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  1. phoenixfla

    Why did my Snowflake die?

    Originally Posted by reefeel I didn't know it was possible for a snowflake to die. It probably wasn't the shrimp or squid. He may have had an internal infection from the day you got him or he may have eaten something he shouldn't have. Are all of your parameters good? The only thing I am worried...
  2. phoenixfla

    Why did my Snowflake die?

    I have had my snowflake for about 6 months. He was about 16" long and was thriving. I would feed him about every third day and I would alternate squid and shrimp, I had tried other things and these seem to be his favorite. I would feed him with tongs and he would swim up to the surface to...
  3. phoenixfla

    Florida Gulf Coast Coral Exchange Anyone????

    I am in Fort Myers area, but thats a little far to drive
  4. phoenixfla

    looking for LFS in So. FL

    Traveling down 75 or 95?
  5. phoenixfla

    Sun coral pics

    Generally I feed it Spirulina Brine and Cyclopese. I also feed it a blender mix of stuff from the seafood deli. I have had it for about 4 months. It has added several new polyps.
  6. phoenixfla

    Sun coral pics

    Here is mine!
  7. phoenixfla

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    Originally Posted by Stanlalee If you are trying to test the consistancy of salt batches from one bag to the next perhaps you should stick with testing one brand at a time and to mean anything you'd still probably have to test a lot and for a long time, like a year or more. I'm guessing there's...
  8. phoenixfla

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl Give me your address and I will send you my saltwater. Do you want it from the tank or freshly mixed and can I send more than one sample? (I ask because it seems a recent bag of IO salt is the problem with my tank, high ph of 8.6 and alk off the chart, I'm...
  9. phoenixfla

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    Originally Posted by Tanker555 sounds to me like your shooting for a free bucket of salt. What do you need about 40 "Participants"?? J/K count me in. hehe Shhhhhhh! :joy: :joy:
  10. phoenixfla

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    Thought I would have a better response than this.
  11. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Variation within the buckets, not really. Not enough to say it wasnt the test kit or my hands were slightly dirty etc...I could probably stop doing this at some point, but I like to be sure lol. I feel ya never know! Usually, I test the first batch or 2 of mix up...
  12. phoenixfla

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    There is a lot of controversy over salt mix consistencies from batch to batch, but very little evidence supporting the controversy. People have reported “killer mixes” where they received a batch which caused deaths in their tank after water changes. After a recent discussion on this board I...
  13. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Yes, now multiply that change by going through a bucket of salt...say 15 or so water changes in that suppose the alk is off a bit. THink about how a buffer system can break down quickly as calcium is continually lowered over the course of 10, 15, 20...
  14. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Got ya....that was just one report I had handy without searching for data on the web. There are many on the web that all show the same thing. I have seen them many times, and as well in several publications. Besides that fact, my own testing has shown differences...
  15. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 I'm not quite sure why you posted this? If you test your own salt, you will see that the results are a bit different for each batch. Fenner only was stating that the specific testing of that one product, ME, was faulty. The testing of that product was paid for by...
  16. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Years of seeing the test results that the manufacturers themselves post...for example, IO's product testing is below, feel free to research the rest on your own BTW, I believe the S-15 report came out in 1993.
  17. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Years of seeing the test results that the manufacturers themselves post...for example, IO's product testing is below, feel free to research the rest on your own Hope Bob Fenner does not mind if I steal from his website a little. Which salt? What are your...
  18. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 NO SALT is consitent at all, and can vary widely from batch to batch. What do you base this claim on?
  19. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    I will test my next batch of tropic marin pro reef next time I make up a batch and post the results.
  20. phoenixfla

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 Topic Marin *Pro Reef* salt would be what you're looking for if you wanted the higher Ca and Mg levels. I agree