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  1. just&ash

    got worms

    How many Bristle worms are to many ? In our 20 gal we have like 7-8 of them and they are really big ones. :notsure:
  2. just&ash

    I need a sand cleaner

    yeah i had 2 of the snails and they were doing great but once the whole tank was clean and they didnt have anything to eat they died. Is that normal.
  3. just&ash

    My first success.... well hopefully

    I think the wait is more like 2-3 days isnt it? Read the isntructions on the glue. You want it to be fully cured before you add water, so you dont leak toxins into your tank.
  4. just&ash

    Live Rock With Fake Rock?

    I guess what he's thinking is, you shouldn't have any fish in there untill the cycle is complete.
  5. just&ash

    Bubbles all over....

    Carefull, because if you do have those green bubbles, if you pop them, the spores will spread.
  6. just&ash

    Amphipods, copopods, isopods

    Originally Posted by FishRule Do they looke like these? Well, you may not know either, but I do have something like that. It's growing on a peice of liverock and I would like to know what it is.
  7. just&ash

    Lr in Reef

    How do you guys get the live rock to stay like that? (In the dome formation)
  8. just&ash


    yeah they are kinda beging to show up everywhere :scared:
  9. just&ash

    Attack of the Killer Blenny

    oh yeah, My Yellow tailed Damsel usually keeps to her self and when I got a lawnmower Blenny she attaked him I put the damsel in solitude for a day but then she stopped eating so I let the Damsel out and when she got out she started to look for the blenny an yeah so we put him in Justins 20 gal...
  10. just&ash

    Red Slime on sand !! What is it?

    what kind of fish do you have and how much do you feed them ?
  11. just&ash

    Warning to all new and not-new hobbiest. MUST READ

    that was really lucky.
  12. just&ash


    it is a mandrian no were wondering if the mandrian will eat them there ao picky.
  13. just&ash

    engineer Blenny

    Does anyone have areal good picture of what an Engineer Blenny looks like we are very curious to know. It is driving us mad. We cant find any good info or anyting it is like they dont exsit. :help: :mad: thanks Ashley and Justin
  14. just&ash


    Ok this may sound very dumb, but I have a bunch of spirorbid worms. Will my Goby eat them. :thinking: :help:
  15. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    Click here to watch video of tank.
  16. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    Originally Posted by Littlebuck Also you isnt a bubble coarl that is an anemone. As far as that Mandrin Goby if you dont have a well established tank he is gongi to starve. Since you dont have the pods for him to eat. I would look at getting some pods that way he will have something to eat...
  17. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    Ohh yeah, they will also eat BIO Plankton, tubefed. It's fun to do.
  18. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    I have two of those, although they are not even close to being as big. They will eat anything (except for what I dont want them to eat). They haven't ate any featherdusters, or coral. They will scavange all day long, and eat shrimp, and algea wafers, and seaweed sheets. I haven't had any...
  19. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    We supply them with store bought seaweed strips, and I grow live brine shrimp. In a seperate tank. Our Blenny is in love with the Goby, they hang out with each other all day. The Mandrin Goby is fun to watch eat, its mouth elongates and becomes translucent.
  20. just&ash

    Aquarium of the Pacific

    That is AMAZING... A sight to see, thank you for the pictures.