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  1. bailey52

    How does fish know with Cleaner shrimp?

    This may be an odd question, but how do the fish know that a cleaner shrimp will clean them?
  2. bailey52

    Getting rid of all Corals.

    Littlebuck.. Im catching onto this thread late.... I was wondering if I could jump on board with something.. I dont have any corals yet in my established 90, but i have 265W PC, and was wondering if I could get anything? I dont know what your doing if your trading or what.. but let me know.. thanks!
  3. bailey52

    Looking for a set up in NJ

    well the bad thing might be they scratch fairly easy if you arent careful... I dont have one, But i do like the looks of them. They are much lighter, and they can have rounded edges.... other than that i dont know much more.. but that they are lighter
  4. bailey52

    odyssea jebo lights???

    No, I would say you need some room between the lights and either the open top tank, or the glass canopy for air circulation..
  5. bailey52

    yellow tang not eating

    Sounds good to me..thanks guys.. when the lights are out but the lights in the room are on so its not completly black in the tank, he seems to swim around a little more, not as scared.. its so funny how he follows the cream angel around like a mother
  6. bailey52

    odyssea jebo lights???

    mike the pc combo is great for 120.. but if you were buying the HQI, I would deff try to goto a store that sells them and make sure the legs are ok, thats a heavier unit.. and if the legs are like the ones on the PC's (which dont fit) I would be more concerned
  7. bailey52

    yellow tang not eating

    Nope, use Garlice Xtreme.. havent tried soakin the seaweed in it tho.. He does nibble at the LR, but he just wont eat anything else, im just worried he will starv
  8. bailey52

    Looking for a set up in NJ

    near moorestown, outside philly... what fish do I use? I think you mean LFS.. well there is one in blackwood off 295 which is really good
  9. bailey52

    yellow tang not eating

    thanks, to me he looks healthy... but he is soo tiny that its hard to even tell of a bulge or anything in his stomach... and also, let it be know I have sent 3 emails to inquiring about my order... and no reply
  10. bailey52

    cloudy water

    nope all paremeters are fine.. I know its a lot to add at once, but If I was going to buy fish from this site I didnt have to much of a choice... skimmer yes.. so I dunno everything seems ok, ill see what happens
  11. bailey52

    cloudy water

    On thurs my shippment of fish came . 1- Cream angel 1-Yellow tang (small) 1- engineer goby 2-Perc Clowns anyway today the water seems a little cloudy... the tanks has been up for 8 months with only one damsel in it, and about 90 lbs LR and a DSB Could this just be a bacteria bloom? I have fed...
  12. bailey52

    yellow tang not eating

    Ok so I got my shippment thurs from 2 perc clowns, one cream angel one engineer gobby and one yellow tang, the tang is extremely small, about 1", I wasnt to pleased about that, and of all the fish he is the only one who isnt eating.. he seems shy, and he is very skinny (this may jusrt be...
  13. bailey52

    Looking for a set up in NJ

    haha your gonna buy something off of someone names 'Sleeze' haha doesnt mean anything just funny
  14. bailey52

    Feeding Volitan??

    chicken mcnuggets?? Ha like breaded.... i dont know about that.. Mcdonalds oil in my tank= a problem with me
  15. bailey52

    Tiny white critters on tank

    I never understood the real seawater.. I mean its cool.... is the water clear... doesnt it smell at all?? Do you just do water changes with more natural sea water? i live in NJ and I know that the water at the jersey shore isnt clear... I know your in FL
  16. bailey52

    Tiny white critters on tank

    look up amphipods and copepods... turn the lights out and get a flashlight.. hold it on one piece of LR and just watch.. you will see them crawl on the LR they are the size of a pinhead
  17. bailey52

    best snail for algae and diatom

    mexican turbo snails
  18. bailey52

    Pics of 11 month 29 gallon reef

    enriqu.. i have a FOWLR in my 90 and I didnt think I needed a skimmer.. well i found one for a good price on 3bay, and man.. after you see the absolute gunk it takes out... you need one.... also, water becomes clearer
  19. bailey52

    Darn skimmer

    what height is your sump water at? I would try to higher that, so the water fall comming out of the skimmer isnt so much then falling into the water. Also an acrylic piece almost horizontally attatched to the sump to catch the falling water then let it roll into the sump may help
  20. bailey52

    weird behavior?

    Dart... i gotta ask.. how do you know that.. did you do an autopsy?