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  1. mine?


    To this 125 gal RR tank :joy:
  2. mine?


    I have not posted in board for along time. here is an update on my tank this was 5 month as some of you may remember
  3. mine?

    new member!!!!!!!

    Is that a lab? Looks alittle like my Dog
  4. mine?

    Yellow Tang

    Yes the fish see you as a food source. My fish follow me around back and forth thinking I am going to feed them every time I get close to the tank, and all most all of them eat from my hand. Still keep up with you water parameters. A good sign that something might be wrong with him is that he...
  5. mine?

    Snails and Ich?

    The good news is no inverts can get ich. But you must start treating the fish ASAP!
  6. mine?

    White stuff

    It sounded like you had ich. If you have other fish start feeding garlic. This will bulid up their immune system. Also kick ich seems to be working pretty good and it is safe for all fish and inverts. Remember a fat fish is healthy fish, keep feeding them.
  7. mine?

    Help the slow.... Please?

    1st what kind of skimmer is it... in sump or hang the back.
  8. mine?

    Help the slow.... Please?

    Look at this site it has alot of good information on skimmers and other stuff.
  9. mine?

    Skimmer Q

    I bought a new hang on the back skimmer the other day from the internet. I thought it was a self contained skimmer meaning that it did not have to have a power head, but I was wrong. I have a power head that came with deal from internet. But I don't like the way that it looks in my tank. It...
  10. mine?

    HELP!!! worm in my tank!!!

    Did the worms look like this?
  11. mine?

    live Sand

    it is called North dallas aquarium. and Fresh is only .37 a gal. That is the only thing there they have cheap though, there fish are alittle pricey.
  12. mine?

    Foxface Discolored and rapid breathing

    I have a FOX FACE. they change there color when there are stressed or trying to hide.
  13. mine?

    live Sand

    I did use tap water to set up. Now I am using water that is already made up. Cost 99 cent a gal. Thanks for the info
  14. mine?

    live Sand

    For some reason my live sand is turning orange on top. Does anyone know what causes this.
  15. mine?

    Converting fresh to salt 100gal. recommendations

    Originally Posted by sw65galma Keep it FW...your wallet will thank you lol.. I know that is right. The only thing I can tell you is try to find used stuff if you go to the pet store for your LR and LS you be paying alot more than you should.
  16. mine?

    You know you're addicted when.......

    When you have a web cam setup pointed at the tank so you can check on your fish while you are at work.
  17. mine?

    Pic's of my 60 gal

    I put a new back ground on today and it makes it look a whole lot better!
  18. mine?

    75 lbs Fiji live rock

    Originally Posted by rongleaves Mine? - I'm about to begin setting up my tank in the next week or so and I'm in Mesquite. What do you have as far as rock and sand? If you want to come and pick it i will take $50.00 for all of it.
  19. mine?

    75 lbs Fiji live rock

    I have 22 lbs of live rock and 70 lbs of live sand. I would rather not try to ship this stuff
  20. mine?

    Little Giant Pumps and others FS (in VA)

    I will pay via paypal tonight.