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  1. sea_squirt

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Nah....I am positive they are shrimp....I examined one this last time...pretty cool....but they only last one or two nights...then they are no where to be seen....
  2. sea_squirt

    Peppermint Shrimp

    I currently have two large peppermint shrimp who seem to constantly be...ummmm....making baby shrimps I am curious as to if there are any way to keep the little guys alive? At least once a month I see them after the lights go out and they are everywhere flying around the tank...then they are...
  3. sea_squirt

    Emergency suggestions?

    My tank clouded up really bad about a month ago..could hardly see the back. I didnt lose any fish and all the levels tested fine...was the weirdest thing....LFS thinks it was some sort of bacterial bloom and said that something as small as a snail dying could trigger one. I also cleaned all my...
  4. sea_squirt

    Ordering From

    I have ordered a couple of times. The first time one fish was DOA and the other died within a matter of days. I ordered again a couple months later and both fish were replaced, survived and are thriving well....
  5. sea_squirt

    Help!! Mantis Shrimp

    After reading this thread...I think I just figured out what this hitchiker is on one of my small peices of LR...I placed it in front of the tank so I could watch it...the only time it comes out of it's hole is when I spot feed it a small peice of shrimp (yes...I have been spot feeding it....)...
  6. sea_squirt

    Sea star dismemberment?

    I would definitely check your Ca and Phos levels....My green serpent star perished before I figured out my Ca test was faulty and instead of 420, my Ca was 600...
  7. sea_squirt

    What happened to my crab? Look

    I have had some that have molted and I thought they had died...but they actually went and hid until they got hard again after molting...
  8. sea_squirt

    starfish loosing legs HELP!!!

    I just went through the same problem...I have a serpent star, orange serpent star and a green brittle star. My green star's legs dissolved one by one...I tested my parameters and found nothing out of I thought...I took a sample to my fish store and had them run the reef tests and...
  9. sea_squirt

    Destructive Damsels!!!

    Originally Posted by bacardi151 Anyone here know how to make a mini-harpoon? ;) Ummm....tooth pick and rubberband.....mounted on chop sticks?????? :thinking:
  10. sea_squirt

    Purchasing MH

    What type of bulb would it need to be?
  11. sea_squirt

    Purchasing MH

    If purchasing metal halides...does it have to be a specific "aquarium" halides...I am eyeing a 400 Watt metal halide pendent-type fixture...I am not electrically savy would this work? (It also comes with electrical cord with plug) Here are the specs: Housing: The durable, steel...
  12. sea_squirt

    A little disappointed...

    I hear ya.. ..just got both replacement numbers...wish I could just get a credit...even if it didnt count toward the total...would still rather take a chance on some more corals vs. fish...I talked with the owner of my local LFS and he has been very straight up with me--one of a few...he has...
  13. sea_squirt

    Destructive Damsels!!!

    I tried the plastic soda bottles several times... ...unfortunately for me they didnt work ...had to tear the whole tank down to get to them and in the process smooshed my anemone :mad: ...wasnt pretty...lesson learned...I still have one...he is smaller and doesnt seem to be as...
  14. sea_squirt

    A little disappointed...

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx It is also very well possible that the drip acclimating caused the ammonia in the shipping bag to become incredibly toxic by raising the ph. The stress that this could have caused coupled with the harassing of the damsels could've done 'er in. Is there any way to...
  15. sea_squirt

    A little disappointed...

    Thanks for the replies...I have a 92 gallon bow front corner....
  16. sea_squirt

    A little disappointed...

    This past week I received my first mail order for 2 fish, a few invertebrates, and a couple of the fish was DOA...everything was seemingly doing great...but my angel fish died on day 3 ....she was a bluefin pygmy angel...acclimated exactly the way the directions told me to...all...
  17. sea_squirt

    Saltwater in SC?

    woooo hoooo....close enough...
  18. sea_squirt


    nah...never even considered the printed ones....have black right now...thinking of trying the other side (blue) to see how it looks....just a pain in the butt to change...thanks for the pics...
  19. sea_squirt

    Anemone Question

    Ok......I rearranged the rocks My BT never left the rock he was hiding he is closer to the front....boy is he pissed.....I am assuming that if he is not happy, he will move wont he?? after I moved him he went to 1/4 his size and I believe he is pouting... Any suggestions??? All...
  20. sea_squirt


    I notice some tanks have backgrounds....i.e black or blue...some there a preference with reef tanks? Pro's or Con's??? Just curious to see what others have...