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  1. cda fish

    Feeding polyps etc

    very creative.. it amazes me the things we come up with for our tanks
  2. cda fish

    What on earth is this? (two ID's and one question)

    IMO you have aiptasia. I will however be watching to see what the other members have to say about your bubble.. always something to learn..good luck
  3. cda fish

    Lighting For A 55g

    Hi blue tang..I have a 55 gallon bow front tank.. started out with florcent light and two little strip lights.. after a night of reading posts and staring at my tank I new in my gut that someday I would get into a bigger tank.. therefore I put out the money and bought an aquapro HQI metal halide...
  4. cda fish


    I found the middle of my cup coral.. funny little critters..glad to know it happens to the best of us..
  5. cda fish


    so about a month ago I bought a beautiful candy cane coral.. it had a pretty little purple mushroom upon it.. last night I decided I would slice it off, cut it in half and start two new frags.. tightly place them around a rock with rubberband.. was so pleased with myself..this morning both frags...
  6. cda fish

    My Saltwater Headboard

    have brought husband into bedroom..wooohoo just to take a look at your pic..very nice husband is now looking at our headbord and asking me how much would that cost..
  7. cda fish

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    my pick would be 8 because we all know whats under that beautiful water.. more tank friends
  8. cda fish

    Zoas Zoas Zoas did i mention that there are Zoas?

    Thank you for sharing you pics they are truly beautiful..dont you just love this hobby
  9. cda fish

    New Update!!

    wow very nice looks like your doing a great job and you love your tank.. its kinda funny how we take pictures of our tank like its a brand new baby.. well I guess our tanks our babies.. good luck and keep us updated :joy:
  10. cda fish

    can you waste a day watching your tank???

    yep..just watching the tank is better than t.v. or anything else you know your crazy when your high point is night time you and your swetetie are cuddle up next to the tank with flashlights..wooohooo total romance.. oh by the way my favorite question hey mom whats for dinner.. my reply there is...
  11. cda fish

    to vaccum or not to vaccum?

    great information.. but what if you have a crushed coral bed.. do the same rules apply?
  12. cda fish

    any info on small feather dusters

    cant get pics..sorry.. dont think they are pods looked them up on web sites for pics.. why would I have maggots.. that would be totally yucky.. it does look like they have very tiny hairy things at one end.. thanks guys
  13. cda fish

    any info on small feather dusters

    Have found white maggot looking things inside my filters and behind power head.. one member suggested it might be small feather dusters.. what can I do with them.. if I put them in the sand would they grow a tube? if I leave alone are they beneficial or should they go.. :help:
  14. cda fish

    Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!

    I tried this method to try and catch a nasty damsel.. caught tang instead. place your net in the tank for a few days then place some food in the net, place the net towards power head so water flows thru the net tang swam in to eat.. I did this after a day of non feeding.. damsel required a...
  15. cda fish

    feather duster overload

    GREAT.. Im excited you can email me at thank you ..
  16. cda fish

    R.I.P. Mr.Flash

    Im sorry for your loss.. we have all had them and it is sad..
  17. cda fish

    Happy Halloween!

    your pics are beautiful..congratulations on owning some pretty babies.. happy halloween to you..
  18. cda fish

    Is your Tank COMPLETE?

    I sit and look lovingly at my tank then i think of something to ask in here and then I start lookin at all the beautiful pics of everyones tank and then my brain goes into over drive.. this is a very wonderful hobby one that just grows and spreads to others whom see our tanks ***)
  19. cda fish

    One Year Anniversary Photos!

    very nice you guys congrats .. dont you just love this hobby
  20. cda fish

    found yucky thing

    no but thank you so much.. they are really maggot looking.