Ive had a pepermint shrimp and a purple lobster in my reef for years and have had no problems. You wont see the purple lobster much, but when it does come out of the reef it real cool. I did try to add more than one coral banded shrimp in a reef, every time I came home something had...
  11. 57chev


    Ohiorne, Ive used overflow boxes for over a decade on both salt and fresh water, do yourself a favor and drill your over flows in. The boxes are a pain in the a##! Unfortunatly the majoraty of my tanks are glass so thats my only option with those tanks.
  12. 57chev

    Grounding probes?

    1BIGBOY69, you can do what you've described, it will work. If you pull a household plug-in apart(shut of the breaker at the panel before you do) you'll notice a little green screw on the back. That is your ground. You can hook up your copper wire there or even the screw in the middle of the...
  13. 57chev

    Grounding probes?

    PCPope, if your ground rod is working correct you should get a zero reading on your meter. Its also possible that your meter is a little off especially if its a cheaper one. You can also make your own grounding rod very cheap if you take a bicycle spoke and fasten it to any copper wire and then...
  14. 57chev

    ick from hell

    Try this if ya get bored, I agree that boosting your fish food with garlic and vitamines are a good thing how couldn't it be. So, I thought why not take my brocolli and greens put them into a vacuum bag along with my garlic juice and vitamins and vacuum pack it. The vacuum in the bag forces the...
  15. 57chev

    Your Favorite picture of your tank...(one please)

    AR-15lover, That slipper coral is the most gi-hugic one I have ever seen. Sweetreef, your pic belongs in a magazine. You the man :happy:
  16. 57chev

    water temp

    Ophiura's, right it really helps! You can also try blowing a fan on your sump as well. If you get real bored you can get some pvc pipe and sig-zag your water flow from your over flow before it gets to your sump and blow a fan on that making your very own cheap charlie radiator or chiller and put...
  17. 57chev

    Elegance Corals

    I dont know why they even sell em. Rarely if ever do they live for any length of time in captivity. Just hearing about one reminds me of when I first got into the hobbie and read that they were easy to keep, so I went down and bought one, and then another, and then another, I was so bummed. When...
  18. 57chev

    Hair Algae OUT OF CONTROL

    Him and Her, maybe you and your buddy need to hook your tanks together
  19. 57chev

    Hair Algae OUT OF CONTROL

    You have a thriving elegence? Now that is an acomplishment in itself for sure! Your entire set-up sounds real cool :yes:
  20. 57chev

    Hair Algae OUT OF CONTROL

    HimandHer, Here's my speach I've posted a couple(few) of times on the actual only thing I will claim to be an expert on when it comes to reefs. I'm gonna give you my advise on the nasty hair algae curse. Not everone will agree with me on all of what I have to say but I can asure you I've had a...