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  1. reel1in

    Clown trigger with Humu Humu Trigger

    I am looking to add a fish to my FOWLR setup I am thinking another trigger or possible a porky puffer... 72 gallon Humu Humu trigger dragon wrasse small eel dont know what kind like I said I want to add something with color I was thinking an angel but I want a fish that has the same diet as...
  2. reel1in

    Kill Hair Algae

    Originally Posted by sweetpea How do you get rid of hair algae if you can't put snails or hermits in the tank? I recently had this problem I cut the lights down and cut back on heavy feedings and added a kole tang and now its gone... I gota do a water change tonight ugggghh
  3. reel1in

    sfe or zebra!!!? cant decide!

    my zebra doesn't look like that!!! mine has a longer nose did I get something other than a zebra???
  4. reel1in

    New 10 foot in the wall tank

    Originally Posted by Jerth6932 I think ya might be a bit crazy having it next to a pool table.... if you or your freinds are any thing like me and my friends, you will have a flyin cue ball, broken tank, and fish every where.... No but really THAT IS ONE SWEET SET UP..... I CAN FINALY SAY IT I...
  5. reel1in

    G. kidako pics

    hey you got any pics of your dog I'm looking this breed for my next dog!!! Males get like 230 I heard they are excellent family guard dogs
  6. reel1in

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    2 of my 3 american bulldogs:
  7. reel1in

    Feeding zebra eel

    Mine eats silversides & squid as well as formula 1 and he eats everyday...
  8. reel1in

    Lion fish won't come out

    Originally Posted by Gamedawg I had the same problem with my most recent lion. He wouldn't come out unless I was feeding, and even then sometimes he would stay hidden. Then I got some ideas. I moved all my rock away from all glass, so there are less caves on walls. Second, I moved around...
  9. reel1in

    My Snowflake needs glasses

    eels are like 94% blind they hunt using smells
  10. reel1in

    my new 140 oceanic aggressive tank

    are these fish dead yet??? I call ICH in about 2 weeks!!!
  11. reel1in

    Feeding zebra eel

    mine loves silversides and squid its cool I threw a piece of squid in the there for one of the other fish it was a big piece the zebra found it and bit right in half I was having trouble cutting with a knife and he chomped it right in half
  12. reel1in


    Throw a dragon wrasse in there he'll sift the sand and make it good as new there real fun to watch as well my tanks sand was disgusting till I threw the dragon wrasse in there its really neat when the lights go off and they disappear in the sand till the next day
  13. reel1in

    New 30 gallon, need suggestions

  14. reel1in

    How fast to add fish?

    I lost a bunch of tangs and a breeding pair of clown (true percs) because I didn't wait till my tank was fully cylced so honestly forget you even have a tank for atleast a month and a half!!!!
  15. reel1in

    Got bored, updated pics from tonite...

    my eyes hurt
  16. reel1in

    Algea boom do to recent addition of fish???

    thanks for the reply man I actually have been pricing RO units and there not has expensive as I thought so I'll probly hook one up...1 last question can I hook the RO unit to my sump or should I just buy a 35 gal rubbermade tank and just use it for water changes and cleaning... again thanks for...
  17. reel1in

    Algea boom do to recent addition of fish???

    now that I think about the bulbs are kind of old like 8-9 months old this was a sudden attach everything has been fine up till a week ago when I added the new fish...should I be using an RO unit??? I use tap water and I'm proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. reel1in

    lion fish feeding

    my experience is the following if there hungry enough they'll eat it so dont feed them the ghost shrimp just throw the silversides, krill in there and hopefully in the morning they be sleepin with a full belly dont forget they do most of there hunting at night...
  19. reel1in

    Algea boom do to recent addition of fish???

    my tank has up till now been algae free I recently added a dragon wrasse which his job is to sift threw the sand looking for food and now my tank is covered in discusting algae what do I do to combat this just yesterday I changed the UV light that was about 8 months old... any opinions...