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  1. marsciguy

    10 watts per gallon lighting questions

    LOL Sorry, Its Way WAY Past My Bed Time, MY Brain Is Kinda Wacky.
  2. marsciguy

    Check this LIVE ROCK

    It Looks Fairly Okay, But Does Not Have Too Much Life On It. At My LFS Live Rock Is Shipped In Then Cured For 6 Weeks, Has ALOT Of Coralline And Hitch Hikers. It Runs About $10 A Pound For Carib Rock Here. I Would Ask When They Got That Batch, How Long Do They Cure It? Do They Suppliment it...
  3. marsciguy

    MAJOR problem

    Yea, This Exact Thing Happened To Me Like A Year Back. Only It Was A 3 Stripe Damsel Tearing The Dottyback Up, I Just Moved It To A Nano Tank That Was Only LR. In The Past Ive Had Dottyback's Do Fine With Damsels. But I Would Imagine This Could Happen Due To Both Of The Species Being An...
  4. marsciguy

    Does this sound good for my 30 gallon

    Yea, Please Forgive Its 3am Here....
  5. marsciguy

    Explain where your user name originated

    Hmm, Mine Probably Is Confusing To Most. MarSciGuy - This Is Because I Had A Char Limit On Sign-up. Let Break It Down, Mar Sci Guy Marine Scientist Guy LOL Studied Marine Biology At Florida State University, Own An Aquarium Service Company Called "Aquatica Systems". I Have And Always...
  6. marsciguy

    Does this sound good for my 30 gallon

    No No, I Mean FireFish Fight Each Other Sometimes.
  7. marsciguy

    10 watts per gallon lighting questions

    Im Assuming It's 110 Gal, No You Should Be Fine. However, I Would Worry About The Lights Heating That Tank Up, You Did Not State If You Have Any Coolant Methods So Im Unsure If You Nailed This Issue Already. As Far As Too Much Light, Hang Or Mount That Light System About 14" Above The Water...
  8. marsciguy

    Does this sound good for my 30 gallon

    Yea, Dwarf Angels Need Space And Lots Of Rock Work To Roam, My Personal Experence Ive Never Seen Them Do 100% In Anything Lower Than 55G. Really I Would Have Got More Firefish, You Will Have A Hard Time Introducing New Ones. They Usually Tear Up On New Firefish (Not Always, Kinda Of A 50/50 Thing).
  9. marsciguy

    Help! Powerhead question

    Your Filter GPH Is Good, What I Would Do Is Have 1 PH(Maybe 2) Blow Across The Back Of Your Rock Work, 1 (or 2) Blow Across The Front Of The Rock Work And Have 1 400-600GPH (Give Or Take A 100/GPH) As Your Main Current. Of Course Everyone Has They 're Own Method Of Powerhead Configuration, This...
  10. marsciguy

    Help! Powerhead question

    Oh, I Want To Say That's Really Nice Aquascaping
  11. marsciguy

    Help! Powerhead question

    I Agree, Dead Spots Will Cause You More Trouble In The Future. What I Do Is Use MicroFlow PH's They Are About The Size Of A Silver Dollar. They Stay Well Hidden And Put Out About 150GPH, I Place Them So The Current Shifts In The Tank. Only Draw Back Is They Have To Be Unclogged Every Month Or...
  12. marsciguy

    WTB Coraline Algea

    I Would Just Goto A LFS And Get Small Fragment LR, Usually They Have Some Rock That Has Coralline. Also Scraping Does Not Always Work If At All. Trust Me, Its Easier To Just Get Rock Already Cured With Coralline, Then To Waste Money And Get Something That Has Very Low Odds Of Seeding.
  13. marsciguy

    How do i get rid of micro bubbles?

    Lol, Its A Program That Does It To My Text Automaticly I Dont Know How To Turn It Off......
  14. marsciguy

    How do i get rid of micro bubbles?

    No, They Wont Harm Your Fish, Unless You Have High Protein Ammounts In Which Case They Stick To The Inverts, Maybe A Fish.... But Not Serious Harm. It Depends On What Protein Skimmer You Have, Usually The Micro Bubbles Go 90% Away After The First Few days Of Setup. You Will Usually Have The...
  15. marsciguy

    purple-ish algae??

    Well Without A Pic I Could Not Say For 100% Sure, But I Would Say Its Coralline Algae (Very Good Stuff) Just Means The Tank Is Becoming Mature, Most People Keep It. Unless You Find It Revolting. But In My Opinion I Would Keep It, You Might Start Seeing Light-Purple, Pink And Green Of This...
  16. marsciguy

    anyone have a Green Mandarin?

    Dont Mean To Disrupt The Subject, Just Wanted To Put My 2 Cents In About Green Mandarin's, I Have a 75G With About 80P Of LR. Its About 3 Years Old With Some Coral ( Forgive Me, I add Very Slowly BC Im Not A Super Rich Person lol) I Have 2 Mandarin (Pair) Both Do Eat Frozen Mysis Shrimp That...