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  1. bandman

    would a dead snail ...

    I say let your clean up crew have them. They need treats too. One snail wont harm anything.
  2. bandman


    I'm starting a FO tank after having a reef tank for a while. If I get larger fish will I still need to cover my powerheads?
  3. bandman

    Lawnmower Broken

    Emerald crabs will eat nearly any type of algae and pretty quickly at that. The only down side is they leave little slashes in your rock.
  4. bandman

    start over

    Today I started my 29 gal over. I'm converting my FOWLR tank into a reef tank. I have a venturi skimmer, bio-wheel filter, and 2 powerheads. I'm ordering PC lights within the week. I have a series of questions. 1) What other equipment do I need? 2)What salinity do you keep a reef tank? 3)...
  5. bandman

    Snail ?

    Bubble algae could appear dark. I don't think it's an egg. My snails have reproduced many times and I've never seen an egg. It's really all just speculation without a pic. I wouldn't mess with it until it does something or you positively ID it.
  6. bandman

    Coral Beauty Angel

    Well, today when I got home from work I noticed that he had taken out a feather duster. Is this going to end? I think he's taken out some cerith snails too. Which isn't a bad thing b/c they multiply like crazy. I'm pissed about the duster though. I got some flake food for him, but he seems...
  7. bandman

    Coral Beauty Angel

    I just got him on Sat. He hasn't touched any food I've put in there, but maybe I'm putting the wrong stuff in. I have 2 clowns that I feed the spectrum pellets. Will the angel eat that or would brine be better?
  8. bandman

    Coral Beauty Angel

    I think my coral beauty has handled my aptasia problem. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience and if it means that the fish is hungry?
  9. bandman

    In Tank Refugium

    What is chaeto? and where can you get it?
  10. bandman

    How much is your LR in area?

    10.99 in my LFS. Every piece was full of aptasia. They also sell true percs for $40.
  11. bandman

    38 g equipment list

    I would go ahead an buy a refractometer rather than a hydrometer. They are much more accurate and most account for temperature. You also need powerheads to get an even temperature distribution throughout your tank. There's some formula to see what rating and how many powerheads you need...
  12. bandman

    Update pics of my tank

    Glad to hear you're getting halides. Your anemone looks very white!!
  13. bandman

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    To use a sand bed instead of CC. My LFS told me to mix live sand and CC. I have spent most of the year I have in this hobby repairing that mistake.
  14. bandman

    Glass hood

    I recently purchased a versa top glass hood for my 29 gal. I'm having a problem b/c the removable strip doesn't allow enough room for my HOB skimmer. Can I take this to a glass cutter and tell them where and how much to cut or will it shatter?
  15. bandman


    Thanks a lot. Another question I have is that my pwerhead is a good 3 to 4 inches below the surface. Should I shorten the intake tube so that it is actually getting the top water?
  16. bandman


    I just got a Jebo PS 75 skimmer for my 29 gal. tank. How far should I let the foam rise up in the collection cup? How much water should be getting into the cup?
  17. bandman

    Salinity/Specific Gravity

  18. bandman

